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.He’s still sleeping so I answered it just in case it’s important.He’s a busy man, so I’ve heard.“Hello?” I answered.“I got the place–” The guy on the other end went silent for a few seconds.“Uh…Who this is?” He finally asked.“Emily.” I said.“Oh.Is Alex around?”“He’s sleeping.” The guy sighed.“Ah, man.Can you wake him up, please? It’s important.”“Um, yeah sure.Hold on one second.” I said.“Thanks.”I hopped over to Alex and kneeled beside him.“Alex.” I shook his arm a few times.“Alex, someone’s on the phone for you.” He slowly turned and looked up at me.“Who?” He wiped a hand across his face.I looked at the screen.“Sean.” I said.Alex got up and took the phone from my hands.“I’ll be right back.” He said kissing my cheek before leaving the room.Okay, that isn’t weird.A Sean calls and he runs out.Must be important.I walked back over to the window and opened a crack of the window.Now that Giovanni is gone, I can do that.I can do a lot more normal things.I don’t have to be afraid.It’s beautiful out.Then my phone chimed with a text from Bella.Christy: We still have to make up for your bday and xmas!!Bella is Christy.Mark’s middle name is Edward and Christy’s last name is Swan.It’s like a real life Twilight.I had to name her Bella.I sat down on the windowsill and let the warm air consume me for a few seconds until I heard a voice outside.I leaned over and saw Alex walking in circles, talking on the phone.“So I can have the track on Monday?” He asked.I don’t want to eavesdrop but I’m intrigued now.“Yeah, that was her.You didn’t say anything, right?” I turned my back to the window.Is that his surprise date? A track? Ohmygod! The racetrack! It’s mostly closed during the winter but knowing Alex, he could get us into anything.A smile spread across my lips.“What?” Sophie asked.“I should have known.” I whispered to myself.I looked up at her.“He’s planning something and I think I just figured it out.” I looked over my shoulder and Alex was gone.I moved over to the bed and sat down.“Your tattoo is beautiful up close.” Tiffany and Sophie said moving closer to my back and tracing it with their fingers.“You can see it?” I asked letting my hair down to cover up.“Why’d you cover it?” Liam asked.“Mom would kill me if she saw it.She’s the only one who doesn’t know about it.” I said as Alex walked into the room.“What time did you guys wake up?” He asked walking closer.“Around nine-thirty.” Tiffany said.“If you’re hungry, Em’s mom made breakfast.” Alex said.Everyone mmm’d and ahhh’d then got up and waited for me to join them.“You guys go, I’ll catch up.” I said.They left the room and headed downstairs and Alex stayed behind.“Did you sleep okay?”“Yeah.You?” He asked.I walked over to him and put an arm around his waist trying to be sexy.“Not really.I kept thinking about what the surprise will be.”He leaned into me and said, “You’ll find out soon.” Then his lips were on mine and I forgot what I was going to say.“Can we go to your place later?” I asked.“Everyone?” He asked curiously.“Just us.” No one else needs to be around for what I want.He put his hands on my hips and gave me a hard look.“Emily, you’re still not healed–”“We don’t have to do anything.I just want alone time with you.” He knows I’m lying.I want to go to his house to do something.Anything.“We’ll talk about this later.” I said leading him to the kitchen.Everyone has their plates ready with scrambled eggs, sausages and biscuits.Of course there are blueberry muffins in the cake display.I grabbed one and a plate of everything because I’m hungry.Mom walked in and asked if there was anything else we needed.We didn’t.Everyone was full.When Mom sat down, she leaned into my side.“Garrett and I talked last night.He told me David didn’t intentionally kill anyone.He was in a car accident with Denise’s husband and that’s how he died.” She said.I nodded.“I thought you should know.” A part of me does.A sick part of me thinks David cared about me for awhile.After stuffing ourselves we went back upstairs to my room.I know.I’m not a very social person.Can you blame me?“Is everyone ready to go?” Liam asked.“They need their privacy.”“Oh, it’s fine.You don’t–”“Yes we do.” Tiffany cut me off.“Let’s just clean up the mess and go.” They picked up all the mini vodka bottles from the floor, put the pillows and blankets back and grabbed their things.Weird.“Did I do something?” I asked.“Babe, you’re horny.” Tiffany said.“We all see it.”Fucking kill me now.I didn’t think the long stares and crossed legs would be noticed.Guess I was wrong.“What do you think I am? A rabbit.” I said laughing awkwardly.“Yeah, you just don’t know it.” Sophie said.Ohmygod.I’m like a rabbit.Once I smell Alex close, I want to spring into action.Tiffany brought her hand to my neck and gave me a small smile.“This will go away soon.It’s tiny.” She said.“The pain will stop too.”“You are pretty strange, you know that.” I said hugging her.She always says the weirdest things but she’s always kind of right.“Party’s over.Let’s go.” Sophie said snapping her fingers.Everyone walked to the door and said goodbye.I’m feeling much better so I ran into my closet and threw on a shirt and shorts.I grabbed my keys and dragged Alex downstairs.“I need fresh air.” I said slipping flip flops on and heading out of the door.Everyone was getting into Liam’s car when I walked to the Camaro.Tiffany winked at me before going into the car.Alex and I got into my car and I drove up beside Liam.“You guys can come by whenever.Just call me before.” I said glancing at Tiffany.She nodded.“Tell Kaylie I saw hi.”“I will.” Liam said.We waved goodbye and I drove.I don’t know where to yet but I just have to get out of my house.I want to be alone with Alex but he made it clear he doesn’t want to do anything with me.I can’t force him.I just need…I don’t know.“Are you sure you’re good enough to drive?” Alex asked me.“Alex, did you see how quick I changed.I think I’m good enough to do a lot of things.” I said opening the windows to let fresh air in.My mind is swirling with all kind of things and he knows what I want but he isn’t giving it.I am horny.And I’m scared.Terrified.Someone can’t go through something I went through and not be scared.I want to be alone but I don’t want to.I want to be touched but I’m getting it.I just want someone to hold me and tell me everything is going to be alright, even if it isn’t.My life was never easy.I don’t expect it to start now.“Do you know what I have planned for our date?” Alex asked.I hate lying to him but it’s suppose to be a surprise.I shook my head.“You’re a bad liar.” I stopped at a red light and turned to face him.“I don’t.I swear.” I lied.Three more days I have to keep this up.His eyes searched my face trying to tell if I was telling the truth.“I’ll give you a hint.It’s Monday.That’s it.You can bring everyone with if you want.They might actually enjoy it.” Alex said.“So I have to wait until Monday?” He nodded.“If it’s fine with you, then I can bring them.Then that gets me thinking…what kind of date involves friends tagging along?” I said.He stared at me with a smile on his kissable lips.“Sounds perfect.” I said leaning across the seat to kiss him.Alex gave me a hint.He’ll crack soon.There’s still no destination in mind.I can take being alone in a car with Alex, doing nothing…For now.17.FamilyWhat do normal people do on Fridays? Anything! Instead of going out and doing something productive, Alex and I are back at my house, walking up to my room.“I’m going to head home and shower.” Alex said when we walked through my bedroom door.“What? Um…you can do it here…” I said.Wow, I sound like a clinger [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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