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.It was further from completion, and she needed to get him on his way before any old tensions between him and her brothers worked their way to the surface.She walked out to his car with him.She waited for him to open the driver’s door before she let her own tension rise to the surface.“Are you investigating me, Brody?”Her question didn’t seem to catch him by surprise.“Investigating is too strong.”“Snooping? Would that work better?”“I’m getting the lay of the land in Knights Bridge after all this time.”“Is it because I’m overseeing Vic’s renovations? Do you think whatever is going on that you’re not telling me traces back to me? Is that why you invited me to walk with you out to your property?” The cold penetrated her vest and sweatshirt and the wool layers underneath.“It’s not why you kissed me, is it? Because then I’d have to slap you right here and now, and someone in the house would see—”“Heather.It’s not why I kissed you.”“All right, that’s something, anyway.What about my brothers? Are you investigating them? Do you think one of them is harassing Vic?”“It’s best not to speculate.”“You don’t trust anyone, do you?”“This isn’t a matter of trust.”She studied him.None of the approachability she’d experienced on their walk was in evidence now.He wasn’t easy to talk to.He struck her as remote—arrogant, even.Whether it was seeing her brothers again, the tour of Olivia and Dylan’s new home or her—delayed regret over kissing her—didn’t matter.“Then what is it?” she asked him.He put a hand on the car door.“Go home, Heather.”“What—are you making sure my family isn’t taking advantage of Vic? Soaking him for money, that sort of thing? You stopped by here because Dylan is even wealthier than Vic.If we’re soaking Vic, we’re probably soaking Dylan, too.This is where the bad blood between you and my brothers comes in, doesn’t it?”He looked up at the sky as if it could provide answers, then sighed at her.“You’re taking some pretty big leaps there, Heather.”“Maybe so, but I guarantee my family wouldn’t have stayed in business in Knights Bridge for all this time if we were a bunch of charlatans.”“Take a few deep breaths.You’ll see where I’m coming from.”“A few deep breaths? Are you patronizing me, Agent Hancock?”He smiled.“Never.”She almost smiled.“Good.” She watched as he got into his car.“You’re not going to explain yourself, are you? You’ve said all you have to say.”“See you at Vic’s tomorrow.”He shut the door and started the engine.Heather stood back as he reversed then drove down the sanded driveway.She headed for her truck, but Justin beat her to it.“You’re flushed,” her brother said.“It’s the cold.”“It’s not the cold.You’re mad.Brody was always straightforward.It can sting, that kind of in-your-face approach.He’s found a place where it works for him.It never did here.”“I’m focusing on my work.”“That’s what I want to hear.”“What’s Samantha up to today?”Justin softened.“Researching pirates.”“I’m glad you two hit it off,” Heather said as she climbed into her truck, pleased she and Justin were parting on a note of mutual agreement.* * *When Heather arrived on Thistle Lane late that afternoon, her sister-in-law, Maggie, was sprinkling sand on the front walk.She barely looked up from her task when Heather joined her.“I walked over here and didn’t have any trouble until I hit this one patch of ice.It snuck up on me.” She pointed to the offending spot, now covered with sand.“That’s all it took.Isn’t that pathetic? I went right down on my behind.”Heather noticed a streak of snow and dirt on Maggie’s right hip and upper thigh.“You weren’t hurt, were you?”She shook her head.She was hatless, her dark red hair and turquoise eyes a touch of color against the snowy landscape.“I’m glad there were no witnesses.Falling while ice-skating I can explain.Falling while walking to your front door—I feel uncoordinated.”“I’m sorry.I should have thrown some sand out here this morning.”“It’s not your fault.I should know to be ever vigilant in January.” Maggie squinted at Heather despite the gray dusk.“I brought you bread.Oatmeal and honey, one of your favorites.It’s still warm from the oven.”“Thanks, Maggie.I’m out of food, and your bread is the best.Well, anything you cook is the best.Where are the boys?”“They’re at the library picking out books.Aidan’s into sea otters these days.Ask him how many hairs on a sea otter.He’ll tell you.Tyler’s all about pirates these days, thanks to Samantha.Brandon’s taking them ice-skating on the common after they’re done at the library.” Maggie stretched a little, wincing.“I think I’ll pass on skating and take a hot bath instead.What are you up to?”“Quiet evening.”“Alone?”“As a matter of fact, yes.”“My mother says you and Adrienne Portale have become friends.”“We get along well.We’ve talked about going to a movie together, but we haven’t gotten around to it.”“She seems nice, but I’ve only met her once.” Maggie set her sand cup on a porch step.“You got sucked into a whirlwind with this renovation project, didn’t you? Doing your job, and here comes Vic Scarlatti and his dramas.”Heather sighed.“Brandon told you Brody Hancock is back in town.”“Brandon didn’t need to tell me.It’s all over town.A federal agent with a not-so-great history with your brothers turns up, people are going to talk.”“That’s understandable, but I’m just doing my job.”Maggie looked dubious.“My mother predicted Vic would need time to settle down after the life he’s led.She thinks he’s too young to retire, especially for a diplomat.He needs stuff to do besides look after a stray golden retriever puppy and watch you work.”“He’s helping decide on wines for his wine cellar, too.”“Oh.Well, there you go.That’ll keep him occupied for, what—a day? He’s used to being busy and important, and now he’s just another guy.”Heather shrugged, feeling the cold now.“Maybe that’s what he wants.”“And maybe it’s what he thinks he wants,” Maggie said.“Or he’s sincere and didn’t realize he needed a transition period.Maybe he still doesn’t realize it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]