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.But more than anything, it’s monotonous and tedious and I cannot wait to come home to you.Not a day goes by that I don’t dream of devouring your soft skin.Not a day goes by that I don’t dream of consuming a plate of barbecue.In that order of course — or simultaneously for fun.There she is! Laugh for me Natalie.I come out here at night so I can see your star.The guys think I’m a creeper staring up at the sky — but they don’t understand.Keep smiling, ma femme, your star is brighter than ever.My pleasure from the pain — my beacon.I love you,ZachSeptember 26, 2003IT’S BEEN TWO weeks since the Adam Ford disappearance and Chloe is still moping around the apartment.The problem with passionate people is they tend to love hard and fall hard, and Chloe is no exception.I try my best to avoid the subject of Adam, but I really need to know if she likes him as much as I think she does.How can I sit around and not do anything about her future happiness? Zach would want me to – Zach always makes things right.And then, one of my not-so-brilliant plans pops into my head.While Chloe is in the shower, I take her cell phone and scroll through the numbers.She’s singing the soundtrack of Cabaret – I’ve got plenty of time.His name isn’t on the contact list, but there’s a Manhattan number she called last Friday afternoon that I don’t recognize.I hit redial.It rings.“Adam Ford’s office, how may I help you?” The voice is snotty and intimidating.“Der, uh – duh, yes!”Smugly, she asks, “Are you okay? May I ask your name please?”“My name is uh, Delta.Delta Burke.May I speak with Adam?”She sighs dramatically then says, “Let me see if he’s available.”What the fuck am I doing?“Hello, Ms.Burke? I’ll put you through.”The phone beeps twice and then his deep voice breaks through.“Ms.Burke – how nice to hear from you.Let me start by saying that I loved Designing Women.” Adam’s voice is full of sarcasm.“Listen, you fucker, I don’t like being put on the spot.it’s Natalie, Chloe’s cousin,” I whisper.“Why are you incognito and why are you whispering?”“Because!” I yell.“Because,” I whisper.“We need to talk.I have to talk to you.”Adam is silent and I can understand why.Some crazy girl calls him to talk – no guy wants that.“I have to be in court in an hour, but we could meet at the Starbucks on Worth later this afternoon,” he finally says.“Yes.in public, I get it.I’m not that crazy, ya know – I’m not going to boil your bunnies or anything.Three o’clock?” I ask.Again with the fucking unnecessary silence on the other end of the line.He would make a fantastic telephone stalker – sexy, masculine, and mysterious.I need help.Like a sex lobotomy or sessions with a therapist that forces me to act out my sexual fantasies while they wa—“Natalie, I’ll see you at three.” He hangs up and I quickly delete my call log.I toss Chloe’s phone across the room, freaked, nervous, and relieved.Phew.“MOLLY, I’M GOING out for coffee.Can I get you something?” I ask while shutting off my computer.“Oh goodness no! I’m actually headed out myself.Mr.Ross got us tickets to the Met tonight and we’re having an early dinner.” Molly drapes a scarf over her shoulder and packs her bag, stopping briefly to ask, “How’s Zach’s party coming along?”Zach.Just hearing his name makes me want to join the Marines and fight by his side – although the Navy really has the better uniforms.I stand to put on my coat and check my lipstick in my tiny compact – no sense in behaving like a psycho in front of my boss.“The bar is thrilled to host the party and it’s a VIP-invite only.I haven’t asked, but I’m sure Chloe will perform.”“Perfect, Nat.He’ll love it.” Molly walks to my desk and smiles.“Shall we?” She was one of Claire’s best friends and I know she loves Zach like a son, but the way she looks after me in Zach’s absence is beyond amazing.“Yes, let’s.” We link our arms and head to the elevator.STARBUCKS IS PACKED this time of day, which is no surprise with the courts down the street and the afternoon rush of Frappuccino-loving-emo-teenagers.I don’t see Adam, so I grab a small table in the corner and bite my nails.God, I need a cigarette.But just as I’m contemplating my exit, Adam appears on the Starbucks rubber mat, rakish and handsome.He’s so dreamy – shit, that’s a lame word, but there’s no other description.Adam’s like a dab of Robert Redford, a dollop of Rock Hudson, and a sprinkling of John F.Kennedy, Jr.– a mind-generated perfect specimen of fuck me now.Crap, he sees me, possibly with my mouth hanging open and saliva pooling on the table.I can’t hide now, but I don’t want to.Adam’s presence is powerful, like a pyramid of veracity reigning over Manhattan.How can someone so dark and mysterious make me feel so calm? I wave, but my embarrassment is intensified by his brilliant smile, mocking me – like this secret meeting is the stupidest thing ever.It is [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]