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."I salute you.We of the Perimeter Restauran would like to thank you for your extraordinary bravery which has saved the station." His arm swept out grace- fully, indicating the serving trolley."A mere token of our esteem, I know, but we put our hearts into every- thing that we prepare, and this evening, I think that we have even surpassed ourselves.As our gratitude is sur- passing." He bowed again, a more modest version, with his right hand spread across his heart.Channa smiled stupidly at him for a moment until she could gather enough of her wits together to tell him that he was very kind.130Anrtf McCaffny fe? SM.StirlingHe offered her his arm and led her to a chair.Instantly his cohorts flowed into action.A table was brought, a cloth spread, service laid, wine poured, napkin spread and food appeared on her plate.The arrangement alone was a work, of art.Simeon recognized actual Terran truffles decorating the appetizer and the entree was no le$s than carre d'agneau Mistral.A file said the recipe was by Escoffier, Mart'an's boyhood hero./ bet they'd chew it for her if she asked them to, Simeon thought, amused."Ah, Monsieur Simeon." Mart'an exhaled a tragic sigh, his face wearing the blank expression softshells adopted when addressing someone unseen."How we wish we could offer a similar tribute to you."Simeon put his likeness up on his column-screen, made it smile appreciatively and bow slighdy."By com- ing to the aid of my brawn in this manner, monsieur, you are serving both myself and the station superbly.I cannot begin to express my appreciation."Channa's eyes widened; her mouth, however, was fully occupied.Ha! he thought, triumphandy.Didn't think I had it in me, didja, Happy? Diplomacy 'R Us."I wonder," he said confidentially to Mart'an, "if it would be possible for you to clear away at a later time? Ms.Hap is extremely weary and I need to bring her up to speed on station business before she retires.""Of, course," Mart'an said heartily.With a flutter of his hands, he gathered his magic minions together and the whole group departed as smoothly as they had arrived.Channa sipped her wine with an appreciative glow on her face."Go easy on that," he cautioned her."I know you're thirsty, but water would be a better choice.""Yes, Dad." She picked up her fork and began eatingTHE CTTY WHO FOUGHT131again, chewing appreciatively."Too bad you can't taste foods, but I assure you this lamb is deeelicious." She rolled her eyes."Sq, bring me up to speed.What else is there to crown today's glad tidings?""Nothing more really," he said, "except that the computer has finally regurgitated a translation pro- gram for me.The language was extinct N Chuvash, whatever that is.TheAI worked back from loanwords of known languages, but it's warning me that there are gaps in vocabulary and most certainly in shades of meaning.","What does Central Worlds say about this disaster?" She yawned deeply."Or don't we have enough comsat capability left?""I gave them an outline of events and the reap- pearance of.Guiyon.They were more concerned that I was still operational.Which I am.They expect a full report, of course, but I'm hoping to include more information about the ship.They can wait.They've the bones of the matter.""Any news on Joat?""Nothing specific," he said with a sigh."With everyone suited up, it was impossible to tell who was who.Not all suits have nametags and skill-codes.I haven't heard a sound from the engineering section.""Well, I want to be sure she's all right," Channa said, exploding in angry anxiety."You open up a channel down there and tell her that we need to know if she made it.One lousy 'yes, I did' will be sufficient." She picked up her fork again but was merely pushing food around the plate, her expression almost sulky.Simeon regarded her with a mildly exasperated mental smile.When she was tired, Channa was amaz- ingly like Joat.Sending the necessary discreet query, he was also relieved to have received a prompt reply, though he puzzled over Joat's odd undertone."She made it.I told her one word would do it, and132Anne McCaffag &? SM.Statingshe gave me two.Quote, I'm okay, end-quote.You should try to get some rest, Channa." A pause."No wait a minute.She's adding something.Oh, really? Quote, Tell Channa she did a neatojob.Unutterably relieved, Chanha pushed the table aside.Somehow, knowing that Joat was safe released the tension that had kept her going so long.Like a robot, she moved toward her quarters, made it to the door before she stopped, holding onto the frame."Simeon," she said, looking over her shoulder at his column, her head of its own accord resting against the cool metal panel, "I am your brawn, remember.You are required to inform me of any untoward incident.Yes?""Yes, ma'am," he said meekly.She nodded sharply: a "you'd better" gesture, and entered her quarters [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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