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.Holder of more than 200 patents in diverse fields, including optical character recognition technology, mail-sorting machinery, automatic regulators, and motors.See his Inventing for Fun and Profit (1990).Interviewed by Jeanne Nakamura (5/16/93).Age 83.Randone, Enrico.Male.b.12/21/10.Lawyer, insurance executive.Italian.Worked at the Assicurazioni Generali (1937-); president and chairman of the Board since 1979.See Il Leone di Trieste, by C.Lindner and G.Mazzuca (1990).Interviewed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (5/13/91).Age 80.Reed, John.Male.b.2/7/39.Banker, philanthropist.American.CEO, Citicorp.Member of the Board, Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; MIT; Spencer Foundation; Russell Sage Foundation; Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.Interviewed by Keith Sawyer (4/15/92).Age 53.Riesman, David.Male.b.9/22/09.Social scientist, lawyer, teacher.American.Recipient, Tocqueville Prize, French Academy (1980).Professor of Sociology, Harvard University.Author, The Lonely Crowd (in collaboration with Reuel Denney and Nathan Glazer, 1950); The Academic Revolution (with Christopher Jencks, 1968); The Perpetual Dream (with Gerald Grant, 1978); others.See his “Becoming an Academic Man” in Authors of Their Own Lives: Intellectual Autobiographies of Twenty American Sociologists, edited by Bennett M.Berger (1990, pp.22-74).Interviewed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (6/20/90).Age 80.Rubin, Vera.Female.b.7/23/28.Observational astronomer.American.Known for her work in determining that visible matter provides only a fraction of the overall mass of the universe.Member, National Academy of Sciences; Council of American Astronomical Society (1977-1980); editorial board of Science magazine (1979-).Recipient, National Medal of Science (1993).Past president, Committee on Galaxies, International Astronomical Union.Associate editor, Astronomical Journal (1972-1977); Astrophysical Journal of Letters (1977-1982).Author of more than 125 scientific papers published in specialist journals and books on the dynamics of galaxies.Interviewed by Carol A.Mockros (10/10/92).Age 64.Salk, Jonas.Male.b.10/28/14; d.6/23/95.Biologist, philosopher, author.American.Recipient, Congressional Gold Medal (1955); Presidential Medal of Freedom (1977).Developer of the first successful vaccine against poliomyelitis (1955).Author of many scientific papers.Author (philosophy), The Survival of the Wisest (1973); Anatomy of Reality (1983); others.See Breakthrough: The Saga of Jonas Salk, by Richard Carter (1965).Interviewed by Kevin Rathunde (5/1/91).Age 76.Sarton, May.Female.b.5/3/12; d.7/16/95.Writer.American (b.Belgium).Recipient, Golden Rose Award for poetry (1945); Levinson Prize for Poetry (1993).Author, Selected Poems of May Sarton (1978); Mrs.Stevens Hears the Mermaids Singing (1965); others.See her Plant Dreaming Deep (1967); Journal of a Solitude (1973); others.Interviewed by Jeanne Nakamura (4/25/94 and 4/26/94).Age 81.Schuler, Gunther.Male.b.11/22/25.Composer, conductor, author, educator.American.Teacher at Manhattan School of Music (1950-1963); head of composition department, Tanglewood; president, New England Conservatory of Music (1967-1977); founder of two music labels.Composer, Quartet for Four Double Basses (1947); Seven Studies on Themes of Paul Klee (1959); Spectra (1960); The Visitation (opera, 1966); Horn Concerto No.2 (1976); On Light Wings (piano quartet, 1984); A Bouquet for Collage for Clarinet, Flute, Violin, Cello, Piano, and Percussion (1988).Recipient, several honorary degrees; Creative Arts Award, Brandeis University (1960); Guggenheim grant (1962, 1963); Rodgers and Hammerstein Award (1971); Friedman Award (1988); Pulitzer Prize in music (1994).Author, Musings: The Musical Worlds of Gunther Schuller (1985); The Swing Era: The Development of Jazz, 1930-1945 (1989).Interviewed by Grant Rich (11/17/94).Age 68.Sebeok, Thomas.Male.b.11/9/20.Linguist, teacher.American (b.Hungary).Professor of linguistics, Indiana University.Recipient, Distinguished Service Award, American Anthropological Association (1984).President, Linguistic Society of America (1975); Semiotic Society of America (1984).Author, Perspectives in Zoosemiotics (1972); Structure and Texture: Selected Essays in Cheremis Verbal Art (1974); The Play of Musement (1981); others.Editor, Style in Language (1960); others.Interviewed by Keith Sawyer (8/28/92).Age 71.Shankar, Ravi.Male.b.4/7/20.Sitar player, composer.Indian.Director of All-India Radio’s instrumental ensemble (1949-1956); toured extensively around the world; founder of Kinnara School of Indian Music, Los Angeles.Recipient, honorary degrees from the University of California and Indira Kala Sangeet University; Indian National Academy of Music, Dance, and Drama (1962); National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (1966); UNICEF; the Presidential Padma Bhushan Award.Composer, two concertos for sitar and orchestra (1970, 1976).Several ballet and film scores.See Raga (full-length film on his life and music, 1972); My Life, My Times (autobiography, 1978); The Great Shankars: Uday, Ravi (1983).Interviewed by Grant Rich (5/2/94).Age 73.Smith, Bradley.Male.b.6/30/10 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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