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." I laugh at her completing my sentence and she shrugs at me."Wow, ladies, are you going to eat all that?" Alice looks at us both with a frown on her face.We both look at Alice and then back at each other and say "Yes" at the same time."We're hungry." I shrug at Alice and she walks away.I decide to text Luke quickly before my pancakes arrive.*Dress is a sky blue color.Just so you know ;-)*I get an instant reply.*How much food did you order? *Huh what?I shake my head and put my cell back in my jean pocket.Jade leans across the table and bends her head slightly.I follow her moves and smirk at her."Ella….did you know Luke was here?" She whispers."What?" I whisper, my eyes widen and I look over my shoulder slightly."Where?" She nods to behind me and I look further over my shoulder.His eyes meet mine and I smile softly as he talks away to some of the guys."Oh, Ella, he's coming over.""What?" I ask, sit back up, and Jade does the same."Ladies." Luke greets us."Ellie."I look over at Jade."Ellie?" She mouths."It's a ‘me and him’ thing." I shrug at her and wink."Spare me the details." She rolls her eyes and I laugh at her."Hi." I mutter and look up at Luke."Hi." He whispers and holds his hand out for me.I take it and he pulls me into his arms.We're in the middle of a freaking IHOP.His arms wrap around me and he gives me a big squeeze."Luke…can't…breathe…hello!" He pulls me away and kisses me soundly on the lips.One hand is holding the back of my head, the other against my hip.I moan under the connection and he smiles at me."That's all, for now." He whispers and releases me."Jade." He acknowledges and she waves him off, her eyes fixed on her cell.He drops my hand, winks at me, and walks back to his table."That was freaking hot!" Jade exclaims as I resume my seat.I feel the heat of my blush across my cheeks."Hot huh? That's one word for it I guess." I shrug and our food arrives in front of us.I take a long drink of my iced tea and we tuck in to our large array of food.******It's nine at night, and I haven't heard from Luke since I saw him in the IHOP.I'm just casually sitting on my bed, legs crossed beneath me with my MacBook searching stupid websites and checking up on my email.I have ZZ Top playing at the highest volume my computer’s speakers can take.I yawn and stretch my arms above my head.Why does that always feel so good?I lean over to my bedside table, grab my unfinished bag of chips, and stuff a handful of salty taste into my mouth.Of course, with my mouth full of food… Luke's calling me."Hello.?" I say, muffed through the chips."Ella?" He laughs."You okay? What is that you're listening to?" I turn the music down and chew faster."Peachy, thanks, Luke." I swallow and clear my throat."It's ZZ Top, don't dis the classics.Sup?" I ask."Sup? You're a weird one, girl." I can feel his grin."But you love me, right?" I put my hand up to my mouth to try stop the words that have already escaped.He chuckles softly."Yes, I love you.What are you doing?""I'm sitting on my bed.""Doing what?" I sigh softly and look down at my MacBook, which is open at the UCLA's campus website."Researching.You?""Looking into some weird girls bedroom window." I smile, jump up, and run over to my window.Yep, there he is, waving softly when I see him."You look good." I whisper."Do I really?""Yes, you do." I giggle and he sighs softly.I watch him through the window as he slowly pulls his top up his abdomen and wiggles his hips."Luke, what are you doing? The neighbors will see you!" I laugh and he laughs with me."Get your butt down here, girl, I missed you." I hang up, shrug on some jeans and an Avenged Sevenfold hoody.Pfftt whatever, he loves me.I run down the stairs and as I reach the second landing, I bump into my dad."Oh, hey, Daddy.I didn't know you were home.""Hey, bear.Yeah, about twenty minutes ago.You always hide in your room, I never know if it's safe.I heard you listening to my albums again.They better go back to where they came from." He frowns at me and shrugs his hands into his tailored trousers.I laugh at him and he smiles softly."Where you off to anyway, lady?""Um… Luke's here, he wanted to see me." I sway softly on my feet, my patience wearing thin."Don't be late." He mutters and pulls me into a hug."Love you, Daddy, see you later." He releases me and I skip happily down the stairs.When I open the door and close it softly, I turn to see some maniac sitting in my baby."Get out of my car, right now!" I shout at Luke and he smiles at me.I jump down the two steps and over to my car."Out." He shakes his head."Now!""Nope." He says, smirking."Why?" I ask my hands now firmly stamped on my hips."Because you're cute when you're mad." He winks at me and puts his hands on the steering wheel."Please let me drive it, Ellie." He pulls a sad face and I laugh softly at him."Okay." I murmur and walk over to the passenger door.I jump over the door and into the seat."Keys?" He asks and I fish them out of my pocket and hand them to him.When they hit his palm, he grabs my hand and pulls me to him, our lips instantly meeting.I let his lips kiss me softly before opening up to him and letting his tongue work with mine.He pulls away first."I could never get enough of that." He whispers and licks his lips.He sits back, puts the key in the ignition, and the car sparks to life."Break it, Luke, and I swear…""What? Ella, you have seen the damn cars I drive.Of course I'll be careful." He pulls out of my driveway and we drive away from my house."Where are going?" I ask."And where's your car?""My house and I walked.""You walked?""Yeah, felt like getting some fresh air." He shrugs and turns on my radio."Evening Charlotte, if you're just joining us it looks like we're in for a treat! The sky is mostly cloudy tonight with some clouds that might look threatening, but tomorrow we are due sunshine! Yes, you heard me right! Warm sunshine all day tomorrow! We've had no new traffic updates tonight so all roads are fine.I'll be leaving you with The Beatles, “Let It Be.” Goodnight!"I watch Luke as he drives my car; his hair floats softly in the wind as his fingers tap my white steering wheel.He lifts my hand from my lap and kisses the top of it gently.He keeps hold of my hand until he has to turn a corner.Wait, where are we?"Luke…" I ask."Mhmmm…""Where are we going?" He turns to face me briefly and shrugs."I told you, baby.My home.""But, we're going the wrong way.""No, we're not [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]