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.“In that case, my friend’s niece, shall we go in?” He stood and offered his hand.When she tried to ignore it, he reached out, capturing hers in his.“We’re playing nice now, remember? It’s an emotional day and in any other circumstances you wouldn’t avoid simple comfort from anyone.”“Brett.” Andie was clearly fighting to remain indifferent.“If I were Flynn, you would think nothing of this.I’ve noticed how much you touch people.I’m sure Sadie has too.”“Fine,” Andie hissed, tension radiating from her.“It doesn’t matter anyway.You don’t matter.Not anymore.”Brett knew she was saying it for her benefit as much as his but had to force himself not to react.It was torture, knowing his carelessness had caused the changes she was trying to make to herself.He could tell she was working to tone down her open nature.She wouldn’t let herself trust enough to reach out to anyone the way she used to.As soon as they were inside, Andie immediately went to Sadie and apologized.Sadie hated to see the effort it took Andie to keep her emotions under control.For the moment, no one would question her distress, given the nature of the gathering.She would have find a way to give Andie subtle encouragement and support without her realizing it.Poor child.She was so determined to deny what she felt for the idiot boy.It was unforgivable that he’d hurt her precious girl but he did understand the mistake he’d made.At last, he had stopped fighting his feelings.He and Andie would have a good life together if they managed to get past this.Fool! Sadie noticed how Brett followed Andie as she circulated with the other guests.She was never out of his sight even though he kept his distance.Sadie knew Andie was aware of him too, though she pretended not to be.“Please say you’ll come soon?” Kiley pleaded to begin her lessons.Andie was avoiding her because of Brett but she was determined not to take no for an answer this time.“Come stay with us next weekend.You look a little tired.I promise that nothing other than your patience at the piano will be required the entire visit.I know Charlie is anxious too.She’ll tell you that herself as soon as they get here.I’m sure Lyss would bring her to us if you’re worried about going to their house.And don’t you worry about anything else either.Jordan can be very protective.”Andie appeared to want to refuse and run but knew the disappointment it would cause.Kiley knew she would hate to discourage either one of them so she wasn’t surprised when Andie accepted.“I know it’s silly but I really would be grateful if you could arrange for Charlie to join us.I don’t know what you were told but I don’t think I want to get even that close yet.”“You’re not at all silly.” Kiley hugged her impulsively.“Did you listen to Jordan’s show Tuesday night?”“Only the beginning.I’m afraid I fell asleep long before the end,” Andie claimed.“Oh.” Kiley frowned.“Well Brett was the last caller.He acted like he and Jordan didn’t know each other and talked about some of the trouble he was having in his life.Jordan explained later that Brett needed to do that since he didn’t know how else to approach him or Shane.”Andie paled and let Kiley steer her to the end of the hall where they had slightly more privacy.“Brett said losing Max made him think about what he was doing with his life.He spoke about all of us.At the end, he said there was a woman he’d hurt terribly and how much he regretted it.He never called you by name during the show but I knew it was you even before he talked to us later.” Andie nodded as the tears slid down her face.“When Jordan went to speak with him, I’m sure he heard more about what happened but he won’t repeat private things he and Brett discuss, not even to me.I do believe Brett loves you.You used to have feelings for him.Can’t you find a way to put whatever he did behind you?”“No.” Andie sobbed.Kiley wrapped her arms around Andie and held her.She saw Jordan and Brett in the doorway watching them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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