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.Borlund asked many questions about the problems of his realm, and the increase in brigands on the road.He was worried about the people of his land, and Menimeth liked him for it.Most of his questions would be answered at the council hall when the council of regents resumed, and Menimeth would be there to represent the interests of the empire.Menimeth walked around the hall, and spoke with as many people as he could.Corlindum would no longer be abandoned after the council was over, since a king would be in Glansford again.Many of the people that were here now would go back to their homes, but others would take their place.The business of the empire would be conducted here, and in Glansford across the great road.No longer would the capitals of the empire be abandoned, but would thrive in the coming years, provided it survived the forces that were building in the west, and the war that would follow.Later in the evening, the regents and the princes that were present at the banquet, talked to Menimeth about the future of the four realms.They were alone on a balcony, and away from the other guests, and the conversation went unheard by all but Chanry.Chanry would not let his master out of his sight while he wore no armor, and he would not be dissuaded for any reason."When the council begins again tomorrow, Valiny will not be speaking for his father." Menimeth said."He will be speaking as the new regent of the east, and will represent the people of his realm.""I believe he is someone with which we can agree about the business of the realms." Borlund said."He has turned out to be more than we had hoped, and I believe you are right in your assessment." Thadric replied."I know his people love him, and he, them.""I look forward to our working together here at the council, and in the future." Falendor said."The empire has needed someone who would rule for the people in the east for a long time, and who would think of his people first.""The four realms are united again, and with the king on the throne, will regain its former glory." Thadric said, but did not know then how united the realms would become."I thank you for your support, and hope we will all prosper under our new king.I am sorry I must beg your leave, but there is something I wish to do." Valiny said, and walked from the balcony."You may be working with Valiny more than the rest of us." Falendor said, as Valiny walked away."I believe he has an interest inyour realm that you do not know of.""You think he is like his father, and will try to take my realm?" Thadric asked Falendor, alarmed at what he heard."It is not your realm he wants I think." Falendor replied with a smile."What could he want of my realm if not to supplement me?" Thadric asked puzzled."To unite east and south would be my guess." Menimeth said, and smiled at him.The whole thing confused Thadric, until he looked into the banquet hall and saw Valiny and Dranella together.She was laughing as they spoke, and he held her hand in his.Hand in hand they walked to the musicians, to dance with the others who were already there.Thadric smiled and shook his head."That girl is smarter than I am." He said."I think you are right Falendor, but he had better be a very strong man if he intends to tame that girl.""I think he already has." Menimeth said, and watched as the girl placed her head on Valiny's chest, while they danced."Your daughter has someone as well, Falendor?" Thadric said, looking at where Chrisanna sat with Javen, oblivious to all that happened around them."Yes, my wife likes him, and hopes I will stay out of it." Falendor said."We were not much older when we fell in love, and looked at each other, the same way.""Valiny's sister has captured another of the warriors who protect the king." Borlund said "Or has he captured her, I wonder.""You are lucky fathers, to have your daughters receive the interest of such men." Menimeth said as he looked at them."For they hold the very heart of the land and its people in their hands.All of you have a part to play in the events of today, but they will rule the future of your realms.""The mage who travels with you appears to be born to be a teacher." Falendor said."He has already taught my children simple magic, and my wife as well [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]