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.Often he had functions and meetings that kept him out at night.Not giving her the specifics of his day kept her off balance, just the way he liked it.Sometimes he was gone for two or three days, leaving her to the routine he’d established but making sure she lived with uncertainty.Removing every vestige of choice was important in establishing command.It was so much easier to maintain control that way.He had taken every bit of power away, leaving Natalie completely at his mercy.His cock swelled just thinking about it.When she was hired to help his executive assistant, he’d spotted her at once as prime submissive material.She was thrilled when he asked her to dinner, even more so the first time he took her home.Her reaction to the activities in the bedroom confirmed his feelings, that she had been involved in BDSM before.Perhaps nothing as extreme as what Brian practiced, but at least he hadn’t had to start from scratch.In the beginning, he’d allowed her to keep her position at the office but once he actually moved her into his house, she’d worked from there.If Jocelyn, his executive assistant, had any questions about that, she didn’t voice them.And then, so imperceptibly Natalie barely noticed, he’d shut the door on her friends and acquaintances.He didn’t want any outside influences, neither personal nor business.She was his.Every minute of her life belonged to him.She had been with him six months now and her training had come along nicely.No one questioned her isolation.When she accompanied him to certain events, no one commented on her docile attitude or her complete deference to him.He dressed her appropriately, schooled her on proper behavior and displayed her like a prized possession.He thought secretly other men envied him; men whose women spoke in shrill voices, wore too much makeup, behaved unacceptably.Questioned their authority.Whatever the reaction might be when he and Natalie were out in public, who would doubt the motives of the great Brian Willoughby? He believed most of her friends thought her damn lucky that she was in a relationship with him.Living in his house.Enjoying all the advantages he provided.They didn’t need to know the particulars of the situation.“You may look at me now, sub.”She lifted her gaze and in her eyes, he saw intense relief that he had actually come home.That she hadn’t been forced to spend another day alone in the room, watching only the television shows he permitted, reading the books he left for her, taking her meals in solitude.She was never allowed in other parts of the house when he wasn’t home.“I decided not to leave you alone again tonight.”Her mouth curved in a familiar tiny smile.“Thank you, Master.”Brian took a moment to let his eyes rove over every inch of her body.Her skin was smooth, almost the color of alabaster.High breasts were firm and tipped with large almond-colored nipples.Her legs were long and slim and she always moved with the grace of a dancer.Sometimes he just sat and had her walk around the room naked so he could watch the movement of her body.He insisted she wear her hair down all the time.It fell just below her shoulders, a rippling mantle of sable-colored silk that moved fluidly whenever she turned her head.Once a month he took her to a high-end salon where a stylist trimmed and fluffed and conditioned.At the same salon, she got manicures and pedicures and complete waxing, including her eyebrows.It was important to Brian that Natalie’s body be well cared for so it was always pleasing to his eyes.He admired her now the way he would a statue, the lust in him brewing at the satisfaction of owning such a slice of perfection.His cock was giving him fits and already in his mind, he was devising ways to torment her tonight to give himself the maximum amount of gratification.He undressed, hanging his suit in her closet and discarding everything else in a clothes hamper.Opening a drawer, he pulled out a pair of sweatpants and tugged them on, the waist resting low on his hips.He turned to find Natalie watching him intently, poised on the edge of her chair as she waited for his commands.“Come closer, sub,” he directed, standing with his feet apart and his arms folded across his chest.“Do it the way I like you to.”She slid from the chair onto her knees, placed her hands behind her back and crawled to him.He had spent some time training her to move that way without toppling to the side or falling forward [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]