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.Just as he thought of the mob, he looked at Meko and that’s when he said it.“Tomorrow when that pack come bro… it’ll be the birth of us; The Black Corleones.We may not be Italian mob niggas but we will be legendary in these streets,” Samir told Meko.“The Black Corleones?” Meko responded, confused.“Yeah my nigga, The Black Corleones.The name itself commands loyalty and respect and that’s exactly what we’re about.Nothing is going to be more important than respect, loyalty and this family.Not money, not bitches, not this game.This is who we are and if a nigga test this family they will find out what this name really means.”“Damn, I’m fucking with it bro.That shit is dope for real and you already know I’m the fucking enforcer, so if a nigga even think about crossing this family, I’ll make sure that nigga lay down for the long haul.You niggas is the only family I got and I don’t mind bodying niggas behind anyone of y’all.”“I know and that’s why I love you bro.”Just like that in Samir’s Chevy, riding down Washington Ave on their way to Washington park to meet up with the rest of their crew, Meko and Samir solidified their brotherly bond and with that confirmation, The Black Corleones were born.Chapter FourThe next morning, the sun snuck its way through Samir’s windows like a thief in the night.He opened his eyes when he heard his two-way going off with a menacing headache.He looked around his room not realizing he was home and what’s even worse is he didn’t know how he got there.The last thing he remembered was sitting on the hood of his Chevy on 76th and Stoney Island at White Castle, watching everybody stunt.He and his crew always hit up the unofficial block party of 76th and Stoney.Every dope boy, jack boy, hood nigga, square nigga, and mover and shaker hung out on Stoney.Every hood rat, bust down and all the pretty girls hung out there also, trying to get chose.It was a rite of passage for every Chicago kid in the hood.Even more puzzling was the girl lying in his bed next to him.He couldn’t remember her name or how she got with him in the first place.“Fuck, I gotta stop drinking,” Samir said to himself.“Say, shawty wake up.I gotta take you home before my mother wake up,” Samir nudged his evening companion just as he checked his two-way.Samir, this is Tim.You and two of your boys need to meet me in Atgeld Gardens at 1pm.You show up one second late and you can kiss this opportunity good bye.Samir read the message from his father’s right hand man and glanced over at his clock, which read 12:07 pm.He jumped up and quickly hopped in the shower.He forwarded the message to Cesar and Meko.Yo, you niggaz need to meet me here asap.Samir sent as an added message to ensure they would be there.He knew Tim meant business and this was all a part of his father’s test.He wanted to test Samir sense of urgency and the urgency of those closest to him.To Carlyle, the people that showed up to his trap spot with Samir would show him his judge of character.Samir understood that and he was determined to pass every one of his father’s tests.Carlyle knew Samir was determined to make money, but being in the game was more than just making money.There was a strategy like a game of chess and any wrong move would prove beneficial to your opponent and cost you the game all together.After his shower, he got dressed in a simple white tee, Air Force One’s, a pair of Giorgio Armani Jeans and his favorite New York Yankees fitted cap.The young lady that Samir fucked the night before was still lying in his bed as if he never told her to get up in the first place.That infuriated him.It was already 12:30 by the time he finished dressing and this bitch was still parlaying.“Say, shorty… get the fuck up and get your shit,” he snapped, as he pulled her up.“What the hell is your problem Samir? You weren’t acting like this last night when you were fucking me,” she responded“Am I fucking your right now or no? Because you talking about last night.I got shit to do now and I can’t have you in my momma house while she woke, so shut the fuck up and let’s go!”After his guest got dressed, Samir called her a cab.She was upset that he didn’t take her home and even more upset that he treated her like a hoe.Samir didn’t care about her feelings and he sure didn’t care if she had to stand outside and wait for a cab.He gave her $100 for her ride and headed to the Gardens so he could meet his father’s man.On the ride there he called to ensure that Ces and Meko were in route as well.Samir gave Ces the keys to his four-door Chevy so it shouldn’t have been an issue about them getting there.“Where are you, Joe?” Samir asked Meko.“We in route to the gardens, my nigga.We pulling up in like five minutes,” Meko replied.“Alright cool.I’ll be there around the same time.Tim wants us to meet him at apartment twelve thirty six.”“Okay.I got you.We’ll see you in five my nigga.”Altgeld Gardens was one of the only projects in the wild 100’s and Samir knew the area well.It was a part of his brothers set and it would eventually be his to run, but he never knew his father had a trap house in the hood he hung out in.When Samir pulled up, Tim was standing outside, talking to a couple of Sin’s corner boys.Samir checked his Rolex and the time read 12:52.He got out his car to greet Tim when he noticed his boys pulling up behind him.Their arrival lifted a weight off Samir’s shoulder, but now he had to prove that his choices where good enough for Tim to report back to his father.Everything needed to go perfect with this meeting.Samir knew his father would get a full report on how he handled himself, so he had to be on point.Once Samir greeted his boys, they walked over to greet Tim.“Yo, whats up Tim?” Samir said, as he stretched his hand out for a handshake.“Boy, I’ve known you all your life.You hug your uncle, young blood,” Tim responded, as he grabbed Samir’s hand and hugged him at the same time.“This is Meko and you already know Cesar.” Samir introduced Meko to Tim.“What’s up, young bloods? Are y’all ready to get to business?”“As ready as we will ever be, sir.” Meko respectfully responded.“Okay, let’s go inside and go over the particulars.”Tim led the young boys inside the house.Samir had never actually been inside of one of his father’s dope houses, so he wasn’t sure what he would see.Once they got inside, Samir scanned the room and recognized a few of the faces [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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