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.As the freshmen gasp, she jumps back onto her feet, plants her right foot in Sean’s yellow chest wounds, and aims the barrel of her gun at his face, giving him a look saying he should go ahead and demorph.Serpanz smirks and turns to the freshmen to explain, “It seems Sean didn’t listen completely to this presentation last time, or else he would have known that Gunners can usually turn either of their arms into guns.The reason why they don’t simply have both arms as guns is because they are more accurate with one gun and they would have to worry about two gun cores instead of one.So, are there any more questions about Gunners before we move on?”When no hands go up, and after Sean and Stephanie demorph, she continues, “Very well.The next basic form of combat we’ll talk about for today is magic.The usual kinds of battle morphs that can use magic are simply called Magicians, but there are the rare examples of other kinds, like the Beasts mentioned earlier, who can also cast spells.To do so, the Alkalian has a specialized, vein-like system in its body that charges the energy for the magic, focuses it into the point it will be cast from, and then releases it into existence.Most spells that are cast are mass-destructive, therefore giving magic users a high advantage in any battle situation, and there are some spells that can be used for defensive purposes or are unique to the Alkalian’s specific type.“However, Magicians and the like have a few obstacles to worry about.The first is they not only have to charge enough energy for a spell, but they also have to charge it in a certain pulse, hence the system of veins in their morphs, or the spell will not stabilize and it will be just a waste of energy.The second problem is if the vein system within the body is obstructed enough by wounds, the magic pulse system will be disrupted and some spells will be unusable.And the third problem, which mainly applies to Magicians, is they are not as armored as most battle morphs and therefore are easier to greatly wound.Now, we shall see an example of a spell caster in action.”At her cue, the last of the intermediates steps forward as Sean and Stephanie return to the group, and out of his morphing flash he is adorn in yellow robes.He turns to Sean intently, who glances at Serpanz’s cold stare and mumbles, “Ach, here comes round three.You know, those fifty laps are starting to look good right about now.” As soon as he morphs, the Magician raises his right palm toward him, cries out, “Wavequence!” and launches waves of energy towards him, flipping him up, blowing him over, and dragging him across the ground away from the group of students.Quickly flipping back onto his feet, Sean, with dark orange wounds on his chest, side-thrusts away from another spell used by the Magician, which smashes into the floor where he was standing, and dashes towards the wall of the arena again, forcing the Magician to run after him.Noticing the color of his wounds, one of the freshmen speaks up, “Excuse me, Professor, but what exactly happens if Sean’s wound energy becomes red? Is it true that he could be, uh, you know…”“I’m glad you asked that.Once an Alkalian’s wounds turn red, it indicates the morph’s health energy is dangerously low, and any further damage done to it could carry over into the human form, or even kill the Alkalian.However, to prevent the chances of a fatality occurring, it has become customary, perhaps even instinctive, for the Alkalian to demorph as soon as his wounds become red.In today’s era, we as a people shouldn’t have to worry about killing each other, and so we only battle until one’s wounds become red and demorphs.In another time, the Age of Chaos specifically, we fought each other to the death, and therefore it didn’t matter if we demorphed or not.”As she spoke, the Magician continues to throw spells at Sean, who dodges them with air balance dashes and drifts along the stone wall that is being pounded by the blasts.Finally getting tired of his spells missing, the Magician uses another Wavequence, spreading it for a wide range.Having been waiting for this particular spell, Sean suddenly launches himself straight up into the air, allowing the spell to break against the wall below him and awe all of the students, even Matt and Rose.One of the freshmen asks Serpanz, “Wait, is Sean actually flying? How can he do that without wings?”While Sean roosts himself on the top of the arena wall, Serpanz replies, “Well, Larson, he is just well talented at air balance.As you are implying, the only Alkalians who should be able to fly on air balance are those with wings, which enhance their air balance in order to do so.There are a few cases, though, where the individual can be so skilled with it that they don’t need wings, like Sean.Air balance is, after all, displacing energy into the air around you and using it to move your body.If one trains himself to, he could give himself the ability to fly, dash at incredible speeds, or even command the winds.”Sean jumps off of the wall and propels himself into a swooping glide towards the Magician, who tries to intercept him with a cast bolt.To his misfortune, Sean spirals past the spell, then collides into him with his elbow, throwing him off his feet and leaving a bright yellow wound in him, grabs him by his legs, floats them both into the air while they spin like a wheel, and hurls him down to the ground, where his face smashes against the floor and sprays orange energy.Sean isn’t finished with his assault yet.Ending his spinning, he lets himself fall down towards the Magician and lands next to him, bringing his left fist into his wounded ribs for a crushing blow that causes red energy to erupt.After the Magician demorphs below him, the freshmen cheer for Sean as he walks back to them, bowing to them like a victorious matador, while the intermediate slowly gets back on his feet and limps back to the others.Stepping forward to get their attention, Serpanz says, “We shall conclude today’s lecture with a few more pieces of basic information.Now that you’ve seen the four generic kinds of Alkalian morphs, you should yet remember that there are types that have combat styles specifically for an individual’s unique type or traits available in his morph.We’ve already hinted at these kinds with the Beasts who have guns or magic, and then there is Sean, a Brawler, as you observed him.The last thing we’ll talk about is a technique every Alkalian can potentially use, but at their own risk.The Ultimate Attack, as it is commonly called.Does anybody know what that is?”Serpanz waits for any of the freshmen to raise their hands, and calls upon the only one who does, Rose, who answers, “The Ultimate Attack is a powerful technique developed by an individual Alkalian and used to deal the greatest single serving of damage to one or more foes, and since it is developed by an individual, Alkalians of the same type can have different Ultimate Attacks.However, one does not usually try to use it, as it costs so much energy to execute it leaves the Alkalian drained of power and defenseless for a moment [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]