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.The spell also seemed to boost his effective level differently depending on the spell he desired to execute.Jolan had the odd suspicion there might be other side effects, but hadn’t been able to pin anything specific down.It was an incredibly powerful spell, allowing him temporary access to spells he couldn’t otherwise use, but he was uncomfortable using it since he didn’t understand all of the consequences of its use.Once again, it was there in emergencies, but he felt more time was needed to study this spell.One spell that seemed very interesting, and seemed to work all of the time was the Deadened Magic Zone.The region affected, the distance the caster could reach with the spell, and the duration of the effect depended on the mage’s level and his general strength, but both he and Luzoke had been able to cast the spell with no observed side effects.The parameters were interactive, so projecting the effect to a further target, meant the effect lasted a shorter period.Within the region where the spell was in effect, he’d been unable to initiate any other spells, even using the amplifier, which he’d been careful to reset for operations on Gaea when he’d arrived here.The final new spell was the Travel Box, which was clearly related to the Mage’s Box.It also became clear that while he could create the artifact, no one else seemed to be able to do so.As in the case of his Mage’s Box, this was a unique skill, and he was glad Oscar had transferred a bit of knowledge about the object, or he’d have had a devil of a time figuring it out.The box he could create was actually a pair of boxes, one that was without a lid and the other which could easily be shrunk down to a small cube about one inch on a side.The maximum size was closer to fifteen inches.The full-size box could be left at any location he chose, and the collapsible version carried with him.What was put into either box was available at either end, although the box somehow prevented access from both ends simultaneously.Thus, if he left the box with Asari, and Asari later put something inside, Jolan could open the box wherever he was and remove the item.It worked in reverse as well, which meant he could place a note inside requesting an item, which Asari could later place inside and he could retrieve it from a distance.It would be quite handy for traveling.Leave the one box behind, and most of the supplies could be added as needed by a friend back home.As near as he had been able to determine, the collapsed box could be tossed around without any impact on the contents, but the feature of the Mage’s Box which kept things in time suspension did not seem to work with this box.“Are you sure you can’t make any more of those amplifier devices?” Ronoron asked after delivering his message that they should start making the modifications to the portal room, and that Jolan’s portal mapping teams should head out.“I only have the one core, which Oscar found somewhere over a hundred years ago.Without risking damaging that, I can’t make another.Perhaps later something will turn up that explains how the device is made, but until then it is a unique device.”Jolan had been experimenting with the amplifier device over the past few days as well.While it mostly mattered what abilities it gave to him, he had been curious how it worked with others of different level and ability.The results were interesting, if not very enlightening.Oscar’s note had said the original device didn’t affect level, but this version, probably because he’d added the external “enabler”, did seem to support higher levels, but it varied with person and spells.In his own case he seemed to advance to a level six or seven, depending on the spell and what the staff did for him.It was going to take some time to fully map out the combined relationship there.Another level five mage he’d tried seemed pretty much limited to level six capabilities, although the maximum power draw of everyone was significantly increased.So was the range at which they could make their spells work.He didn’t have a level seven to test, but Vaen was curious about it, and the one spell she tried showed her at level eight performance.The device seemed to have far less effect for those at the lower power levels, although for some reason it worked really well with Ronoron, and hence his interest.For his entire life he had been restricted to being a low level three except for his unique talents, but with the device in hand, he had jumped all the way to level seven, pretty much across the board.He could suddenly execute spells he’d never had a chance with, and do so at levels that exceeded virtually everyone.Like the ring, Jolan could tell he’d hated to part with the device after testing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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