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.assist you,’ it grated.The gun was centred on the small of Mavic Chen’s hack.Oblivious to this, Chen gestured for the Doctor to proceed.Reluctantly, the Doctor advanced towards the door, which slid open to receive them as they all trooped in.So this was the real operations room! The Doctor’s quick glance took in the computer banks lining all the walls, and the three levels of catwalks running about the room.The far wall in its entirety was taken up with a map of the local cluster of Galaxies.The Earth’s was pulsing with a sickly green glow, designating it the target of this first attack.Closer to them, the Black Dalek stood, waiting.In front of the Black Dalek was the Time Destructor.It had been disconnected from its external power source, and had been set into operation.There was a faint hum coming from the device, and slow pulses of light throbbed throughout the barrel of it The vital Taranium core was inserted into it, and the Taranium itself was now powering the device.Though it was not activated, the Doctor could feel the strong forces that it could manipulate, as though they were tightening about him.It was weapon of almost incalculable power.And it was in the control of the Daleks!Mavic Chen sensed none of this.The glance he gave to the Time Destructor was one filled with the lust for power, not of horror for its dimension-racking abilities.Ignoring the device.he then strode to the Black Dalek ‘Once again,’ he declared, ‘I –Mavic Chen – Guardian of the Solar System, have helped the Daleks in their plans of conquest.’The Black Dalek didn’t even look at him.Its gaze was firmly centred on the Doctor.They had met only once before, though the Doctor had been in disguise then, when he stole the core.‘Our Alliance has ended,’ the Dalek Supreme informed Mavic Chen coldly.‘Fools!’ the Guardian called.‘I have saved you again and again from the results of your own incompetence! I – Mavic Chen – will decide when our Alliance will end.’Steven looked at Chen in horror.‘He’s insane.He’s totally insane.’‘They’ll kill him,’ whispered Sara,The Doctor quite agreed – but why were the Daleks waiting so long? A suspicion began to creep into his mind.‘Both of you,’he said softly.‘Move with me.Slowly, towards the Time Destructor.’Mavic Chen had finally gone over the edge.His mind, consumed for years with his own brilliance and Machiavellian grandeur, had consumed itself in its own fires.He had lost all contact with reality, certain of his own ultimate triumph and immortality.It was only right that he should be in command here, and that the Daleks should be his allies – no, his servants!‘You – Dalek Supreme,’ he ordered.‘Tell the Daleks that they are to take their instructions now from me.’The Black Dalek simply looked at him, and the others took its lead.To anyone else.being surrounded by Daleks all staring at him would have been unnerving.To Mavic Chen, however, the reverse was the case.He simply assumed that the Daleks were paying attention to him because they were his servants.‘Good,’ he purred.‘I am pleased to see such rapt attention.It had always been my intention to take command of your invasion forces with my own troops.Now.they will not be needed.They are all waiting in the Solar System for the Dalek fleet to pass them by.when they would then strike at Kembel and aid me.Now, however, you can simply destroy them, along with that over ambitious assistant of mine, Karlton.I, personally, shall take command of the invasion of the Solar System! The Universe will be mine!’Steven, Sara and the Doctor edged closer inch by inch to the Time Destructor.while the Daleks’ attention was centred on Mavic Chen.Chen, still blind to his true status, continued with his commands.Turning to the closest Dalek, he ordered: ‘You –bring me the invasion reports.’ He turned to a second, and then suddenly realized that the first one had not moved.Turning back to face it.he snapped: ‘It is essential that I know which stage the operation is in at present.Move!’ The Dalek continued simply to look at him.Furious now, Chen spun round and pointed an accusing finger at the Black Dalek.‘You failed to pass on my orders!’ he yelled.‘ Why? ’ Again, there was no reply, simply the wordless, unblinking stare.Chen drew his blaster and pointed it at the Dalek Supreme.‘Failure to obey brings only one reward!’ He opened fire [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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