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.She lifted her hands and circled them behind his neck briefly before stretching her arms wide around his back and hugging him closer to her.Bray softly moaned his approval and, in response, dropped his hand from her nape to hug her to him as well.His lips left hers and he kissed his way down her chin, over her jawline.He swept his tongue down the length of her neck to the base of her throat, where the ribbon of her bonnet lay.With his teeth, he grabbed the ribbon, and in three quick tugs, the pieces of satin were fluttering away from her skin.He planted a moist kiss in the hollow of her throat before finding her lips once more to share in a deep, satisfying kiss that had him aching to lay her back and rest his body on top of hers.The ribbing of the parasol dug into the top of his head, but Bray paid it no mind.His hand slipped back up behind her neck, then down her shoulder, under her arm, on her breast.He slowly applied pressure to the soft mound, letting his palm stroke and massage her.He felt her tremble, and her reaction caused his lower body to swell beneath his trousers.Her lips parted again.Bray knew it was madness to continue kissing, fueling the passion that was growing hot and demanding between them, but he didn’t want to stop.His lips roved hungrily, greedily over hers, and she matched his fervor with such excitement, it heated him all the more.It pleased him to hear her swallow small gasps of pleasure as his tongue explored the warmth inside her mouth.She was feeling what he felt, and it elated him.He loved the way her lips moved with his, the way she tentatively searched his mouth with her tongue, but somewhere in the back of his mind, Bray knew it was time to withdraw.He’d always had a sixth sense about when to step back, and he needed to stop right now.Reluctantly, he let her go and leaned away from Louisa.Calming his labored breathing, he inhaled deeply and smoothed down his hair with his palm.He lifted the parasol and returned it to her.He picked up his hat and gave a quick look around as he settled it back on his head.He adjusted his coat and trousers while she retied the ribbons under her chin.No words were necessary while they gained control of their feelings.Moments later, an elderly couple walking arm in arm came from around the other side of the shrubs and wandered past them.Bray tipped his hat and they nodded.“That was too close for comfort, Your Grace,” she whispered.Privately, Bray agreed, but he didn’t want to alarm her.“I heard their footsteps and knew they were close.”“Do you still think I am Miss Prim and Proper, now that I let you kiss me under the umbrella?”“Yes,” he said truthfully.“I have no doubt that it would take more than a few kisses and caresses to change you.” He looked over to where Miss Gwen and Mr.Standish were seated.“They are rising,” he said.“Already?” Miss Prim asked, and rose to her knees.She looked around him.“I’m surprised.They haven’t been here very long.”“They’re not taking the basket with them, so they’re not leaving.They’re just going for a stroll.”“Do you think Mr.Standish kissed her while we were—?”“Kissing?” he finished for her.“Yes.”“If he did, it was a short kiss and not at all like what we just shared, so do not worry.She has not had time to be ruined, and neither have you.”“Perhaps we should take a stroll, too.”“I do feel the need to cool off,” Bray mumbled under his breath.He got to his feet and then helped her to stand, and they started walking in the direction that Miss Gwen and Mr.Standish had headed.They remained silent for a time.Bray assumed that, like him, Miss Prim was thinking back over their passionate embrace.“My goodness,” she said, breaking the silence for the first time.“Look at all the carriages on that pathway in front of us.I’ve never seen so many bunched up together like that.Why is it so crowded?”“Rotten Row is usually well traveled this time of the afternoon.”“Oh,” she whispered, and stopped.Bray halted, too, and looked over at her.She stood transfixed to the spot and stared at the road as if seeing something for the very first time.He couldn’t imagine what had mesmerized her so suddenly.She didn’t face him, but he could see that her eyes started glistening.His stomach knotted.His chest tightened.His gaze scanned the area, looking for whatever had caused her to stop.He noticed that her shoulders shook for a few seconds, but she made no sound as she stared straight ahead.Was she silently crying?“Louisa, what is it?” he asked, wanting to touch her but knowing that there were too many people too close to them to risk it.“Rotten Row,” she whispered softly.“That’s where my brother died, isn’t it?”Oh, hell!Chapter 20… when he shall die,Take him and cut him out in little stars,And he will make the face of heaven so fineThat all the world will be in love with nightAnd pay no worship to the garish sun.—Romeo and Juliet, act 3, scene 2An unexpected shiver shook Louisa.Tears clouded her vision, and her breathing slowed and became so shallow that she felt light-headed.“I’m sorry,” the duke whispered.“I should have remembered.”“No, it’s all right,” she assured him, unable to keep the quiver out of her voice and hating the overwhelming sorrow that had engulfed her.“No reason for you to remember,” she said, trying to deny the pain she was feeling.“It’s been over two years.I’m sure you’ve been to the park many times since that night.”“But it’s the first time you’ve been here.I should have been more intuitive and considerate.”Louisa kept looking at the line of carriages and riders moving along the path, and willed the tears in her eyes to dissipate before rolling down her cheeks.She wanted to cry so badly, her throat ached and her chest heaved, she was determined not to show any outward emotion.She didn’t want to look at His Grace [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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