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.But then he looked at Balook, and knew that nothing made any sense while the rhino's fate was in doubt."C'mon, kiss me," Barb said.Was it another dream? Thor set that question aside and seized the moment.He kissed her, not hard.For a moment it was strange, a repeat of the first kiss, and he feared she would push him away again, that she had been joking, that he had missed the point and ruined it by his eagerness.But then her arms came up to wrap around his neck, to draw him in closer, and it was like orbiting in space, disembodied except for that miraculous contact of their lips and the clasp of her arms.At last they broke.The entire forest seemed brighter, richer, like the beauty of dusk when colors were enhanced.Barb was so lovely it was almost painful to look at her."I won't say I love you," she said."But I guess I don't have to.""I think you just did," he remarked wryly."Barb— can't you bring Theria and Blooky out here? So we can all be together? I can't leave him, and I don't want to leave you.""I'll try," she promised."Damn it, I will say it!" he exclaimed."I do—"She jumped to put her hand over his mouth."No— no! We can't say anything we might regret.""I'll never regret it!"She quirked a smile."Have you never done something you regretted?""For two years!" Which brought home to him the validity of her caution."Wait until we know about Balook."She was right.He nodded."Come if you can," he said, turning away.He did not dare remain with her longer, lest he make a scene that would embarrass them both.He heard the car door close.Then the car hummed slowly along the path cleared for vehicles, headed for the nearest road.Thor turned to wave, then walked on toward Balook.Then he remembered that notion about the freak zoo.They had been operating under the assumption that they would separate after the rhinos were delivered to the Eastern Project site, and that there would no longer be a job for her.But the zoo needed people who related well to strange animals, and if Barb—"Got it!" one vet cried, holding up a bloody something."Bullet's out.I believe he'll pull through, with proper care.""I'll stay with him!" Thor said."He'll need more than that," the man said."We'll have to put him on special feed, and he'll need a lot of it.Nourishment that won't aggravate the intestine.And he'll have to be kept warm.""But Balook doesn't have any trouble with the chill of the night," Thor protested."He has his own ways to handle both heat and cold."The man glanced at him."Such as?""He allows the excess heat to accumulate in the outer layers by day, then draws on it at night.His body temperature varies far more widely than ours does.His mass is so great that it changes slowly anyway.""And how does he build up this heat?""Why, mostly from exercise—" Thor broke off, finally getting the vet's point.Balook was sick, and could not move about and forage while he recovered from the injury.He would slowly cool off, and not be able to recharge his heat in his normal manner."Maybe blankets—"The man shook his head."Never work.Animals don't understand blankets.We'll have to put up a tent."Thor realized that this was going to be expensive."I don't know if we can get a requisition in time.""You had better call your Project Manager and impress upon him the need," the vet warned."That's not the problem.He will know the need.It's that it takes days to requisition anything out of the ordinary.The bureaucracy just doesn't move any faster."The man considered."There may be another way.I'll ask the Mayor.""Mayor?" Thor asked blankly."Mayor Caldwell of Eagle Stream.""You mean the town we just—?""I'll handle it," the man said.He went to his truck and began talking on the radio.Soon he was back."A tent's on the way, along with the other equipment and supplies we need.Be here in an hour.""But how—?""The Mayor's coming out with the first load.He'll talk to you.""To me?" Thor was baffled by this development."He'll update you.He's good at that."Thor did not pursue the subject.He could think of no optimistic reason why such a personage should make a personal call.Was the city going to sue the Project—or merely jail Thor and Barb on suspicion of homicide?Balook was sleeping.Thor realized that it must have taken a lot of sedation to put twelve tons to sleep, and it would take time to wear off.But the first crisis was past; the vet said the rhino would make it.All too soon the Mayor arrived.He was an old man, but still spry.He reminded Thor somewhat of his grandfather; he had the same gray mane, and similar lines about the face."Thor Nemmen?" Mayor Caldwell inquired heartily, shaking hands."Don't worry about a thing.We have the report on what happened; your animals were not at fault.Eagle Stream will take care of you."Already the tent was going up: an inflated-wall type of considerable size.It wouldn't fit in the forest, so they were pitching it in the field."Thank you, sir," Thor said, looking for the catch."But this must be very expensive—""Yes, and we shall take care of that, too," the Mayor said."The people want to see your animals.We'll rope off the area and charge admission—""Charge admission!" Thor cried, shocked."Now don't misunderstand, son.We're sorry about what happened, and we feel responsible.That boy should never have gotten into your right of way.But I would soon be out of office if I didn't protect the taxpayer's interest.We'll control entry, and post warnings; troublemakers won't get near your animal.""Balook's no freak!""Of course not, son, of course not.But he is impressive.Long time since the citizens of Eagle Stream have seen a horse that size.""He's a rhino, not a horse!""Of course.We'll explain that the fee goes directly to the support of the animal.That way, the town can make it up to you.""This is ridiculous! Balook doesn't like crowds!""Son, you've got to understand.The citizens are sorry, and they want to help.My phone's been busy all morning.Give them a chance to salve their consciences.Your animal will like them, when he sees how decent they are."The prospect appalled Thor, but beneath the Mayor's homey manner there was a genuine financial imperative.Balook did need help, and needed it now, not days from now when the Project authorization came through.The Project personnel had not even been able to get here yet; they were evidently helpless."Could you bring the others here—Theria and Blooky?" Thor asked."We intend to.Is the calf amenable to petting? That would be a great attraction for the children.""Look, Mayor Caldwell—if someone hurts Blooky, the same thing will happen all over again!"The Mayor looked Thor in the eye.He had a remarkably level gaze."Son, trust me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]