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.She stared at something beyond his shoulder.The sun caressed her lovingly.She was breathtaking.She wore no makeup, yet she appeared prettier than ever.Her cheeks bloomed a bright pink and her eyes were glittering, her lids heavy, sated.“I’d say thank you for last night,” she said, repeating his earlier words, “but we both know that’d be a lie.”Last night…He couldn’t stop picturing her as she’d been.Sultry, seductive.Passionate.Naked in his arms, she’d come alive.She’d been wet and hot and for several hours she’d been the center of his universe.Only she had existed.Last night, it had seemed that he’d given a checklist to God and the big guy had granted his every wish.Nipples that tasted like berries—check.Legs that were long and lean and wrapped around him tightly—check.Silky hair that twirled around his fingers—check.A primal fragrance that roused the beast inside him—check.Feminine walls that squeezed and milked him—check.“Well, goodbye.Again.” She palmed her keys and rocked back on her heels.“Yeah, goodbye.” Except he wasn’t ready to leave her.Things had ended badly between them and he wanted to fix it.A part of him wished they’d woken up, wrapped in each other, smiled, talked, laughed, then made love again.Perhaps slowly this time, lingering.She wants to forget it happened, moron.Just let her go.It was hard, though.So hard.She cleared her throat.“I think we should forget about the bet, too.We’re even, no money owed.”“Good idea.”She looked down at her feet.“Good.”He didn’t respond, because the words he wanted to speak were not words heshould speak.“Okay, then.Goodbye for real this time.” She slid into her car.He did the same, then waited until she’d eased out of the lot before keying the ignition.“Damn it!” He slammed a fist into the wheel.Already he wanted to chase after her.But he forced the car into motion, purposefully driving in the opposite direction of her.One hand on the wheel, an elbow propped on the door, head resting in open palm, Marcus sighed.It irked his pride that she’d kicked him out this morning.It also irked his pride that she wanted to forget their night together, a night he would never be able to burn from his mind.Most of all, it irked his pride that he’d wanted to start anew and she hadn’t.We probably shouldn’t talk about this had been her first words to him.There’d been desperation in her voice, as if she feared he would bring it up.Last night should have gotten her out of his system, but he desired her more now than before.He banged another fist into the wheel.Weren’t women supposed to go all soft and mushy after sex? So far, Jillian had proven to be different from every woman he’d ever met.He needed a hobby, something besides work and thinking about Jillian.Poker wouldn’t do anymore; he’d just think of Jillian and how much he liked to gamble with her.Maybe he’d start gardening or knitting or some other shit like that.He was acting like a woman, wanting more than his partner was willing to give, so he might as well have a hobby a woman would, too.Grim, Marcus exited the highway and turned onto the service road that led to his apartment.Two more turns, another block and he spied the building, a brown-and-white stucco, expensive, pristine, with windowed porches on every story.Jillian would appreciate the color coordination of the place, he thought, then frowned.Stop thinking about her, you ass.Maybe he just needed a girlfriend.He’d thought about sleeping with someone else, but maybe he needed an actual relationship to protect him from Jillian.A soft and feminine woman he could lose himself in, over and over again, until he forgot everything else.Nah, no relationship.That was too drastic.Relationships were too close to marriage and he never wanted to relive that disaster again.He didn’t wave or speak to anyone milling about as he strode to his apartment, where he showered—mourning the loss of Jillian’s scent on his skin—changed and left again.If he stayed, he’d sleep.His head still hurt, but he didn’t want to lie down.If he slept, he’d dream of Jillian.He wanted that woman out of his mind.Finally.Once and for all.Jake lived just down the hall, so he went there.If anyone could distract him, it was Jake.His best friend answered on the second round of banging.Jake was wearing a red kimono…thing.His hair was in spikes and sleep lines marred his face.“You’re wearing women’s clothing now?” Marcus greeted him.“It’s for men, asswipe.You want to tell me why you’re waking me up at ten in the morning?” Jake asked with a yawn.“That’s just barbaric.”Marcus brushed past him.Like Marcus, Jake had only been in Oklahoma City a few weeks, but unlike Marcus, he was already unpacked, his apartment decorated to perfection.Framed pictures of his wife, Claire, covered the walls, her plain, happy face smiling down on everyone who entered.She’d been dead for two years, but Jake had not yet gotten over it.Maybe he never would.The pair had been married four years and Claire had totally trusted Jake to do his job and not cheat.And Jake hadn’t cheated.Not once.They’d been in love.True love.Marcus had never had that with Kayla, his ex-wife.She’d left and he’d wanted her back for pride’s sake.Not because he missed her or couldn’t live without her.What he felt for Jillian was already more intense than anything he’d ever felt for his wife.That scared him.Everything fucking scared him lately.Big baby!He moved his gaze over the plush furniture, for the first time noticing that each piece was a different color.The couch—navy blue.The love seat—dark red.The coffee table—forest green.What would Jillian say about the place?His jaw clenched.“I messed up,” he said.Rubbing a hand down his face, he fell on top of the couch.As Jake settled across from him, the entire story poured from Marcus.The club, Jillian, drinking, sex.Incredible sex.Jake’s expression flashed concern, then amusement, then incredulity.A few times he even muttered, “You are so dumb.”“What should I do?” he asked, tortured.If anyone could help him wade out of this mess, it was Jake.As teenagers, Marcus had been the muscle and Jake the brains.Marcus had beat up the kids who’d made fun of skinny Jake; Jake had convinced their teachers not to punish him.Since then, Marcus had grown a brain (kind of) and Jake had developed muscles.But habits died hard [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]