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.”Though Lissa also lived on the “wrong” side of Serendipity, with her gorgeous face and luscious body, Brad had always seen her first as a prize, then as a challenge.She turned around, eyes wide and angry.“That son of a bitch.Why didn’t you tell me?”He rolled his stiff shoulders, managing a shrug.“Because it was the same song, different refrain.The guy was a broken record and I have to admit that after a while, it got to me.”The man Trevor was now knew how stupid he’d been, but back then, he’d been humiliated and overwhelmed.“I guess I just needed to get away from the pressure for a little while.” He stepped up beside her and pulled her into his arms.“I never meant I needed to get away from you, but I let it happen.” She tipped her head back, leaning against his chest.“I figured out what an ass I’d been and tried to call you all weekend.”“But I didn’t take your calls because I’d already.” Her voice trailed off, both of them knowing the end of that sentence.“Melissa Mayhue’s parents were away and she had a party.I was upset and Brad and his friends were there.He passed me drinks and I took them.Can’t blame him for that,” she said, too much self-hatred in her voice.“And when I went to get my things to go home, he offered to drive me.”He stiffened, drawing on everything in him not to get angry and pull away so he could smash something and pretend it was her ex.The bastard had preyed on her vulnerability and taken advantage of her being upset that night.Then she’d gotten pregnant.Neither of them had been old enough or mature enough to understand it back then.It was still hard enough to accept now.As much as he wished things had played out differently, he couldn’t change the past.And it drove him crazy knowing that though Trevor thought Banks had done the right thing, in reality he’d merely given the Banks family the best public face while privately making Lissa as miserable as possible.“I’m sorry,” she said in a broken voice.“I know you are.” He turned her around, forcing her to look at him.“And so am I, sweetheart.So am I.”She sniffed.“Really?”He nodded.“We share the blame for what happened.Hell, I realize now I bear most of it.If I hadn’t agreed to split up, you’d never have been with him.” Trevor knew that now as well as he knew his own name.Her eyes shone with surprise and gratitude.“Thank you for that,” she said, yet she moved out of his embrace.In front of his eyes, she mentally and emotionally pulled herself together, internalizing the emotions she’d allowed to surface.“I’m glad we finally talked about this.I’m glad we had.closure.”Trevor blinked in shock at her stark words and suddenly cool tone.He’d thought he needed closure, too.No longer.Yet somehow she’d decided they’d wrapped things up between them in a nice bow.But as far as he was concerned, things were even messier now than they’d been before.Because Trevor knew what meaningless sex was like—and what he and Lissa shared was a hell of a lot more.No way was he willing to let her just walk out of his life as if last night meant nothing.“I don’t know where you got the idea that last night was about closure,” he said, folding his arms across his chest as he faced her down.“News flash, sweetheart.We’re not close to over.”Lissa blew out a long breath and stared at him as if he’d gone mad.“So.what? We’re going to be together for another twenty-four hours, torture ourselves with what could have been.and then what? I’ll go back to Serendipity, to my daughter—to Brad’s daughter,” she said bluntly.“And you’ll stay here.Why prolong the agony?”He couldn’t deny she had a point.When it came to obstacles, they had plenty.Nor could he say he was ready to deal with everything her real life had to offer, including her daughter, her ex, and Serendipity.“I don’t have all the answers,” he told her honestly.“The only thing I do know is that if it’s going to hurt that much to walk away, it means there’s something meaningful there to begin with.” He held out his hands and waited, holding his breath.“Damn it, Trevor,” she muttered, and walked into his waiting arms.He held her close and suddenly her stomach growled.He heard as well as felt the vibration and laughed.“I’m hungry,” she said.“Let’s go out and get breakfast.”She stepped back and gestured to his see-through shirt and her bare legs.“I have this and a formal gown,” she reminded him.“Personally, I like this.”She wrinkled her nose at him and he laughed.“Fine.Go shower.I’ll give you a heavier shirt and a pair of sweats and socks to go back to the hotel in.You can change and then we’ll go for breakfast.Better?”She nodded.“Thanks.”A few minutes later, she’d shut herself in his bathroom and turned on the shower, while he lowered himself onto his bed and groaned, running a hand through his already messed-up hair.He meant what he’d said a few minutes earlier.He didn’t have any real answers for the future, but he’d just bought himself twenty-four hours with Lissa.For now, that was enough.Chapter FiveStill stunned by their heart-to-heart and the fact that Trevor wasn’t letting her just leave, Lissa found herself sitting across from him at a small crepe place he said he enjoyed.She ordered an apple cinnamon crepe and they ate in a silence that was oddly companionable, considering the safe world she lived in had crumbled around her.She was facing interminable heartache and yet here she was, sitting across from him anyway.“So what are your immediate job plans?” he asked.She patted her mouth with the napkin and met his gaze.“Well, after I interview you, I have to go home and get to work on Ethan Barron.Do you remember him?”He nodded.“My sister told me he came back to town after ten years, bought the Harrington estate, married Faith Harrington, and surprised the hell out of everyone in town by being a millionaire.”“After his parents died and he disappeared, everyone thought he’d end up in jail.or worse.”“Helluva story for you to write, though,” Trevor said.“Then what?”Lissa shrugged.“So far it’s been freelance.I’m hoping something permanent will come up, but even this way I’m making more money than I was at Cuppa Café and writing the town obits.” She lifted her coffee cup and took a long sip.“Which means you aren’t committed to staying in Serendipity because of your work?” he asked.Her hands began to shake and she grasped her coffee cup for something to hold on to.“Serendipity is my home,” she said, hoarsely.It was her security.“My family is there.My friends.” Hard-earned friends, she might have added.Because Lissa didn’t let people in easily.In fact, she was better at driving them away.“Livvy’s life is there.”Trevor shot her a knowing look, one that said he knew she was panicking.“Who are your friends these days?” he asked, smoothly changing the subject.She didn’t know why, but she was grateful not to have to think beyond right now.“You’re really interested?”Again, that knowing yet patient look crossed his face.“How else can I get to know you again?” he asked.She sighed and shook her head, unable to deny him even the simplest of answers, even if he wouldn’t like what he learned about her.“For awhile, I was lucky I had friends,” she admitted.“I was unhappy, Trevor.Around Livvy I put up a good front, but when I wasn’t? I was a raving bitch to most people.” She couldn’t meet his gaze, not proud of the woman she’d become for a while.“Unhappiness can drain you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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