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.The pizza was good, but no one except Rigel and Sean seemed to have much appetite.I sure didn’t.Not when the world might end before the weekend.“What I want to know—” Malcolm waved an uneaten slice of pizza in the air— “is what we’re going to tell the Duchas world leaders.Once their scientists notice those satellites, they’ll assume they were launched by some other nation.That could begin yet another war, if we don’t tell them something.”Breann set down her coffee cup.“Do you think we’ll be able to stop them from doing something foolish even if we do explain everything? If they actually know the Grentl’s intentions are hostile, what’s to stop military leaders from firing missiles or even nuclear weapons at the satellites?”“But isn’t that exactly what they should do?” Connor looked anxiously around at the rest of us.“If the Duchas military powers all join forces, maybe they can shoot down the satellites before they release the EMP.”“We simply don’t know enough yet,” Kyna told him.“Nor am I hopeful that even news such as this will convince nations worldwide to join forces.Certainly not in time to do any good.I agree, however, that most of the top world leaders should be apprised of the situation.It’s as well we’ve already established relations with them.Again, with your help, Excellency.”One of the things I’d done during my first month back on Earth was speak with a handful of heads of state or foreign ministers from the more developed countries, including the U.S.Secretary of State.It had been beyond weird, all those important men and women treating me like a dignitary from some foreign kingdom.At least they weren’t learning about Martians for the very first time.Several decades ago, Shim had persuaded the Echtran Council to approach certain Duchas leaders to cautiously educate them about the existence of Nuath and Echtrans, since even then he’d foreseen the need for large-scale emigration.Since then, the knowledge had been kept on a strict need-to-know basis, with incoming leaders only briefed after they took office.Shim’s foresight would save us time now.I hoped.“Meanwhile, we should get as many Echtran and Nuathan Scientists as possible working on the problem,” Mr.Stuart said.“Surely it would be useful to have a few options on hand before we spring the situation on any Duchas leaders?”“Assuming any can be found.” Kyna didn’t sound hopeful.“But yes, I’d like the Council’s agreement to lay the matter before as many qualified Martian Scientists as possible, in hopes that collectively they might be able to produce those options.”I could tell none of the Royals liked the idea, but they were too frightened by the alternative to argue against it.Finally, Breann said, “I suppose we must trust Kyna, Shim and Van to identify the most appropriate Scientists for the task.”Mr.Stuart nodded.“I’ll message my father tonight.”“I’ll start immediately, as well,” Kyna said.“Excellency, expect to hear from me within the next day or so to arrange for you to share everything you’ve learned with the Scientists we select.”“Um, sure.Like I said, I’ll help any way I can.” Rigel squeezed my hand, giving me a much-needed boost of confidence.Mrs.O’Gara cleared her throat.I thought it was because Rigel and I were still holding hands until she said, “It’s past nine o’clock.Unless we intend to inform the Sovereign’s Duchas guardians of the situation tonight, we should get her home.Surely anything else she must do can wait until tomorrow?”“Certainly.” Kyna again looked around at those assembled.“We’ll adjourn for now, but everyone should feel free to contact me with any ideas or suggestions you might have on how we should proceed.Excellency, your very good health.” Fist over heart, her image bowed to me, then disappeared.Nara and Connor did likewise, and then Mrs.O’Gara was ushering me toward the front door.“We haven’t much time if we want to avoid questions from your aunt, dear.”“Okay.Just a sec.” Still clinging to Rigel’s hand, I stood up and gave him a kiss—a quick one, since everyone was watching.I’ll let you know anything else I figure out or hear, I promised him.Deal.And ditto [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]