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.If these comments continue, I will report you to your boss.Can I continue working as your assistant and receive the respect you used to give me?”Rebecca’s boss agreed that they could continue working together and the comments would stop.And that was all that was said.Her work life improved, but her home life got worse.One morning around three, Rebecca woke to a scraping sound coming from her kitchen.She turned on her light and the sound stopped.She knew that her kitchen wall was also Roy’s kitchen wall.She turned the light off and loudly went back to her bedroom and closed the door.Rebecca stood in the hall for a minute before tiptoeing back into the kitchen.She sat on the floor and waited.After about five minutes the scraping sound started back up.She listened closely trying to figure out exactly where it was coming from.What had led her to this point in her life, sitting on the cold linoleum floor in her kitchen wearing a t-shirt and panties, listening to see if some freaky guy was trying to come though the wall?She quietly slid her body closer to the pantry and tried to peek under the door.She thought she could see movement.“Shit! Maybe I have a mouse,” she whispered to herself.She flung open the door with every intention of looking at the floor for a mouse, but there was light coming from the wall and Rebecca made eye contact with Roy.“I’m calling the cops!” Rebecca yelled and slammed the pantry door closed.She dialed 9-1-1.When the police arrived, Roy was gone and there was nothing in the apartment other than a mattress on the floor.Rebecca wondered if he merely rented the place so he could spy on her.Rebecca’s counselor helped her fill out the forms for a restraining order against Roy.But, the judge denied the order.Rebecca was disappointed, but she was okay.The landlord didn’t want to get involved and didn’t press charges against Roy for damaging the wall, which added to her disappointment and feelings of being all alone.Rebecca felt certain that she would never see Roy again, which helped her move on with her life.Several weeks passed, and Ed continued to treat Rebecca with respect.She wondered if her assertiveness had changed him, if Ed and Roy had had a falling out or if they had conspired to keep Rebecca working there so Ed could keep Roy informed about her.Rebecca wanted to keep her job because she wanted to deal with her other issues first.Later she would decide what to do about her career.Rebecca stood up and headed to her office.When she found the card, she looked at the ‘R’ on the front of the little envelope again.She tore the card in half and then in fourths and tossed it into her wastebasket.She went back into the living room and continued going through Angie’s work.Rebecca learned about how slick the pimps and traffickers were when targeting girls and young women.They were going into neighborhoods and malls in the Midwest and Every Town, USA, to groom girls and young women unknowingly into prostitution.Rebecca was thankful that she was young in a different time.Although during her high school years, she remembered being approached by a creepy man at the mall.“Could you try this shirt on for me? You are my wife’s size and I’d like to see how it looks.” One of the women who worked in the store overheard him and called the police.Rebecca was naive and didn’t know what was going on until her sister explained it to her.She also remembered a friend being offered fifty dollars for a blowjob outside of a restaurant.She wondered how everything got so out of control.Rebecca read about the rapes, addictions, suicides and murders of prostitutes.She learned about the devastating emotional damage and the degradation the women felt.She read about the education levels of men who use prostitutes, their marital status and the types of prostitution they use.She also learned that most men knew it was wrong to be with a prostitute, wouldn’t marry a prostitute, knew prostitutes were victims and knew prostitutes didn’t make a lot of money.And most men said it wasn’t okay for their daughters to be prostitutes or for their sons to use prostitutes.Most men knew that it wasn’t the prostitute’s choice to be a prostitute, but… most men wanted prostitution decriminalized.Rebecca wrote, “There is a definite disconnection in society about prostitution.Should men be convicted of violence against women, and women be given mandatory help? Clearly, these women are hurting and need help.Better education? Separate education for boys and girls about these issues? Whose fault is it when we are bombarded with sex every day? We have allowed the sex industry and violence against women to become acceptable, mainstream.”Rebecca tried to imagine herself using a male escort for sex.She pictured herself picking up the phone and ordering in a man to have sex with no strings attached.She fantasized there wouldn’t be strings attached, knowing there were always strings attached when it came to sex—justifying the morality of your own behavior, contracting a disease, breaking the law, hurting people, possibly being abused.Even if it were possible to have that type of exchange, Rebecca knew it was something she would never do.She would not feel good to use somebody that way, and she felt something was wrong with people who did whatever they wanted, just because they could.She felt it showed a lack of character [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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