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.His black brows arched in suggestive lust.My bourbon bottle saluted him.I never expected the bondage angle.Face it, I never expected my Po.Damn, I loved him beyond words.The Deepening WoundDRINKING bourbon at two in the afternoon sounded unwise, but speaking to Dan really kicked the urge forward.Why did I feel upset? I knew this problem would occur.It still agitated me.“Dan, why? What is the point?”“They don’t want the renegade savage remaining alone out there.”“What the fuck? Where is Po gonna go? Do they think he’s gonna build a big bad war canoe and magically paddle past the Sea Howlers?”Dan’s voice adopted his stern professorial tone.“Sam, look, I’m sorry, this order is from the top.”No surprise, the order was from fucking Tattlion, evil mastermind extraordinaire.“Bugger.Whatever.I am sure my party mad Po will enjoy a right fucking blast of a time.”“Thank you, pal.We need to hold this together.” Dan sounded hesitant.“Po thinks….”“Po understands.” My lover understood something but didn’t share the final information with me.Dan didn’t need to know the awkward situation.“Right.See you at the party.Make sure you both look pretty.Hell, you’d better start now.Five days might not be enough time to perform a miracle.”We laughed in weak amusement.“Grow some more hair for me on top, dude, and it’s a deal.”“Asshole.”“Love you too, sweetie.”Damn, each sign-off turned harder and harder.I despised lying to Dan, but telling him the truth spelled disaster.I trusted in Po to smuggle us out of this mess.He refused to tell me how.My trust built on his word.See, I must be in love.Or insane.Or the classic combination of both dangerous conditions.I returned to programming the monthly Shield reinforcement.Today after breakfast Po asked to drive the Zim inland.I agreed.Why not? Numbers and scripts dulled my curiosity, helped fill the aching puzzlement infecting my thoughts.Even as the mundane tasks occupied me, the usual mantra broke through: what did Po plan? How did he plan to do it and ring the bell? How the bugger did we return to his distant world?Worst of all, why did my lover refuse to tell me anything concrete?The sterling quality of acting patient never impressed me.I needed solid answers.Perimeter warnings sounded.The Zim returned to the fold.I stared in amazement at the Zim’s usage readout.No.How did Po mask where he traveled?The big hairy purple question tumbled through my brain: how did Po create his clever stunts?The sound of the opening garage door told me if I wanted to ask questions, my man would soon arrive to either answer me or, more typically, smile and provide skilled kisses to distract me.I waited.Confident footsteps attacked the floor.To my delight fingers massaged my shoulder tendons.“Here sits Divine Devine, busy making sure people do not perish from nature’s wrath.”I fell into exaggerated native speak.“Youse gotta problem wid dat?”“Not at all, my handsome Brooks Boy.”“Good.Am I allowed to ask why you needed the Zim?”“You are allowed to ask, and I shall answer.I needed to finalize plans.”I swiveled my seat to face my man.How distracting; my nose pushed level with his impressive cock bulge.I leaned forward and planted a hard kiss on the majesty hiding under the straining material.Yum.“Tease.”“Me?”“Yeah, you, big boy.” My fingers traced the worn denim.My borrowed clothing fit Po’s body a little too snugly.What a treat.“Oh, give yourself a gold star.Dan confirmed they want me to bring you to the party.”“Indeed.We shall hear from Dan later tonight.”“Why?”Po’s capable fingers raked through my disorderly hair.“I told you.I finalized plans.”What? My brain tried comprehending logical options until a bright searchlight slashed through the mental murk.I gasped in satisfaction.“Tattlion.”“What an observant choice.” Po pressed my face into his crotch.His fingers scrunched my hair.Finishing the Shield program needed to wait for a few minutes.When Po rode me into the sunset, I decided everything could wait.EATING dinner required great courage.Basic sautéed brown rice and black beans fought the worms rolling around in my churning stomach acid.I barely managed to sip one glass of aged French Syrah.Too much bourbon during the day defeated me.Po consumed in his usual dedicated manner.My lover enjoyed his food.The Netpad chimed in summons.Po arched his brows in silent amusement.“Right on time.”My smirk refused to halt.“Think on it, Mr.Smartypants.Maybe Dan wants to tell me orange is the new black.”“Maybe.” Po’s light shrug mocked me.What a ballbuster.I scooted to the screen and clicked on the script to secure Dan’s line.“What’s up, boss?”“Tattlion is dead.”For once Dan didn’t mince words.As I sputtered in illsuppressed merriment, Po waved his wineglass into the air.My fingers attacked my hair.“How?”Dan’s voice maintained a hushed, impressively reverent atmosphere.I heard muted glee infect his tone.“Heart attack from excessive sexual activity.I never knew the old general played on our side; in fact, he liked to play rough or, more accurately, play on the roughed-up side of the sexual equation.Guess who he liked playing tie-him-up, tie-himdown with?”“My vile imagination wants to know details.Spill, dude.”“Remember pretty Dirk the droid? Can you believe it? He is a damned strong dom [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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