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.I took a few breaks during the mundane mother and wife duties to call my dad but only talked with him briefly.It was status quo now for him to say a few words, and then hand the phone to Helen.“He’s the same.We had to go to the emergency room yesterday because he’s a little backed up, but otherwise he’s the same.”I felt my body tense.“You went to the ER and didn’t call me?”“He asked me not to.He knows you’re worried about him and since it was just a bowel issue, I didn’t think it was something to be concerned about.The doctor gave him some medicine and told him to stay close to the bathroom and he’d be fine.”I allowed myself to calm just a little bit.“That makes sense.Is he feeling better?”“He seems to be.He’s not eating much still but right now I think that has more to do with his constipation than anything else.I’m not sure I’d want to eat if I were having trouble like that, either.”“Good point.Please though, will you let me know if anything is going on? I’m really worried about him.”“I will.I promise, but he seems to be okay.He’s not better than when you saw him, but he doesn’t seem to be any worse, either.”We spent a few more minutes talking about the kids and other casual stuff and then said our goodbyes.I’d been texting Mel throughout the day, mostly because we had very important social issues to discuss.Our main topic of conversation today was the reason why some women bleach the hairs in their butt cracks.Apparently it’s the new, big thing.We both are signed up for a coupon program like Groupon, and the offer of the day was an anal bleaching, something neither of us even knew existed and were completely fascinated by.“I think they do it to stop the occurrence of dingleberries,” she texted.“Gross.One can stop the occurrence of dingleberries by simply wiping properly.”“Perhaps they don’t have enough time.Maybe their kids are waiting outside the bathroom door, whining.”“Then might I suggest they get rid of the kids? I’d get rid of the kids if that meant I didn’t have to have someone bleach my butt.”“I wonder if it burns?”“How could it not?”“Exactly.”“For the record,” Mel texted.“I would NEVER get my butt hair bleached.Probably never.”“Never, ever.EVER,” I texted back.“Yah, never.How did this start in the first place? Did someone actually say, damn girl, yo ass is freaking me out! Get that stuff bleached?”“I’d rather hear my vajayjay is stinky.”“Seriously, you wouldn’t.Just sayin’.”“You’re probably right, but I do occasionally do the sniff test.”“I don’t even want to know.”“Yeah, you probably don’t.”I love how my friend added a big, heaping dose of spice to my otherwise mundane life.Mundane except for the seeing ghosts part, that is.Chapter EighteenThat night I was blessed by the sleep Gods and didn’t even remember my head hitting the pillow.I slept hard and dreamed in detail about the dead woodpecker.She talked to me and told me she was thankful I held her while she died, and that she had a young family and would really like it if I put decals on the window.The dream was so vivid that when I woke up I actually believed the bird talked to me.Did birds become ghosts? And if they did, could they speak human? I really needed to call that psychic Linda.I slept for just under seven hours, more than I get on average, so at five thirty a.m.I was already out of the house and pulling into Starbucks.“Hey, I've been thinking about what happened." Jenn made drinks at the bar.I surveyed the store and saw two women waiting for drinks, but both were texting on their phones, not paying attention.“You were?” I tried to sound casual.“Yes.I’m going on break in a few minutes.Are you going to be here?”“Yup.I’m staying for a bit before I go to the gym.”“Great, I’ll come over in a little bit.”“Okay.”I wasn’t sure what she wanted to talk about, and honestly, was a little nervous.The only people I’d really discussed this.this gift, or whatever you want to call it, with was Mel and Jake, and my mother of course, but since she’s not actually alive, I didn’t think she should count.“So, I’ve been thinking,"“Okay.”“I could tell you weren’t comfortable doing what you did for me so I wanted to see if you’re okay.”I smiled at my friend.“Thanks, I appreciate that.This is all new to me, and honestly, I’m not sure what to do with it or really how I feel about it all.I’m still working through it.”“I can only imagine.If you’d like to talk to the Pastor at my church, I’m sure I can help you see him,” she offered.“Thanks.”“Anytime.My mom and my aunt talked yesterday.I think they’re working towards patching things up."“That’s great,” I told her.“Yes, it is.Listen, if you need to talk, you know you can come to me, okay?”“I know.I appreciate that.”Jenn held my hand for a second and then said she had to get back to work.I’m always amazed at how some people reach out to others just because they can.I finished my coffee and headed to the gym for a forty-five minute cardio session.I’d found an interval, high intensity treadmill routine in a fitness magazine and thought it was a great way to torture myself, so I figured I’d give it a try.In the middle of the torture I saw the group of body builder women all standing around the smith machine talking [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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