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.He hit the bars with the palms of his feral hands.“Looks like we might have a mated pair.” One of the guards poked Peder in the gut hard with a long staff.“Which one is she, hunter?”Jerking from the sharp thrust, Peder struggled to breathe.Every instinct in his body cried to break through the cage and eat the vampire’s face.It was dangerous to remain in feral form for so long.Shifters had to change to civil form often or their feral side would seek to take over.Then again, some shifters were just born feral like Sorin’s father.The somber thought cooled his fury better than a bucket of cold water.He shook his head and said, “Not mated.” Not yet.The other male shifters stirred around him, bumping shoulders and snarling at the cramped space.“Listen up.” Timothy stalked around the cage, assessing them through the bars.“You will exit one at a time and be accompanied into the compound.The first one to fight dies.” He pointed to archers standing on the walls above them, arrows drawn and ready.Peder didn’t care about escaping.He wanted inside the compound to check on Kele.No screams carried through the doorway, which gave him a small measure of hope.Shoving past the males, he made it to the door first.Timothy eyed him.“Not you.To the back.You’ll be the last one out.”He blinked.“Why?” Oh yeah, he had tried to attack Timothy moments ago.Why couldn’t he take his own advice and stay unnoticed? What was wrong with him? “I’ll be good.I promise.” He ducked his head and pinned his gaze to Timothy’s boots.He snorted.“That act won’t work with me, hunter.To the back or I’ll have them dart you again.”A growl rolled in Peder’s chest and his claws extended.By his hairy ass, he couldn’t seem to shut up.Twisting around, he went to the back of the cage and tossed himself down next to Nahuel.“Very smooth.I like your idea of being quiet and meek.” He chuckled and elbowed his side.Peder gave a resigned laugh.“I’m very good at giving advice.Apparently, I’m terrible at following it.” He folded his knees against his chest and rested his head against them.“I just want to make sure she’s okay, that’s all.It’s got nothing to do with dominance.”“You love her.” Nahuel watched the vampires transport the other males out of the cage one at a time.He didn’t seem in any hurry to move.Peder eyed him and took in his scent.He smelled of fear more than anger.The last thing he needed was to get involved in a fight within the crowded cage over Kele.Not to mention, he kind of liked the hunter.“Yes.” He whispered it so the guards wouldn’t hear.“But keep that to yourself.They’ll use it against me if they find out.”He snorted.“I’m pretty sure they figured it out already.”Leaning his head against his knees, he sighed.“I’m usually not this stupid.” Like Susan would say, he had to get his shit together.“Most males are when it comes to females.” His gaze moved from the bloodsuckers to Peder.“How did they catch you? I don’t smell any other Apisi with us.”“They got me in the mountain pass.I was by myself.” He met Nahuel’s stare, something he wouldn’t have tried months ago.“I was on my way to challenge you.”The hunter’s lips curled on his muzzle, exposing his canines.“I would have cleaned the ring with you.”Peder ears came forward and waggled in amusement.“I know.”“Ha!” He smacked Peder’s thigh.“I’ve no intention to stand in your way, Peder, not after watching her moon over you.She’s yours.”“I wish it were that easy.” He didn’t really know Kele.They’d spent a few days together, with him as her captive, then exchanged some letters.It was enough to feel like they’d made a connection.She definitely didn’t seem the type of female who would let males make decisions for her.He suspected if she’d heard their conversation, there would be new bite marks on both their hides.Nahuel got to his knees and crept toward the open cage door where a vampire waited for him.He didn’t struggle as they led him into the compound.“Your turn, lover boy.” Timothy came for him.Peder swallowed the lump in his throat.Timothy didn’t smell like vampire, yet his aura sent out waves of powerful energy.Whatever he was, the vampires seemed comfortable working for him.From Peder’s limited experience, he thought that was unusual.Creeping forward, he gently maneuvered his way out of the cage without falling flat on his face.Timothy nodded toward the doorway and followed his progress.Inside, everyone had been lined up and most had been relieved of their chains.A vampire was working on releasing Nahuel from his restraints [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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