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.Finally I turned my back on the Holy of Holies, and I went to her, and gathered her to me, and covered her head and tried to warm her as best I could."Very soon, I shall tell you all," I said, "and I shall find us shelter this night.Don't doubt.For now, let me say only that this is a place which I built and which is known to me only and which I'm too weak now to enter as you can see.""Forgive me that I cried," she said gently."You won't see tears from me again.But what is the sound I hear? Can't humans hear it?""No, they cannot," I answered."Please be still for now, my brave darling." But at that moment, that very single moment, another new and altogether different sound caught my ear, a sound which could have been heard by anyone.237Blood and GoldIt was the sound of the stone door opening behind me.I knew the sound infallibly and I turned around, unbelieving and as fearful as I was amazed.Quickly I gathered Bianca to me, and we stood before the door as it opened wide.My heart was racing.I could hardly fill my lungs with air.I knew that only Akasha could have done this, and as the door fell all the way back, I perceived another miracle of equal kindness and beauty of which I'd never dreamt.A rich and abundant light poured forth from the door of the stone passage.For a moment I was too stunned to move.Then pure happiness descended upon me as I gazed upon this flood of beautiful light.And it seemed I could not possibly fear it or doubt its meaning."Come now, Bianca," I said to her, as I guided her forward at my side.She clutched her bundle to her chest as though she would die if she let go of it, and I held her as though without her to witness with me I would fall.We stepped into the stone passage and made our way slowly into the bright and flickering light of the chapel.All its many bronze lamps were aglow.Its one hundred candles blazed exquisitely.And no sooner had I taken note of these things, amid a subdued glory that filled me with joy, than the stone door was closed behind us with a crushing sound as rock sounded against rock.I found myself staring over the row of one hundred candles up into the faces of the Divine Mother and Father, seeing them as perhaps Bianca would see them, and certainly with refreshed and grateful eyes.I knelt down, and Bianca knelt at my side.I was trembling.Indeed my shock was so great that I could not for a moment fill my lungs with air.There was no way that I could explain to Bianca the full import of what had taken place.I would only frighten her if I tried to do so.And careless words spoken before my Queen would be unforgivable."Don't speak," I finally said in a whisper."They are our Parents.They have opened the door, when I could not.They have lighted the lamps for us.They have lighted the candles.You cannot imagine the worth of this blessing.They have welcomed us inside.We can answer them only with prayers."Bianca nodded.Her face was full of piety and wonder.Did it matter to Akasha that I had brought to her feet an exquisite blood drinker?In a low reverent voice I recounted the story of the Divine Parents but only in the simplest and grandest terms.I told Bianca how they had come to be the very first blood drinkers thousands of years ago in Egypt, and that now they no longer hungered for blood or even so much as spoke or moved.I was their keeper and their guardian and had been so for all of my life as a blood drinker and so it would always be.I said these things so that nothing would alarm Bianca and she would feel no dread of the two still figures who stared forward in horrifying silence, and did not seem even to blink.And so it was that tender Bianca was initiated into these powerful mysteries with great care and thought them beautiful and nothing more."It was to this chapel," I explained, "that I would come when I left Venice, and I would light the lamps for the King and the Queen, and bring fresh flowers.You see, there are none now.But I will bring them when I can."Once again, I realized that in spite of my enthusiasm and gratitude, I couldn't really make her know what a miracle it was that Akasha had opened the door for us, or lighted the lamps [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]