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.And I rarely touch hard liquor anymore.Guess I exceeded my quota when I was going through that bad stretch.""The divorce?""That, and nursing a bum leg two years in a row, and losing my son except for weekends, alternate holidays, and a few weeks each summer.I was feeling pretty sorry for myself back then.In fact, I came damned close to becoming an alcoholic.""I'm glad you didn't," she said more mildly."It would have been a shame to throw your life away on booze, not to mention your career or how it might have affected Josh.""Josh is the primary reason I pulled myself together," he admitted."I didn't want to set that kind of example for him to follow."By the time they reached their hotel, they had formed a truce, albeit a tentative one.Jess couldn't help feeling apprehensive about spending the night in the same room with Ty.She didn't want to make a fool of herself over him—not that she intended to throw herself at him and beg him to make love to her.Nor did she want to come off as a complete prude.And she had no idea what she would do if Ty made an honest-to-goodness pass at her.Faint dead away from the shock, more than likely.But this buddy-pal roommate business was going to take some fancy footwork, lest she slip up and reveal just how much she was coming to care for him—which would be totally mortifying to both of them, no doubt.Upon entering the room, Ty dropped his bags by the door, went directly to the television and flipped it on.Following his example, Jess tossed her purse and overnight bag on the far bed, picked up the movie guide, and began to scan it."See anything interesting?" Ty inquired.Yes, you, her subconscious replied silently.Aloud, she said, "Not really." She handed him the guide."Have a look.Maybe something will appeal to you."You appeal to me, he thought to himself.Briefly, he skimmed the listings."Nope.Nothing here I want to see.Suppose we just channel surf until we hit something interesting?""What about the sports channel? Maybe they're reviewing today's games, and we'll get to see a few highlights of the Knights beating the Colts."Ty vetoed that idea."I don't usually watch those until later in the week.Coach will run a tape of the game Tuesday, before practice, and point out all our flaws then, which is soon enough.Why ruin a perfectly good victory by watching reruns of all the mistakes you made along the way, not to mention the commentator's comments, which aren't all that complimentary at times.""Well, those two announcers in the TV booth seemed to think you were pretty terrific," Jess informed him.Mistaking her meaning, Ty glanced quizzically at the television, currently set on the weather channel, then back at Jess."What are you talking about? What announcers?""The ones covering today's game.At the stadium, Ty."He gave a shake of his head."I'm still confused.When did you talk to them?""I didn't.I heard them discussing you over my headset."He stared at her, confounded."You couldn't have.Those things are locked onto a preset frequency, so transmissions can't be picked up by anyone but your own coaches and team.""Maybe they're supposed to be, but mine must have gotten a short in it or something, because I could hear those two discussing you as plainly as I hear you now.""Do tell.And what did you overhear?"She grinned."I shouldn't tell you.You might get a swelled head." Darn! There was one of those double entendre phrases again! She simply had to stop this! She'd never before had such trouble keeping her mind out of the gutter.Ty's initial thought was, I'll probably get a swelled head anyway before the night is over, and not the one above my shoulders."They said you had great hands, good moves, and that you don't fumble very often," she related, managing to keep her tone as flat as if she were reading from a textbook."But they also said you've got to avoid the sack and have better protection."Ty drew in a deep breath, an unsuccessful attempt to tamp down his rising libido."Did they, now? Well, I have to agree to some extent.Good protection is a must.But eluding the rush isn't always possible, is it, Jess?" He took a deliberate step toward her, his sharp, searching gaze boring into hers."Like now, for instance.I'm getting quite a rush—from you and all the subtle signals you seem to be sending my way."Jess gulped and stepped backward."I get the feeling you throw a smooth pass, on or off the gridiron, but I'm not much for playing 'bump and run,' Ty.""Me, either.I like to retain possession as long as possible," he told her, matching her quip for quip.He took another stride forward, and she backed up again."The truth, Jess.Since we met, haven't you wondered what it would be like to get a quarterback—this quarterback—in the sack?""Talk about an enormous ego!"Ty gave an indifferent shrug while his words and dark eyes continued issuing the challenge."Don't back down now, sugar, just when the game is starting to get interesting.What say we huddle, cuddle, and see what kind of action develops?"One last step, and he'd backed her to the edge of the mattress.Jess lost her balance.As she fell, she reached out, grabbing for something to hold her upright.Her hands caught at Ty's shirt, and she wound up dragging him down on top of her."Nice tackle," he said with a chuckle."A bit unorthodox, but it felled me nonetheless."Before she could catch her breath, his mouth, so warm and enticing, shrouded hers in a long, blistering kiss.His lips feasted on hers.Her tongue darted out to meet his.The heat between them built, fueling itself on their mutual desire."I want you," Ty murmured, peeling his lips from hers to pepper kisses across her face [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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