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.Clay’s last doubt vanished.This was the woman who’d killed his brother, and now she was threatening the woman he loved.“Sarah!” He let out an anguished cry as he drew his six-shooter.Mary had to be stopped.She couldn’t hurt Sarah.A bullet in the arm would keep Mary from shooting Sarah.He was too late.Before he could aim, Mary grabbed Sarah, pulling her in front of her, a human shield.Clay’s heart sank as he considered the possibilities.Though Sarah had the advantage of age, Mary was bigger and stronger and was not burdened by an injured leg.The woman he loved had no chance of escape unless Clay could find a way to disarm Mary.His gaze moved quickly, searching for a weakness he could exploit.“Go, Clay! Save your father.” Sarah’s words echoed through the night.Though his heart remained frozen with terror, warmth began to spread through his veins at the realization that this woman—this wonderful woman—cared more for Pa than her own life.“I’ll be all right,” she said.“That’s right, Clay.Go.” Mary’s laugh chilled his blood another ten degrees despite the warmth Sarah’s love had generated.“I’ll take care of your bride.” Mary’s laugh left no doubt how she proposed to care for Sarah.“I can’t do that.” The acrid stench of smoke burned his eyes, filling his heart with pain at the thought of what his father was suffering.Dear Lord, spare Pa the agony, he prayed silently.He had made his choice.No matter how high the cost, he could not leave Sarah with this woman.I love you, Pa.He sent the thought winging toward the Bar C.I know this is what you would have wanted.The day he’d returned from the war and stood at his wife’s grave, Pa told Clay and Austin that the future belonged to the next generation.Sarah was Clay’s future.If he were given the choice, his father would tell him to save Sarah, even though it meant his own death sentence.Clay’s eyes narrowed as he tried to find a way to free Sarah.“Let her go, Mary.”Mary laughed again.“If you want her, toss me your six-shooter.If’n you don’t, I’ll shoot her.”There was no choice.Mary had killed once; Clay knew she’d do it again.He dropped his gun.“Good.” Mary cackled.Keeping her arm tightly wrapped around Sarah, she trained her gun on Clay.“Now, get off the horse.”Again, there was no choice.As he slid from Shadow’s back, Clay measured the distance between him and Mary.Without a weapon, he would have to tackle her, but only when Sarah was safe.He looked at Sarah.Though her eyes were filled with fear, she managed a small smile for him, as if she sought to reassure him that everything would be fine.It wouldn’t, unless he could find a way to overpower Mary.When Clay was on the ground, Mary smiled, a smile devoid of all mirth.“This is more than I coulda hoped for.Now I can be rid of all of you.” She laughed.“First Patience, then Austin, now you, your father, and your pretty bride.”For a moment, the words did not register, but when they did, rage deeper than anything he’d ever known slammed through Clay.This woman was evil, pure evil.She had killed his brother and his wife and their unborn child, and now she threatened Pa and Sarah.Mary was a murderer.Worse than that, she was a monster who enjoyed killing, and there was nothing so horrible on the face of the earth.With every fiber of his being, Clay knew she could not be allowed to live.I will repay, saith the Lord.The words Clay had memorized echoed through his brain.He clenched his hands, wanting nothing more than to wrap them around Mary’s throat.He could not, not without disobeying his God.Help me, Lord.Give me strength.As the rage began to subside, Clay stared at Mary.Perhaps if he convinced her to talk, Sarah would be able to break free.“Why are you doing this? I thought you were our friend.”Mary’s lips curled with anger.“The land shoulda been mine.You Canfields don’t have no right to it.”Dimly Clay recalled her complaining that she hadn’t received a land grant to match the one the state had given Pa.It appeared that the slight had festered and that she now blamed his family for everything that had gone wrong in her life.Clay couldn’t change that.He wouldn’t even try.All that mattered was saving Sarah.If Mary wanted the ranch, she could have it, so long as she freed Sarah.Clay’s thoughts whirled.There had to be a way to distract Mary long enough for Sarah to break free.He looked at the woman he loved, hoping she could read his expression, hoping she knew why he shifted his eyes to the right.“Killing us won’t give you the Bar C,” he told Mary.“Only I can do that.” Though Mary kept her gun pointed at him, Clay saw her eyes flicker with confusion.“Let Sarah go.” Sarah nodded almost imperceptibly.“If you do, I’ll deed the ranch to you.That’s the only way you’ll get it.If I’m dead, it will go to the state.”“How do I know I can trust you?”Clay glanced to the side again, not daring to look at Sarah, lest he alert Mary, but hoping she would understand.“What have you got to lose?” As he pronounced the final word, Clay bent down, as if reaching for his gun.Enraged, Mary took a step forward.The distraction was momentary, but it was all Sarah needed.She lurched to the side and broke free.Thank you, Lord.The instant Sarah was safe, Clay lunged.Wrapping his arms around Mary’s legs, he dragged her to the ground, then pulled her arms behind her.Though she was kicking and struggling, she could not escape.Clay twisted his head and looked at Sarah.“There’s a rope on Shadow.Will you get it?” The woman he loved might limp, but she moved toward the stallion with confidence.Gone was the fear that had characterized her interactions with horses.Suddenly the implication of the two horses he’d seen grazing at the side of the road hit him.“You rode,” he said, wonder in his voice.Sarah acted as if overcoming her fear was of little importance.“It was the only way to save your father.”“It’s too late now.” Mary cackled as she pronounced the words.“Too late.Too late.Too late.”She was mad.As a student, Clay had seen enough patients to be certain of the diagnosis.Though she’d hidden her illness for years, Mary had stepped over the brink tonight.There was no turning back.Clay wrapped a length of rope around her wrists, then tied her ankles.For her own safety as well as others’, Mary could not be allowed to escape.A deep sadness filled him at the thought that this woman who had once been a friend would spend the rest of her life in an asylum, a tragic, pitiful figure.“It’s over,” he said softly.“The killing is over.” Mary’s only response was another mad laugh.The poor, poor woman.Clay swallowed and prayed for strength, knowing there was more to be said.She wouldn’t understand it, but that didn’t matter.Zach and Sarah were right.Clay was doing this for himself.He took another deep breath as he looked at the struggling figure on the ground.“I forgive you for what you’ve done.” As he pronounced the words, Clay pictured Austin’s smile.Sarah’s legs buckled, and she sank to the ground.Perhaps it was relief; perhaps it was fatigue; perhaps it was sorrow over Pa’s death.She didn’t know the cause.All she knew was that she could no longer stand.She’d handed Clay the ropes, and then she’d collapsed.Sarah watched while Clay restrained Mary.Though he was speaking, she could not distinguish the words.All she saw was his bowed head and then the confident way he straightened his shoulders as he bent to pick up Mary.Something had happened, but Sarah did not know what it was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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