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.”“The council—” Ray began to argue.“I’ll deal with them when I get home,” Nate cut him off.“Let’s go.Hunters can’t be too far behind us.” He placed his hand on Tess’ forearm and led her to his car.He opened the passenger door and motioned to the seat.“Get in.”Tess thought about snapping at him about giving her orders, but thought better of it.He was doing what she wanted after all.Best not to try his patience.She slipped into the vehicle and buckled up as Nate hopped in the other side.Nate jammed the key in the ignition and revved the engine loudly.Tess raised her brow in question as she watched him.Apparently he’d been serious about drawing their enemies’ attention.She gripped the door handle tightly.They were about to become the bait, and no doubt would be followed and chased.The tires screeched as Nate punched the accelerator.Tess took in a sharp breath as they sped down the road.Here we go.I hope he knows what he’s doing because I really don’t want to get shot again.She watched the tree line, searching for movement.Their enemy had no doubt heard the cars loud engine.Now they just needed to find out where the Hunters were hiding so they could take evasive maneuvers.A blur of green jackets raced down an embankment.Got you.“Nate,” she hissed, pointing with her free hand to an opening in the trees.The group of hunters came to a stop when they reached the blacktop and drew their weapons, aiming them at the car.“Keep your head down,” Nate yelled as the car roared with speed.Tess ducked down.Gunshots rang out, and she cringed as one pinged against the car.Crap.That was too close for comfort.She gasped as the car jerked wildly to the right.Oh God was he hit? She glanced up and let out a relieved breath.Nate appeared to be fine.She tensed as bullets ricocheted off the car.Glass clinked and Nate dove, protecting her body with his.The vehicle swerved violently as he tried to steer without looking.Please don’t crash.Glass crackled and then shattered, she flinched waiting for the shards to slice though her, but they didn’t.She turned and let out a relieved breath.It was the back glass.They must have passed by them.Almost in the clear.Quickly Nate sat up and glanced in the rearview mirror.“I think we’re good now.Are you hurt?”“No.You?” she asked, gazing over at him.His cobalt eyes met hers briefly before flicking back to the road.She didn’t see any cuts on him.“I’m good,” he answered.She closed her eyes and let out a long, relieved breath.They were safe for the moment, but she feared the safety would be short lived.“Well,” she started, smoothing her hair out of her face.“I think it’s safe to say they’re going to be coming this direction.”“That’s a safe assumption,” he agreed.“Don’t worry, we won’t make any stops for a while.They can’t track us if we stay in the car.They’ll lose our trail before they even get started.I’ve traveled through Kentucky a lot.I know my way around.”“Thank you,” Tess replied.“I hope you won’t be in too much trouble when you get home.” She shivered as a draft from the back worked its way to the front seat.It was going to be a cold ride without any glass to keep the elements out.Nate reached forward and turned on the heat.“We’ll just have to blast this until we can get something over the back window,” he started.“If we’d have gone back, I don’t know when the next opportunity to find your family would be.I know what it’s like to want to look for your loved one’s but not be able to,” he murmured.“I thought your family was all at Sanctuary?” Tess asked curiously.That’s what he’d said, right? Did I miss something?Nate sighed heavily and gripped the wheel tighter.“They are.My uncle was a part of the rescue teams.About five years ago, he was out and went missing.I begged to be allowed to search for him.I’m one of the best trackers.The council refused to send out a search and rescue party because hunters were too close to Sanctuary for comfort.The council is good in some ways, but they have their own agenda and if it doesn’t suit them, then you’ll never get what you want.”“What happened? Did you find him?” Tess wondered.Nate’s jaw clenched and anger flashed in his eyes as he momentarily met her gaze.“We found his body eleven days later.He was about eight miles from home.He’d been shot, but they hadn’t captured him.He died from the poison.If we’d have gone out for him, he could’ve lived.”“I’m sorry,” Tess whispered.Nate smiled sadly.“Not your fault.The council doesn’t want to be found, and I’m sure they aren’t happy about the prospect of more werecats living under our roof either.They would’ve kept you at Sanctuary and refused to search for any members of your pride.”“So we won’t be welcome there?” Tess asked angrily.Her face burned with rage.How could they call a place Sanctuary, but turn people away? With everything that was happening how could shifters turn on each other? If the pride in Ohio were gone, her family would have nowhere else to turn.Sure they could start their own pride somewhere, but a small community wouldn’t last against an invasion.“No,” Nate said sincerely.“There are enough level headed council members.It’s mainly the wolves who are not too fond of werecats.”“Because of the decades old feud,” Tess concluded.“Yeah.”Tess sighed and leaned back in her seat.“The past is the past, and it can’t be changed.We have to move forward and do what is best for our entire species.”“I agree,” Nate remarked quietly.“Let’s find your family.”Tess smiled to herself.If more people thought like him, maybe there was a chance at peace.First, she had to find her pride, and then they could start worrying about the rest.Chapter EightNate pulled off at an exit.It was nearly three in the morning.He was exhausted, hungry, and needed a break from the endless darkness of the freeway.He scanned the rearview mirror, ensuring no one was behind him.The road was dark and vacant.It had been for miles, but he had to check to be sure.Better safe than sorry.He didn’t want to stop for a long time.There was no doubt in his mind that they were being pursued.As long as they kept moving, they should be okay.Although, he swore at times that the Hunters had supernatural tracking abilities.It was the only thing that could explain how they found shifters sometimes.Nate drove up to a twenty-four hour Taco Bell and came to a stop just short of the drive thru.He looked over at his passenger.Tess was sound asleep.Her long hair draped over her face like a curtain.He took a moment to appreciate the soft rise and fall of her chest that accented the swell of her breast.She truly was magnificent.Reaching out, he tucked loose strands of hair behind her ear, letting his finger trail down her silky cheek.Tess stirred, her eyes fluttering for a moment as she leaned into his touch.What am I doing, he wondered as her breathing evened [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]