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.”“Don’t worry, momma is just on the other side of that wall.You’ll see her in just a minute.”Surprise filled him as he looked back at the Wall.Hundreds of hands were sticking out of the nothingness.Countless fingers were wiggling and writhing as the Wall passed over them.As the Wall passed through the far edge of the cargo bay, the young boy ran back toward the horde.“Did you see me, momma?” the boy asked as he jumped into a pair of open arms.“I was the first one! Was I brave, momma?”His mother hugged him tightly as the rest of the horde looked at their hands in wonder.The Protectorates bowed to Brent like the tripod before they returned to their families.The mass of people easily spread out from the far wall.An excited commotion filled the cargo bay as the citizens started talking about what they’d just been through.Brent turned as he heard the hatch to the cargo bay slide open.“It’s okay, everyone.We jumped safely.No one.panic?” the captain’s voice trailed off as he watched the excited mass of refugees.A little girl ran up to the captain’s side and pulled on his shirt.“Mister, are we going to do that again?”“I’m sorry, but we are,” the captain said apologetically.“It’s going to be at least a dozen jumps or more until we reach our destination.You have about ten minutes to prepare for the next one.”The girl smiled widely and ran off toward the refugees.“We get to do it again!” she shouted excitedly as she got back to her friends.“Did I miss something?” The captain scratched his head, completely dumbfounded.“How is everyone?” Mrs.Lucchesi asked, as she entered the cargo bay.“They must be terrified!” Brent noticed the strong woman actually shaking.Her husband was nervously buttoning his shirt as he followed her.His hands shook as he tried to steady himself after the jump.“You must be the Governor.” The captain shook Mrs.Lucchesi’s hand.“You don’t need to worry.I don’t know why, but everyone is fine.In fact, they are better than just fine, they seem to be down right relaxed.”A look of surprise covered her face.As she was about to say something, a female trooper burst in through the open hatch and scanned the horde of citizens.“I knew it!” Angela shouted angrily.Cain and the rest of the squad entered the cargo bay behind her, some still pale from the jump.“I knew you had something to do with this!” Angela said as she stormed toward Brent.“To do with what?” the captain asked in annoyance at the interruption.“Are you blind?” Angela hissed.“You don’t have to be a Weaver to tell something’s wrong.”“I wouldn’t go that far,” Marie said as she studied the cargo bay’s occupants.“Everyone seems calm to me.I don’t see anything wrong.”“That’s just it!” Angela nearly shouted as she gestured to the citizens.“No one is scared, not even a little bit! We were under attack and had to jump away.I’ll remind you that for some of these people that was the first jump of their lives.”Realization hit the troopers.They looked at the calm and even happy faces of the refugees.Instead of cowering in fear, they were chatting warmly.There were no tears or screaming.No one was hugging the floor plating, swiping at the air, vomiting, or any of the other common reactions to a first jump.The troopers scanned the cargo bay, trying to make sense of what they were seeing.“How did you do this?” Angela demanded as she turned toward Brent.“Oh, so that’s it,” Cain said with a grin.“You’re not mad at him or confused by it.Your jealous he’s a better Weaver than you are.”Angela turned a murderous gaze on Cain but didn’t say anything.He laughed like thunder and started patting her shoulder over and over.“Mother?” Tyra shouted abruptly.Tyra had finally realized whom the captain had been addressing when Angela had burst into the room.She ran over and hugged both of her parents.“I thought you’d still be on the planet for sure!”Speechless, Mrs.Lucchesi returned her daughter’s embrace.Ronald stood a respectable distance off with a small content smile on his face.“You were right, Tyra,” Mrs.Lucchesi said with a warm smile.“About what?” she asked.“Even if you don’t pay attention, it’s hard not to notice your friend.Brent is obviously the most unique of your squad.”“Now dear, be nice,” the Governor said absentmindedly.“I meant it as a compliment.”“Tell me, Captain, did the enemy really invade our home?” he asked.“I’m afraid so, Governor.Union ships had already landed and soldiers were entering the capital as we jumped.”Rhea stiffened only slightly, a look of sadness on her face.“Then I suppose we might just owe you our very lives young man,” the governor said to Brent with a gentle smile.Tyra blinked a few times before locking her eyes on him.The troopers all turned their attention on him.He wasn’t sure what to say, when he felt a small hand pulling on his.Looking down he found the small boy pulling him.“What’s wrong, Hiroyuki?” Brent asked.“Will you join us?” the boy asked excitedly.“Join you in what?”“It’s a surprise,” the boy said with a huge smile.Brent shrugged to the group staring him down and let the boy pull him along.The boy took him to a large group of children all bickering and arguing among themselves.When they noticed whom Hiroyuki was pulling behind him, they all hushed and smiled mischievously.“Not again!” Owen shouted in fear.“Captain you should have warned us!”At the far end of the cargo bay, the invisible ribbon was eating the ship again.The captain and the rest of the group near the hatch slowly backed away from the Wall, a mixture of fear and surprise on their faces.“Now!” Hiroyuki shouted excitedly.The group of children quickly grabbed one another’s hands and formed a human chain down the length of the cargo bay.The girl at the far end started laughing uncontrollably as the Wall passed over her.The Wall slowly moved down the human chain, passing from one child to the next.Each one burst into laughter or uncontrolled giggling as the Wall moved over them.The captain and his small group were so caught up in their surprise at the children’s actions they didn’t notice as the Wall passed over them.Hiroyuki and Brent formed the tail end of the chain and watched eagerly, as the Wall grew closer and closer.He felt a nervous hand grab his as the Wall neared.Turning, he found Cassandra holding his hand, shaking as she watched the Wall approach.In her eyes he could see the reflection of the nothingness edge closer.He smiled warmly as he gripped her hand tightly.Brent could hear Hiroyuki start to laugh.The laughing was cut short when the Wall passed over the boy’s mouth.Cassandra wrapped both her hands around his.As he kept his gaze locked on her, he could feel the tingle as the Wall slid over his hand other hand.“Don’t worry, I’m right here.I won’t let go,” Brent said.Cassandra’s grip tightened as the Wall passed over his head.He watched as the back of the ship was replaced by empty space.Looking down, he found his arm ending prematurely, as the Wall slowly revealed more and more of him.Cassandra’s grip was growing painful as the Wall started passing over her hands.When they were exposed on his side of the Wall, Brent leaned over and kissed the back of one of her hands.Her grip relaxed instantly.When the Wall completely passed over her, Cassandra leapt forward and hugged him tightly.The children broke the human chain and started running back to their parents, laughing and playing.Brent and Cassandra returned to the captain, a stupefied look on his face.“I’ve been on a ship for almost twenty years now, and I’ve never gotten over my anxiety [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]