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.’Clare stared at him in amazement.‘Do you mean the big house was deliberately burnt down?’‘Oh yes.During the Troubles.Lots of the big houses were torched, but as Hector was well-liked and had Catholics as well as Protestants on his staff, someone tipped the wink to a parlourmaid and the family got out with their valuables.and their lives.Not everyone was so lucky,’ he added, as he got out and went round to open the boot of the car.‘Andrew, there’s someone watching you,’ Clare whispered as she came to join him, her hand poised for the nearest suitcase.‘Is that Uncle Hector?’ she asked, as Andrew glanced towards the small, dark figure who’d strode out of the pillared entrance and was now standing firmly to attention at the top of the wide stone steps.Andrew looked up, smiled and raised a hand in greeting.‘That’s Russell, Hector’s butler,’ he replied.‘He’s getting on a bit too.Don’t touch the cases.If he’s come out, he’ll send a boy,’ he said quietly.‘Just take your handbag.’‘Russell, how splendid to see you.Keeping well, I hope,’ said Andrew as they climbed the steps to meet him.‘This is my wife, Clare.’‘You are welcome to Killydrennan, ma’am,’ said Russell with a deep bow.‘My Lord sends his apologies that he is not here to greet you.He had an early morning engagement and is taking a short rest before dinner.I have ordered tea to be served in Lady Rothwell’s sitting-room.I shall lead the way.’Clare murmured her thanks and noted that a young man had descended upon the car and was now disappearing round the back of the house loaded with suitcases and grips.She had never in her life travelled with more than one suitcase, but then she’d never in her life been greeted by a butler and addressed as ma’am.Russell marched them briskly through the entrance hall.The sunlight poured down from a domed cupola high above, the walls were hung with spears and guns, the gleaming marble floor spread with richly coloured rugs.He strode ahead, swept open the door to the sitting room and stood holding it in place until they caught up.A log fire blazed in the hearth.On a low table between two pink and gold armchairs an array of gleaming silver covers suggested there were scones and cake to welcome family guests.‘Should you require anything, sir, the bell is to the right of the fireplace.Dinner is at eight o’clock and the dressing bell is at seven thirty.’With a small bow, Russell disappeared, leaving Clare amazed and delighted as she gazed round a room entirely decorated in toning shades of deep pink offset by the gold of mouldings and massive, carved picture frames.It was filled with paintings and objets d’art that would leave Harry green with envy and longing to acquire them for the gallery.As they walked together towards the welcoming fire she saw their reflection in the huge gold overmantel.It was a moment she was sure she would never forget.Despite the picnic lunch they’d enjoyed under a tree in a quiet side road overlooking one of the many small loughs not even named on Clare’s map, they were grateful for the generous spread.Andrew appeared to be ravenous, ate appreciatively and then jumped to his feet, his long legs stiff from the drive.Clare found herself watching him as he stood in front of the fire, teacup in hand, now appearing very much at ease.‘You look as if you owned the place,’ she said, half serious, half teasing him.‘The next Lord Rothwell, you mean?’ he said soberly, as he put his cup down, picked up the teapot and poured more tea for both of them.‘Where did the name Rothwell come from?’ she asked.‘I know Hector is a Richardson but I’m puzzled as to how Lords get their labels.Do they choose them? Oh, I know they get handed down, but somewhere in the mists of time there must have been a first Richardson who became Lord Rothwell.How did he get the Rothwell?’‘Yes, there was a first one.A Richardson from Yorkshire, that is.As far as we know, he came over with Cromwell, was given land in payment for services rendered, then made a lot of money.I don’t know exactly how he did it, investing in merchant venturing, I suspect, but it takes a lot of money to get a Lordship.Clearly, he managed it.Rothwell is a village in North Yorkshire [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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