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.Sketching a line leading from the girl to each tiger, Isighed.It was hard to sort out your feelings on paper if you hadn’t really sorted them out in your head yet.Ren didn’t return the rest of the day, and Kishan napped all afternoon.I walked past him noisily several times, but he kept on sleeping.I muttered, “So much for my big protector.I could walk off into the jungle and he’d never know it.”The big black tiger huffed slightly, probably trying to tell me that he knew what was going on, even if hewas napping.I ended up reading quietly the rest of the afternoon, missing Ren.Even when he was a tiger, I felt like healways listened to me and that he would talk with me if he could.After dinner, I patted Kishan on the head and retreated to my tent to get some sleep.As I cushioned my head on my arms, I couldn’t help but notice the big empty hole next to me where Ren always slept.The next four days continued in the same pattern.Kishan stayed nearby, left on patrol a couple of times a day, and then returned to sit by me during lunch.After lunch, he changed to a man and allowed me to pester him with questions about palace life and the culture of his people.On the morning of the fifth day, the routine changed.Kishan changed to a man right after I emerged fromthe tent.“Kelsey, I’m worried about Dhiren.He’s been gone a long time, and I haven’t caught his scent on patrol.I suspect that he’s had no luck on his hunt.He hasn’t hunted for himself since he was captured, which I’m guessing was about two hundred and fifty years ago.”“Do you think he’s hurt?”“It’s a possibility, but keep in mind that we heal quickly.There aren’t many beasts here that would try toinjure a tiger, but there are poachers and traps that need to be watched for.My plan is to go find him and discover what’s keeping him from returning.”“Do you think it’ll be easy to find him?”“If he’s smart, he would have stuck to the river.Most of the herds congregate near the water.Speaking of food, I noticed you were getting low.Last night while you were sleeping, I met Mr.Kadam at his camp near the road and brought back more of those meal packages.” He indicated a bag left by the tent.“You must have carried that in your mouth the entire way.Thank you.”He grinned.“You are entirely welcome, my lovely.”I laughed.“Better to carry a backpack in your teeth over several miles than to have Ren sink his into your hide for letting me starve, eh?”He frowned.“I did it for you, Kelsey.Nothim.”I put my hand on his arm.“Well, thank you.”He pressed his hand on top of mine.“Aap ke liye.For your sake, anything.”“Did you tell Mr.Kadam that we would be a bit longer?”“Yes, I explained the situation to him.Don’t worry about him.He’s comfortably camped near the road and will wait as long as necessary.Now, I want you to pack up some water bottles and food.I’m taking you with me.I would leave you here, but Ren insists that you get into trouble if left alone.” He touched my nose.“Is that true, bilauta? I can’t imagine an endearing young woman such as you getting into trouble.”“I don’t get into trouble…trouble finds me.”He laughed.“That much is obvious.”“Despite what you tigers think, I can take care of myself, you know.”He squeezed my arm.“Perhaps the tigersenjoy taking care of you.”He changed to a tiger and waited patiently for me to get ready and pack, then led me on a trail that angled up toward the top of the falls.He let me rest for a while at the top.I took in the view of the jungle and made out our little camp below in the small clearing.We continued to follow the river until we arrived at a large tree trunk that had fallen across.It was stripped bare of branches, and the rushing water had peeled off the bark, leaving the trunk smooth and dangerous.The water was rushing, and every once in a while it splashed over the top of the makeshift bridge.Kishan leapt up on the trunk and padded across.The tree bobbed up and down under his weight, but it seemed stable enough.He landed softly on the other side and then turned to watch me cross.Somehow, I mustered the courage [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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