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.”“So we decided to become just friends instead,” Dutch said.“And support each other that way.”“Which was great, because there was no pressure to move things along and we found we had a lot in common,” Patrice enthused happily.“The kind of simpatico that comes along all too infrequently in this life,” Dutch said quietly.“But then, several things happened,” Patrice continued frankly.“Dutch’s insurance plan was about to hit its benefit limit.He couldn’t find another company that would underwrite the potentially enormous costs to contain or cure his illness.And he couldn’t sell his properties on South Padre Island to secure his future and pay for the very latest treatments that way.So, we decided to marry.And before you say anything, Jack—” Patrice held up a warning hand “—this is a real marriage.To do otherwise, and collect money from a company, would be fraud.So Dutch and I knew from the outset that if we were going to do this, it had to be a true union.Which is why we wanted a big wedding with all the pomp and circumstance.Because we knew we needed to make it real for ourselves in every way.”“Only, a funny thing happened on the way to Ted’s Party Ranch,” Dutch teased.“As we were going through the wedding preparations, we actually did fall in love,” Patrice said softly.“Very much in love,” Dutch agreed, squeezing Patrice’s hand.“But not to worry.We are keeping our prenuptial agreements intact.My money remains mine.Dutch’s remains his.And he won’t even need to use my health insurance if Dutch is accepted into the clinical trial, because then all his expenses will be paid by the researchers.”Okay, from a business point of view, perhaps even a humane one, this all made a great deal of sense.That didn’t mean Jack was completely okay with it.“I still worry about how hard this will be on you if all doesn’t go as well as you and Dutch hope, with his quest for a return to good health,” Jack said.Patrice stood and came over to give Jack a hug.She drew back and counseled gently, “Honey, I appreciate the fact you’re trying to protect me.But it just isn’t possible.None of us know what tomorrow is going to bring.The only thing we can count on is the happiness we feel today.”ONE HUNDRED FEET AWAY, Sela Ramirez nodded at the luxury motor home, then asked Caroline, “What do you think is happening in there?”“Exactly what you think is happening.” Caroline was almost afraid to imagine the confrontation.She turned to face her sage assistant and predicted sadly, “Jack is revealing all and doing his level best to get his mother and Dutch to call off their wedding.”Sela did not share Caroline’s heartbreak over the situation.“Jack may not have been duty bound to investigate Dutch—”Caroline snorted.“You think?”“But once he did, he had to tell his mother what he found out about her fiancé.”Caroline paced back and forth anxiously as the prelude music to the wedding continued in the distance.She shook her head in mute disapproval.“I am sure Patrice already knew.” And more, was completely okay with it!“Well, then—” Sela motioned for the guitars to keep playing, regardless of how long it took to get the actual ceremony under way “—what difference does it make?”Caroline looked over at the three hundred wedding guests assembled on the lawn, alternately chatting among themselves and looking for the first signs of the wedding party.Caroline frowned.“Have you not noticed how restless the guests are getting?” She couldn’t help but note that the reporter and photographer from Fort Worth magazine were looking at the motor homes, too.And probably, Caroline worried, speculating about the reason behind the delay.None of this was good! “The ceremony should have started fifteen minutes ago!” Caroline fumed.Looking as pulled together as always in a vibrant red-and-gold dress that fit perfectly with the Cinco de Mayo theme, Sela pronounced seriously, “I think the guests will live, despite the delay.”Sela came closer, studying the expression on Caroline’s face [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]