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.“Mischa?” Tom quickly got up and walked around the bar.Andy followed him and almost walked into him when he stopped abruptly.Andy had to look around him to see what had happened.Mischa was on the floor, the sorry remains of a chair shattered around him.The Dom was staring quizzically at them and rubbing his ass.“Please tell me you didn’t just fall off your chair, Mischa?” Tom had his hands on his hips.“Uhm.I didn’t?” Mischa blinked slowly, grinning up at Tom.He patted the floor as if to check that it was still there, shuffling to get up.His attempt was hindered by the fact that his feet were through the back of the chair.Andy didn’t have a clue how the Dom had managed that.“You’re drunk!” Tom sounded incredulous.“How the fuck did you manage to get drunk in less than an hour?”Mischa stopped his attempt at getting up to think about that.“I tried real hard?” He looked up at Tom as if to see if that was the right answer.“God, you’re a lightweight, Mischa.” Tom shook his head and turned to Andy.“Care to give me a hand here? It seems I have a tipsy boyfriend who needs a little help.”“Am not ‘tipsy!’ Girls get tipsy.Not Doms.” Mischa was grumbling as Andy and Tom picked the drunken man up from the floor, disentangling Mischa’s legs from the remains of the chair.Tom’s hands were surprisingly gentle in spite of the sarcasm.Andy thought that he saw the sub trying to hide a smile, too.“You just keep telling yourself that, Mischa.Let’s get you home.”The cool air outside the club helped sober Mischa enough that he walked reasonably straight with only a little help.Andy still went with them, waiting until Tom had put the drunken Dom securely into the car.“That’ll teach me to order my Dom to drink! I guess it came as a surprise that the meanest Dom around can’t hold his liquor.” Tom shook his head overbearingly.Then he got serious.“Take care of yourself, Andy, okay? Promise me you won’t play with people who aren’t good for you.”Andy blinked.Was it that simple? He suddenly had a lot of unanswered questions.But Mischa had started singing, and Tom looked alarmed.“I really have to put an end to that.Sorry, we have to talk again some other day.Ask Toby for my number and call me, okay?”Andy nodded, and he couldn’t help grinning when Tom opened the car door and something that sounded like Russian was belted out by Mischa.The last thing he heard was Tom’s muttered “Jesus!” before Mischa’s sub closed the door and took off.Andy stood back on the sidewalk, staring after the car without really seeing it.5CK was fastening the bindings to the padded table in his playroom.Andy was going to be here soon, and CK could just as well do the preparations in advance; that way, he would have more time with his sub.His very sexy sub.The man had gone straight into subspace last weekend, and Andy had been grounded and confident afterward.Happy.Even now, CK’s heart leaped at the thought.He had never met anyone like Andy before, and he hadn’t thought that he would be able to get the cautious sub so far in such a short period of time.Andy had wanted another scene right away, but CK had refused.Getting a crush on your Dom was a normal reaction after a good scene, and CK didn’t want to take advantage of the rush Andy had experienced, particularly after their previous scene.Having a week between seeing each other gave Andy time to think about what had happened and to work with that.Except that they hadn’t really had a week between seeing each other.It had been a coincidence that CK ran into Andy on the street last Wednesday, but since they had seen each other, it would have been downright impolite not to say hello, wouldn’t it? They had been talking on the street corner for more than half an hour before CK felt his stomach rumble and noticed how hungry he was.“Hey, I’m starving.Do you want to go catch some food?”Andy had seemed crestfallen, and for a moment, CK worried how his offer could be that unacceptable.“But I’m in my work clothes! I’m filthy!” Andy pointed at his clothes.CK skeptically eyed the pale gray trousers with the little streak of varnish on one leg.Andy didn’t exactly look as if he had been mud wrestling.“No, you’re not.And we’re not going to L’Espalier; there’s a diner around the corner that I like.”Andy was about to protest again when CK continued.“But of course, if you don’t want to have dinner with me.” CK winked, taking the edge off his offended remark.“Of course I do! I mean.” The big carpenter bordered on being cute when he was as flustered as he was now.CK decided to take mercy on Andy.At least that was what he told himself he was doing when he dragged his reluctant dinner partner around the corner to the diner.Andy calmed down when he saw how informal the place was, and they had a really nice time.The food was good, and Andy easily kept up his part of the conversation.It was good to see the relaxed man from their first meeting again; Andy outside of the scene was both confident and interesting to talk to.Time flew by, and CK was almost reluctant to say goodbye when they were standing on the street afterward.CK looked around.“Damn.Too many people.I’ll have to wait to kiss you until Saturday.I’ll see you around two, right?”Andy’s eyes were trained on CK’s lips, seeming completely unable to see any problem with kissing in the middle of the street.Then he nodded a bit reluctantly.“I’ll be there.I’m really looking forward to it.” Then he looked a little sheepish and waved goodbye as he turned and went in the opposite direction.CK stubbornly refused to listen to the little voice telling him that it might not only be the sub who had a crush.CK had spent an inordinately long time thinking about what he would do with Andy this weekend, wondering what would be the best way to push Andy further down the road to recovering from whatever previous events were haunting Andy.There was no doubt in CK’s mind that Andy’s earlier experiences were the key to his cautious behavior, and today, CK intended to find out more about the man.Hence the cuffs.CK pulled them a couple of times, making sure that they would hold even a big guy like Andy.He didn’t expect Andy to like this half as much as the man had liked the harness, but CK needed to know more about his sub before they took this any further [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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