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.""I think the least said about that matter the better," Rowena replied with an attempt at dignity."We both said things we regret – ""I didn't.I regret nothing that I said or did.""Then – " she checked herself."Surely, Miss Thornhill, you're not going to tell me that I'm not a gentleman?" There was no mistaking the irony in his voice."I thought we'd settled that.""No, we've settled that you're a Duke," Rowena said."A gentleman is quite another matter.""Oh, well done, Miss Thornhill.Touché! I laid myself wide open for that, didn't I?"Rowena took a deep breath.This man's self confidence was insufferable.Was there nothing she could say to disconcert him?"Yes, I think you did," she replied."I have no reason to think well of you, and I see no point in continuing this conversation.""I see every point.Chiefly the fact that if we end it too soon, your father will be deeply disappointed.So, for that matter, will the Prince.""It can be of no possible interest to the Prince.""Come, don't be naïve.The Prince is always loyal to his friends.He vowed to introduce me to a great heiress.""Indeed!" she replied in a freezing voice."I told him that I had no interest in heiresses, and that he shouldn't trouble himself, but when he gets an idea in his head there's no stopping him.This is the result.""And no doubt the Prince is expecting an interesting announcement," Rowena said bitterly."As is my father.Well, Duke, I suggest we return now and tell them plainly to put the idea out of their minds, as we dislike each other too much to contemplate it.""But do we dislike each other?" he mused."Yes," she said firmly."We do.We shall also add that we would be quite happy never to see each other again.""I don't think that would be wise.""I don't care if it's wise or not.It is what I wish to do.""It would earn the Prince's displeasure and your social ruin.""At this precise moment my social ruin is the last thing that concerns me.In fact it would be preferable to the kind of unpleasant experiences my father subjects me to in the name of his ambition.""You are very frank, madam.Most ladies, let me tell you, do not find my attentions an unpleasant experience.""I am sure of it.You have already boasted how anxious they all were to trap you into marriage.You even accused me of having designs on you.""Did I really say that?""You know quite well that you did.""Well, I didn't mean to sound such a coxcomb.It was rude and I apologise.""I accept your apology, but it does not have the effect of making me regard you as a possible husband.""Now I shall have to risk being rude again and point out that it is normal for a woman to wait until a man has made an offer before rejecting him.It's a small point, but I thought it as well to mention it."In the darkness she blushed with mortification."Oh, how glad you must be that I gave you the chance to say that!" she smouldered."Well, you must admit that until then I was getting the worst of it," he observed mildly."You know very well what I meant.You'd said the Prince as good as told you to propose to me – ""No, he didn't go quite as far as that," he said soothingly."He knows how difficult I am to please."There was a sulphurous silence before Rowena said,"I suppose I know how to understand that.""I am quite sure you do.One thing I did find admirable about you was the sharpness of your wits.""Even though you considered that I didn't know how to behave like a lady?" she snapped."You must own to having been a little incautious.""Splendid.Then all you need do is tell the Prince that my shocking behaviour makes me quite beneath you.""Ah, but your shocking behaviour need not be a problem to me.All I have to do is lock you in a high tower as soon as we're married, and make sure that the world never sees you again, thus leaving me free to live on your money.""I beg your pardon!" she said scarcely able to believe her ears."After all, where would I find such another heiress? Your father's fortune has to be considered before I make any rash decisions.""You – ?"Incensed, Rowena turned on him, but then she saw the gleam of humour in his eyes.It transformed his normally stern face."You are making fun of me," she breathed."You goose, of course I am [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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