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.Most depressing, I dare say, if he is hoping to get more than a moment with the Infanta.But then, one is never too young to start planning royal connections.”But the Duchess Rovait barely deigned to glance in the direction of the very young and newly orphaned King of Styx, a thin, anxious-faced youth of no more than fourteen, overdressed in pearl-embroidered crimson and black velvet, bewigged like a gilded doll, and surrounded indeed by distinguished “advisors.” Royal children did not interest her, and neither did political puppets, and she was apparently more interested in discussing Lethe.“Goraque’s retinue is noticeably absent,” the Duchess Rovait continued.“And as for Chidair, Lord knows he is a strange fellow, and is not to be expected to be present, not even with all of Balmue knocking at our gates.”“Yes, Duke Hoarfrost would much rather pummel his neighbor than an actual adversary,” remarked Jain Lirabeau mockingly.Her eyes glittered remarkably tonight, with belladonna-enhanced dark pupils, under the thousand candles of the Hall.And oh how well her cornflower blue crinoline dress offset her porcelain pallor.“Now, Vitalio Goraque, on the other hand, he would have been here no doubt—”“Fie! That is absurd! How could he manage to be here on the same night as the battle? Were he to ride breakneck and put three horses to lather, he’d still make it to Court only by morning, at the earliest.”“Oh, no you misunderstand, my dear,” said the Duchess Rovait, laughing.“The very notion would be ludicrous, just taking into account the distance between here and there.And indeed, no man is expected to forgo the military pleasures for any other enterprise.What I meant was, Goraque is a true man of Court—even if the rest of Lethe leaves much to be desired in that respect—and he would have been here, if such a thing were achievable.”“In that case, I do see what you mean, Your Grace.Though, indeed, a man of one court does not equal a man of another.They cannot hope to rival the refinement of Morphaea with its urban splendors of Duorma—Letheburg’s Palace is nothing to Duorma’s Palazzio.We breed nobility, lofty and true, I always recall, when I am back at home up north, or when I visit your own idyllic estate, or when I attend the gracious court of His Majesty Orphe Geroard.Nothing but the Silver Court itself will ever exceed the courtly pleasure of sweet Morphaea.”“Yes, and now you flatter and tease, my charming dear girl—but, do go on in this precise manner, with such delightful exaggerating!”“Well, only a little!”In that moment of their rapturous native reminiscence, a slim dark nobleman approached the Duchess and Countess.He bowed deeply before them, interrupting the splendid stream of gossip with his sudden presence.“Ah, my dear Vlau! I am perfectly flabbergasted to see you here after all!” exclaimed the Countess Lirabeau, and even the white sheen of powder could not conceal a sudden blooming of rose color in her cheeks.“For some reason I didn’t imagine for a moment that you were seriously planning to attend.But you are here, and I am.gratified!” With a flutter she turned to her more matronly companion, saying, “Your Grace, may I introduce the Marquis Vlau Fiomarre?”The Marquis bowed again, his impeccable elegance of movement so pleasing that the Duchess Rovait could not help but allow her gaze to linger on the young man’s willowy frame clad in somber black.His serviceable, but badly fitting wig was almost carelessly under-powdered, revealing at the edges his real hair with much of its natural darkness showing, gathered behind him in a queue.But none of it mattered, for his shoulders were wide and his eyes black, disturbing with their intensity.His eyes affected her with a thrill, for despite her maturity, the Duchess was not immune to male charms.“It is a pleasure, Your Grace.And well met again, My Lady Lirabeau.My deepest thanks for your most kind references in my admittance to this Imperial Assembly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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