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.By the time you seal the sally port and let out the captain deserted, you’ll have changed the defenses.The Dark Lord won’t know if you've discovered his plans or if the captain really deserted.That way the captain won’t be exposed, either.”The duke turned to shake Saxthor’s hand.“You’ll never know how much I appreciate your discovering this, Prince Saxthor.You may have saved all Hador, even the whole peninsular.”“It was fortunate I came along when I did.It’s good to help a friend and ally.”Saxthor bowed; Jedrac returned it.They started for the door, when Saxthor stopped the duke with his hand on his arm and faced him.“Don’t harm the captain.He hates himself for what he’s had to do.He hates the Dark Lord more than any of us does.Forgive him and send him into the interior under a new name.Better yet, send him to Sengenwha to serve the king there.This will be a very loyal soldier in the battle if we pardon him now.”“You’re right about that, as well,” the duke said.“The captain has been an excellent soldier and loyal until all this happened.We can’t blame him for trying to save his family, but he should’ve told us.There’s a dukedom at stake here.”“What would you have done?” Saxthor asked.“If he had told you, could you have gotten his family back? Once it was known, they would’ve killed his wife and children.”“Yes, we’ll send him to Sengenwha,” the duke said.He started for the door again.“We must leave in the morning, Your Grace,” Saxthor said.“We have to go to Prertsten, and we’re late already.”The duke stopped and turned back to Saxthor.He took Saxthor’s hand in both of his and shook it firmly.“We understand.We thank you for your visit and your help.If ever we can be of service to you, you’ve but to let us know.” The duke took off his crest ring.“Take this ring.If ever you need us, send us this ring and let us know where and when.”Saxthor accepted the ring and returned to his apartment.When he arrived, he said good night to Tournak, who immediately fell back into a sound sleep.The next morning Saxthor and Tournak joined the duke in his quarters on the next floor up.There they had a lavish meal and more compliments and expressions of appreciation.Following breakfast, the duke personally saw the men off from the Hadorhof’s massive gate.“Thank you for your hospitality, Your Grace.”“Should you have any problems with anyone in the city, in all of Hador, just show them the ring,” the duke said.He waved still as they disappeared into the plaza traffic.“What’s the ring about?” Tournak asked.“I see you have another one.The dragon ring not enough power for you?”“The duke gave me the ring in appreciation for some help last night,” Saxthor replied.“Why do I always get half the story?”They made their way through the city to the wizard’s shop on Okken Street, where a mob surrounded Astorax, touching, feeling, and asking endless questions.Ever the opportunist, Persnella was selling the shop out to the walls.Hendrel was at the door to control the curious and looked over to see Tournak and Saxthor coming toward the shop.All the members of the old troupe now reunited, they greeted each other with hugs.Then Saxthor and Astorax looked at each other for a second, neither seeming to know what to say.Astorax didn’t care about conventions; he stepped forward and hugged the prince, as well.“You stood up for me in front of the duke, when other men have maligned me.You saved my life when you knew nothing about me.It says a lot for your faith in Hendrel.I think we three will be bound for life by the relationship formed in those moments in the audience hall.”Saxthor was speechless and could only return the hug.“He’s right, you know, you saved us from a terrible ordeal back there,” Hendrel said.“Have you had something to eat?” Persnella asked, blowing frazzled hair back from her face.“We still have some food on the table if you’re hungry.”“I thought you sold that, too,” Hendrel said and got a frown for it.“Yes, thank you.We ate at the Hadorhof,” Saxthor said, turning to the others.Persnella seemed to have warmed up to the invading flock of guests.“It’s time we got on the road.Tournak, did you get enough supplies, or do we need to buy something else for the journey?”“I think we have everything.I’ll go and check.Bodrin, you and Tonelia come help me pack.”“We thank you for your kind hospitality, madam,” Saxthor said to Persnella, who now seemed sad to see them leave.She dried a tear.“I find I like having all my husband’s crazy friends around.Just as I get used to you, you save his life and all run off.” After a quick, fragile smile, she looked Saxthor in the eye and added, “I can’t thank you enough for saving my Hendrel’s life.I’ll always be grateful to you for that.” She held his hand a moment, squeezed it, then turned back into the shop.The others prepared to move on.“Hendrel, perhaps you should stay here and mind your store,” Saxthor said.“Your wife has been too long without you, and it’s left her frightened, I think.”“She understands [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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