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.The incident also put a stop to their argument – who knows, Nelson might even have saved their relationship…He ended up having the rest of the burger (as punishment…)2300 Still no text.I’ve spent the night in my bedroom doing the whole ‘I want to be alone’ thing.My uncaring children have spent the night completely ignoring my moping and watching ‘The X Factor’.They didn’t even bring me any chocolate.I’m so unloved…Sunday September 271200 In the interests of providing some variety in my running routine (and because I’m too embarrassed to go back to the Boathouse after yesterday) Jackie and I decide to meet for lunch at the other end of the beach at a pub called ‘The Inn On The Quay’ (This is a seaside town so we’ve got lots of choice…)I relate the events leading up to the weekend expecting a little sympathy but unfortunately Jackie is of a similar opinion that ‘desperation’ is very unattractive in a professional woman of the world (I think she was talking about me).She tells me in no uncertain terms (i.e.forcefully) that I am a very attractive woman in her prime of life who really does not need a man to make her happy…And guess what? She’s right.I’ve survived quite well on my own since my divorce and for the most part, I’ve actually been pretty content.I have an amazing job, wonderful friends and incredible (if unsympathetic) children.This brooding is just not me.Maybe Rob is, or maybe he isn’t Mr Right, but whichever, I’m determined that from this moment on, I’m not going to agonize over it and allow it to dominate my every waking moment…I feel like standing up and breaking into a rousing chorus of ‘I Am Woman’.Instead we order a bottle of wine (definitely easier on the ear!) and talk about Prince Andrew’s forthcoming visit to the College and what I’m going to wear to meet him…You know what? My life really is actually pretty damn good…Chapter Four: Champagne and Sheep DipsWeek 4Monday 28 September0800 I’ve just got back from my first training session of the week.I can’t even begin to describe the pain of getting out of bed at 6am this morning to get to the College at 7.Nelson looked at me as though I’d lost the plot (really beginning to think he might be right).Still, mustn’t lose sight of the objectives:1.Looking like a gorgeous babe (ok maybe babe is stretching it a bit – I’ll go for gorgeous sophisticated glamorous woman in her prime.) when I meet Prince Andrew.2.Completing the Commando Challenge in 5 days time without having to be resuscitated on site.Think I’ll have a coffee before I start work and a slice of toast to go with it (I read somewhere that anything you eat within an hour of exercising is completely calorie free – might as well put in 2 slices.)Just before heading to the language school kitchen I glance down at my mobile phone.There’s a text message from Rob.My heart lurches (it really does – I’m actually quite embarrassed after my declaration yesterday.)I decide that he’ll just have to wait (being an independent woman who doesn’t need a man in her life).I am determined not to read it until I’ve had my coffee and toast.0807 Result? I’ve now got indigestion.I open the text, not sure what to expect.Turns out Rob has finished with bimbo girlfriend.(I resist the idea of dancing round the room.)He’s now feeling pretty low (step in sophisticated glamorous woman in her prime to take his mind of it.)He apologised for not texting me back and hopes I’ll forgive him.AND HE ENDS IT WITH A KISS.So, now need to play this very carefully.Show sympathy and understanding to ensure that he knows what a caring sharing person I am.but not too much – don’t want him to moping around and thus not taking advantage of the opportunity that’s right in front of his nose.I settle for a short text saying how sorry I am and if he needs someone to talk to, I’m more than happy to listen (I know, bit clichéd but couldn’t think of anything else!)1030 Time for Stand Easy.I’ve made an extra special effort to look good today and you know what? I think I’ve actually lost a couple of pounds.I’m wearing a fitted black dress (don’t you just love black?) with knee high stiletto boots (makes me feel powerful and in control – you know, the whole ‘I Am Woman’ thing).Need to walk a little slower than normal in my ‘Elvira Queen of the Night’ boots but that’s ok, it just means I’ll make a bit of an entrance.1105 Only saw Rob from a distance but he smiled over and nodded his head (practically a date – did I mention I’m an optimist.?)And (yet more excitement!) HMS Argyll is visiting Dartmouth this coming Thursday [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]