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.As soon as police arrived, Stephens was handcuffed and taken away.Lara made the police report; she wanted to press assault charges.The police officer asked if she felt she could drive to the station.They wanted to photograph her injuries.Lara said she could drive.But her hands were trembling slightly as she walked to her car.Adrenaline, she thought.It would soon subside.She had been through this before.The police officer was waiting for her at the station and quickly brought her to a private interrogation room and closed the door.Officer Randall Bettencourt told her he would bring a female officer in the room to record her statement and take photos.Lara looked into his soft brown eyes.He was young, under thirty, and stood straight and tall, about six foot four.There was an air of authority about him.He removed his hat in Lara's presence and she noted the shaved brunette haircut.In under a minute, Lara's eyes swept over him and she sensed she could put her life in his hands.She told him she was fine with photographs, she just wanted to get it over with.The officer stepped out of the room briefly and returned with a petite blonde woman in a navy blue police uniform.She shook Lara's hand and introduced herself as Officer Rebecca Benson.Officer Bettencourt took great care to make Lara feel comfortable and secure.He brought her a bottle of water and spoke in a deep soft voice as if trying to soothe her.He sat in on the interview as Rebecca Benson asked questions.At one point, Lara didn't answer some of the questions, and Bettencourt looked up from his notes.When his brown eyes met hers, it was as if he knew this was not the first time this had happened to her."Take your time." he coaxed her gently.She focused on the details of his uniform.His arms were well developed and his hands big.She detected a slight southern accent.Through her blurry eyes, she finally became conscious of the fact that he was exceedingly handsome.But, he never once smiled.He was somber, efficient and professional.After Rebecca Benson recorded her statement, she got out a camera and set it on the table; then handed Lara something that looked like a hospital gown."We'll step outside while you put this on, Ma'am.Just open the door when you're ready." Randall Bettencourt and Rebecca Benson left the room.Lara undressed, leaving only her panties on, and slipped into the garment.She could not stop shivering as she opened the door and Rebecca Benson returned alone."This will just take a few minutes, Miss O'Connell." she said."It's important to have this evidence for your case."Lara closed her eyes as the officer photographed the red and purple bruises on her arms and neck.Then she shifted the garment opening it in the back.She heard the camera click and whir as she zoomed in on the purple bruises on her back where Lara was driven into the quartz countertop with tremendous force.Her bare feet felt cold on the tile floor.She couldn't stop shivering.Rebecca Benson left the room and Lara got dressed.She dialed Eliot's phone number but there was no answer.She sent him a text saying she could not see him tonight, but she needed to talk to him about a serious incident that had just occurred at the Williams Street work site.Randall Bettencourt walked Lara to her car.Lara's whole body shook uncontrollably as she drove home.Once inside, she ran to the bathroom and vomited.She took a hot shower and brushed her teeth.As she made her way to the kitchen for a cold ginger ale, her phone vibrated and it was Ben.His voice sounded happy and excited."Hey Lara, I am cooking one of my specials tonight.I would love you to join me and Einstein for a light dinner and a walk." She was silent.Ben said, "Lara, are you there?" She replied in a terse manner, "Yes, just give me some time to shower." They agreed to meet at 7:00 in Ben's apartment.Lara robotically dressed to go to Ben's.She suddenly wanted nothing more than to be with him.~Ben~When Ben hung up the phone he immediately sensed something was wrong.He already heard Lara take a shower thirty minutes ago.So, why would she say she was going to take a shower when she had already taken one? And, her voice sounded strange on the phone.Lara arrived at Ben's apartment door precisely at 7:00.Before she even tapped on the door Einstein scrambled from his dog bed.His nose pressed against the door, he made a snorting sound.Then he squealed with delight knowing Lara was on the other side.Ben opened the door and took her into his arms.The embrace was long and he held her tightly."I missed your afternoon visit today." Ben whispered as he held her.Lara pulled away gently."I had that contractor meeting…" Ben noticed her eyes were red and she avoided eye contact with him.He thought she may have been crying earlier."Are you all right?" Ben asked cautiously."Sure, I'm fine." Laura quipped.Slipping a dog treat to Einstein, she asked, "What's for dinner?" Ben smiled with dimples, "My special mushroom and Asiago cheese omelet and a salad.And, you are to sit in a comfortable seat and have a glass of ginger ale while I prepare the food.I'll put the television on for you."Ben noticed her hand was shaking as she held the glass of ginger ale.He watched as she gently set the glass down.She sat near the window and nervously twirled a tendril of hair around her index finger and stared off into space.Lara wasn't smiling or talking and Ben knew something serious had happened today.He placed the food into the oven to keep it warm and moved toward her as she continued her absent-minded trance.When he approached her near the window, he noticed the deep purple bruise on her neck and immediately knew someone had hurt her.She looked into his eyes and no words were spoken.Ben held her in a tight embrace and felt her body shake involuntarily as she heaved and sobbed.Fifteen minutes passed.Ben stroked her hair as Lara's tear-stained cheek was pressed against his chest."Do you want to tell me about it?" he gently whispered.Lara's voice was muted, "It was the electrical contractor.He's a big bastard, but I took him down.I was scared, Ben.I kicked him and got him onto the floor.I left my bag on the countertop and almost couldn't reach it.I thought about it afterward and realized how lucky I was to have escaped.I pulled my Glock out and came very close to using it." Ben held her tighter now."So that's what you carry in your leather sack.I thought it was a little heavy to be make-up, seeing as you hardly wear any.Now I get it."Ben felt Lara relaxing in his arms.The sobbing stopped as he stroked her hair and continued holding her close.If anyone knew the experience of violence up close and personal, it was Ben Keegan.And, he was very familiar with the adrenaline rush and its crash afterwards.Human beings were wired for flight or fight and no matter how much training or preparation, the let down was a series of involuntary bodily reactions that were not very pleasant.He was glad Lara had come to him tonight.He wanted nothing more than to soothe her.She felt like a broken bird in his strong arms and Ben was overwhelmed with the feeling of being her protector.He could think of nothing now but Lara and helping her through the aftermath [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]