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.My auntie’s boyfriend, Leon, was as crooked as they came; all I had to do was show him the money.He even agreed to provide the jailhouse hit man.The entire thing took less than five minutes, and I got the call when Boss was pronounced dead.I played his life like a chess game; he thought he was controlling the board, but he wasn’t really in control of shit.Boss fell just like any other nigga made of flesh and blood – and so did his bitch.Aboutpanpan> The AuthorCYNTHIA WHITE is the Essence Bestselling Author of Queen and Always A Queen.She's been writing ever since she learned how to hold a pencil - and she wrote her debut novel, Queen, in one week.Cynthia was born and raised in St.Louis.Her father, whom she never met, was African-American, and her mother is half-Irish and half-Indian.Having grown up in a tough neighborhood, she saw many things that no little girl should have to see.Going through the motions for a long time trying to figure out her place in life, Cynthia wasn't sure what God put her on Earth to do.It wasn't until her senior year of high school, when a teacher encouraged her, that she even considered writing as a career [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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