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.“You have my word.”A somber nod was her only reply.Chapter 21"Suskins?" Melvin directed himself to their Green Park Road butler."Where's my brother?""I couldn't say, Mr.Steffington.Perhaps Miss Ann or Miss Elizabeth knows.I believe they were last with him."Disappointed, Melvin directed a nod at the butler, then raced up the stairs to the drawing room.His sisters enjoyed sitting about there reading and sewing and busying themselves at things that young ladies liked to do.He threw open the drawing room door to behold the quiet domestic sight of his pretty sisters embroidering and chattering away."Where's Elvin?" he asked.While both of his sisters met his gaze, neither of them spoke for a moment.Finally, Lizzy cleared her throat as if she were about to pronounce something of great import."Though Elvin did not confirm it, I believe he's taken Mrs.Pratt for a spin about Sydney Gardens."Good God, how could Elvin allow his innocent sisters to know about a woman like the infamous Mrs.Pratt?Eyeing her sister from beneath lowered brows, Annie gasped."You are not to speak of such ladies!"Beastly scandalous of his brother to flaunt his relationship with that sort of woman so openly.In fact, Melvin was seized by a desire to plow his fist into his brother's nose.How dare he take a woman like Mrs.Pratt to the very same place that he wanted to escort a paragon like Mrs.Bexley! And what if Elvin placed his greedy hand on Mrs.Pratt's so soon after contact with Mrs.Bexley's? It was unthinkable.No two women could be more opposite.Anger boiled within him.How could Elvin even think of a woman like Mrs.Pratt after being in Mrs.Bexley's company? Shameless, that's what it was.He had a very good mind not to allow Elvin to accompany him to Longford's.But he had given Mrs.Bexley his word.And Melvin had never gone back on his word in his seven and twenty years.Mumbling under his breath, he took leave of his sisters, hurried back down the stairs, and went to the mews to get his horse.Even though the walk to Sydney Gardens wasn't all that far, the gardens themselves covered many acres.He should be able to catch up with Elvin much faster if he were on horseback.Twenty minutes had passed by the time the groom had saddled his horse and Melvin had clopped along Pulteney Bridge which was heavily thronged with window shoppers.When he reached the gardens, he looked for his brother's phaeton, but he saw no sign of it.What if Lizzy only had the impression he was going to the park? What if Elvin were actually.well, Melvin was very happy Lizzy hadn't suspected her brother might be conducting so scandalous an assignation.And it wasn't even night!A pity Melvin had no inkling where the opera dancer lived.Appleton! No question could ever be posed about that sort of woman which Appleton could not answer.* * *Fortunately Appleton was home—availing himself of catching up on his now-yellowed newspapers from the Capital—and handily directed Melvin to Mrs.Pratt's establishment."Never known you to fancy a bit 'o crumpet," Appleton said as Melvin was taking his leave."I certainly don't." Melvin went off mumbling crossly again.As he rode to Churchill Street, Melvin was most anxious.He didn't like the idea of disturbing his brother if, indeed, Elvin were.ahem, dallying with Mrs.Pratt.What would he be able to say to the woman's servant to ensure his brother.forgo his crumpet?Appleton had told him he should be able to distinguish Mrs.Pratt's home from the others on the staid street by its scarlet draperies.His gaze on those very scarlet curtains, Melvin wondered what her neighbors thought about having such a.colorful woman residing next to them.As he knocked upon her door he wondered what manner of man would be employed by that manner of woman.Melvin supposed the chap who answered her door would be very large.A burly man, to be sure.The men who had answered the door at Mrs.Baddele's were always big fellows.But none were as large as Mrs.Pratt's man.A more sinister-looking fellow Melvin had never seen.His blondish hair was streaked with gray, and one of his front teeth was missing.Added to this, he must stand six-feet, six.A real giant with a deep voice."Yes?" Then the giant cocked his head and lowered his brows as his glance flicked to the stairs."How can ye be in two places in once?"The giant obviously mistook Melvin for the twin who was dallying upstairs."I have reason to believe my twin brother is here."The giant's eyes shifted.Obviously, his mistress had given orders that she and her visitor were not to be disturbed."I've come on an urgent matter and demand that you tell my brother I'm in grave need of his help."It was as if the giant were a marble statue.Not even his lashes moved a hair.He just stood there glaring at Melvin.Melvin drew in his breath and came striding into the house as if he were master here, hoping like the devil that the giant didn't knock him down.To his complete surprise, the servant stood aside and allowed Melvin to pass.Not that Melvin had a clue what he should do now.He, therefore, stood at the bottom of the wooden stairs and shouted at the top of his lungs."El-l-l-l-v-i-i-n!" He repeated it several times before he heard the distinct sound of a door slamming.This was followed by a thumping sound.Like a man's footsteps coming from above.He peered at the top of the stairs where his brother had planted his boots.Elvin looked most untidy as he glared down at his twin."This better be good."* * *Catherine was in a daze after Airy left.How incredible it seemed that Mr [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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