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.Asterio whimpered as he watched Mav’s cum run out of my ass.“Come feel me, Asterio.I’m here, I’m fine, and I’m not going anywhere.”“Good,” he growled before pouncing.Then he pounded me into the couch… Twice without even stopping for a break.Holy shit, were my men studs!When we were done, he carried me to our room for a shower while Mav kept trying to feed me.Yes, while I was in the shower.Then they made sure I hydrated and checked me for bruises and oh my god they were insane.But I drank up the attention and preened under their gazes.Someone cared.They cared enough to worry.It made me feel something I’d only felt a few times in my life.Hope.“Okay, so you’ve got to talk to the peeps going to Greece and then we’re doing the next episode of Planet Earth?” I asked when I realized they were going to fuss over me all day instead of getting anything else done.“But you were hurt, cub,” Mav said hesitantly, biting his lip.“Mav, I would have healed already even if the Queen hadn’t helped.But she did and I feel great.Maybe another sandwich or one of those leftover cupcakes and I’ll be golden.” They exchanged a look and I understood.“Besides, I’d like to hear all about Greece, too.I mean, we’ll go there to visit one day, right?”“Yes, you’ll love it,” Mav said with a sigh of relief.Yeah, I’d gotten it right.They didn’t want to leave me alone, but they also didn’t want to order me to come with them.Score one for me!“Then let’s go sell some fae on the idea of moving to Greece!” I practically raced out of the room.Otherwise they would have stood there all day fussing over me.Even though I agreed to come with them to the meeting, Asterio still looked hesitant about my leaving the room.Five minutes later we were in the ballroom as some of the fae let everyone know about Mav speaking.Ten minutes later, my mate was talking to a full room.I felt really bad for him.Everyone seemed to want Mav to promise that they were going to be happy in Greece.How could he do that and not lie? He didn’t know them or how they would like the culture.He could only give them the facts.But then it was also questions about this world versus their plane.Well, since Mav had never been to their plane, again, they were barking up the wrong tree.And some started to get upset when he kept answering, I don’t know.I understood they were scared, and they had questions, but they just weren’t the ones Mav could answer.I wasn’t sure anyone could since the Queen hadn’t spent much time here either.It was really taking a toll on Mav and then I started to get pissed.I stood up, put my fingers in my mouth, and gave an ear-piercing whistle.Even Mav froze and turned to look at me with shock written all over his face.“Look, guys, I get that you have questions but some can’t be answered.Mostly because you’re asking my mate to answer things based on your opinions and experiences,” I said loudly, making sure my voice carried.“He can’t answer how you’re going to like Greece when that would be your opinion and he doesn’t know you.Ask him facts or ask someone else and stop getting annoyed that he doesn’t have the answer.He’s not a genie!”A few people calmed down then and stopped letting the mob mentality fear turn them into idiots.Mav answered questions for about fifteen more minutes and then it was over.When we were alone, I waited for my mate’s wrath for stepping in.Instead, I got something else.“I love you,” Mav growled as he pulled me into his arms.I let out a surprised yelp because that was the last reaction I’d been ready for.“You are so smart, and sexy, and sweet, and I’ve never had someone jump in and defend me like that before.You totally brought the group back to reality all to protect me.”“I didn’t like the way some of them were talking to you.It was either smack them verbally or my wolf was going to start biting people in the ass.”Mav’s smile fell.“You heard what I said, right? That first part.”“Yeah,” I whispered, staring at his nose instead of his eyes.I couldn’t deal with what I might see there.“Saying thank you sounds lame, but I’m not sure what else to say.Can I ask that you give me a minute to process that? I’ve never had anyone say they loved me before, and I honestly don’t know how I feel about it.”“Do you know how you feel about me?”“Yes,” I answered instantly, taking the chance and meeting his gaze.“You’re my everything.You and Asterio are the two most important people in the world to me and my heart is yours.”“Then I can give you all the time you need,” he said in a husky voice.I knew what that meant and my hole quivered in anticipation [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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