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.Malcolm worked for the enemy.But the captain of the guard’s concerned expression was more sincere than Bran expected.“I’ve brought Heather to tend your wounds.”This meager act of kindness surely wouldn’t make Malcolm think he’d repaid his debt.“Ye bring help now I’m nearly dead?”“No one was allowed to tend you in the pit.”Heather bustled in with her basket in one hand and a candle in another.“Leave us be, Sir Malcolm.”“Very well.” The door closed behind him and the heavy iron bar creaked into place.Heather knelt beside him and tsked.“Look at you.” She held her hand to his forehead.“At least you’re not fevered.”Bran rolled to his stomach.“Is it festering?”Holding the candle high, she leaned over and examined the welts.“There’s some pus, but scabs are forming.” She pulled a stoppered pot from her basket.“I’ll apply a honey poultice to keep it from turning putrid.”“At least there willna be too much time for me wounds to go bad.Ross intends me to be the first man dead in battle.”“Aye? I’ve watched you spar.’Twill take quite an army of men to bring down the likes of you.”Bran chuckled.“I’ve never seen a man stand up to cannon shot.”“At least there’s hope.” Bran winced as Heather’s fingers worked in the cool cream.“I’ve a message from Enya.”Bran pushed himself up, but Heather pressed on his shoulder.“She asked me to tell you she loves you.”Bran’s throat closed.He would give anything to hold her in his arms right now.“Thank you, mistress.That means more to me than you could possibly know.” He had to ask.“Did she send Griffon to me?”“Rodney released him, but she asked me to have him do so.”The salve started to soothe as it seeped into his exposed welts.“And how is she?”Heather stoppered the pot.“She’s nearly gone mad, locked in a cell.”“Miss Enya isn’t one to be caged.She needs to spread her wings and fly.”“Aye, she does.” Heather held up a bandage strip and applied it to his back.“Lord Ross is sending her to Iona until he can finalize her marriage.”“Iona?” That was farther away from Renfrewshire…and on an island, easier for a sailor to reach.It surprised him the abbey was still in operation, having been hit hard by the Reformation—parts of it were in ruins.“Finalize? He’s still proceeding, then?”“It appears so—after the uprising.”“When will ye see her again?”Heather applied another bandage across his angry welts.“I’ve asked Lady Ross to allow me to take her a change of clothes.I plan to return as soon as I’m allowed.”Bran pictured Enya sitting in a lone cell still wrapped in her red dressing gown, subsisting on bread and water.“I must see her.”Heather shook her head.“Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that will be possible.”He had to find some way of reaching her.“Please tell Miss Enya I return her love tenfold.”“It would be best if you would both forget you ever met.”Bran grasped Heather’s hand.“But we did meet, and I love her like no other.Promise me ye’ll tell her.”“Aye,” Heather whispered.“’Tis the least I can do.”With a jingle of keys, the lock scraped and the door opened.Rewan MacLeod stepped in, carrying a bundle.“I’ve brought yer things from the loft.”Rewan doing something considerate? Does every warrior at Halkhead want to give me charity now I’ve been bludgeoned? “Gratitude.” Bran recognized his chainmail and clothing, but saw no weapons.“Where’s me sword?”“Malcolm’s holding on to it.Ye’ll have it afore battle and for practice.” A slow whistle passed Rewan’s lips.“Ye look like hell.”“I’m sure he doesn’t need you to tell him so.” Heather tugged Bran’s arm.“Sit up so I can tie these bandages in place.”Bran complied, though he wasn’t happy Malcolm had his weapons.It would be a long time before he could trust Ross’s captain of the guard.Heather wrapped the roll of bandage around him at least a half-dozen times before she tied it off.“I’ll leave you the poultice.Have someone to reapply the dressings in a couple of days.”“I’ll do that.If I’m still alive.”She stood and brushed her hands.“I have an inkling you’ll find a way to survive.”Bran grasped her hand and kissed it.“I thank ye, Mistress Heather.”It tickled him to see the matron blush.With a nod, she picked up her basket and swished out the door.Rewan sauntered over and sat on the pallet beside him—another unusual move for the Lewis henchman.“I never like to see me own kin tied to a post and whipped.Even if ye are from Raasay.” He pulled a flagon from beneath his plaid.“But why did ye have to mess with the lass?”“She came to me.” Bran reached for the flagon and took a long draw.“But dunna take me wrong.I’m in love with her.”“Yer feelings will see ye killed.”Bran stoppered the flask and passed it back.“We’ll all be dead if Ross has his way.”“Och, ye’re bloody right.” Rewan clapped his shoulder and Bran winced at the pain radiating across his welts.“The Highlanders will stay together.I’ll do what I can to watch yer back.”Bran grasped Rewan’s arm at the elbow, a sign of kinship.“And I’ll watch yers.Let us disappoint the bastard.”“Aye, I want to see Lewis again afore I die.”“I have me own plans as well.”“I hope that doesna include a stop at Paisley Abbey.”“It does.”“God have mercy on yer soul.” Rewan pulled the stopper.“Here.Another tot of whisky will help ye sleep.”Bran took it and savored the fiery liquid as it slid down his gulled.“Ye’re no so bad are ye?”***Rutherglen of Hamilton ~ 8th May, 1568Claud Hamilton could take no more posturing from the nobles who were all supposedly on the same side.Even the queen had her own damned agenda.He paced in front of the hearth where nine earls, nine bishops, eighteen lairds and over a hundred lesser supporters crammed into Rutherglen’s great hall, all with something to say.The queen sat on the dais in his velvet-upholstered chair and struggled to listen to countless simultaneous petitions.Archbishop Hamilton stood beside her and pounded his staff on the floorboards.“Silence! I will never read through this proclamation if you do not hold your tongues until the end.”Lovely Queen Mary with her red tresses, masked by a veil held in placed by her bejeweled crown, turned to him and frowned [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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