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.“Ah, I see our guest is awake.” The voice echoed out of the dark, and a tall shape unfolded itself from the shadows.A spotlight came on as the man approached and Chance squinted in the sudden light.“Are you ready to talk now?”“Fuck you!” Chance spat out the words in a spray of blood.“Suit yourself, pretty boy.”Chance tried to move but his hands and feet were duct-taped to a chair.He licked at his puffy lips and tried to look around.One eye was swollen shut, the other wouldn’t focus.Get a grip.Wherever he was, the place smelled of oil and gas.A garage?“Might as well make yourself comfortable, pretty boy.We’re waiting for your boyfriend.What do you think? Will he show up?” The bald man’s eyes glittered, as he ran his fingers through Chance’s thick curls with a hum of appreciation.“Pretty hair.” The one-armed man approached, swinging a tire iron with his good hand.“Don’t you think his hair is pretty, Gerard?”Gerard growled in response.“He’s not very happy with you, Chance.It was all I could do to keep him from breaking your arms.I finally convinced him we should wait for Adam to join the party.”The threat made his heart jolt, and he was afraid his bladder might fail him.He was pretty sure he wouldn’t get out of this alive.Chapter SevenNight had fallen.It was time to go, time to blend into the darkness and find a Greyhound station, get a ticket to anywhere, and start laying a trail that would lead Daric out of town and away from Chance.Adam wasn’t used to worrying about someone else.The emotion made his chest ache and his nerves fray.He wondered if Chance felt the same.He was being foolish.Chance might hurt now, but it wouldn’t last.His life would go on.A sweet, good looking guy like him would have men falling all over themselves to get in his bed.A possessive growl rumbled up Adam’s chest and he forced it down.He had no right to be jealous.Forget about him.Adam should be worrying about himself.Not only was he in deep shit with the bad guys hot on his heels, but now he’d experienced something that made him realize just how lonely and miserable his future was going to be.The best thing he could do for Chance would be to get out of town, and get out fast.To hell with his last check, he’d get by somehow.All his belongings fit into one small bag.He slung the duffle over his shoulder, and took a quick look around to see if he’d forgotten anything.He wouldn’t miss the apartment, it was a dump, but it had been nice having his own space, where he could come and go as he pleased.He took the stairs to the first floor landing and checked his mailbox for the last time.Only one envelope waited for him.No stamp, no postmark, no name or address, just a plain white envelope… reeking with a scent that turned his stomach to ice.His hands shook as he opened it and pulled out a sheet of lined paper.If you want your boyfriend to live, come to the garage at Fifth and South.Adam fingered the gold curl taped to the paper and felt his heart twist.The hair held the scent of blood.Chance’s blood.He would go.He had to.* * * *The windows of the abandoned garage were boarded up, but the back door had been left unlocked.Adam felt his hackles rise as the door creaked open.The stink of gas and oil overwhelmed his sensitive nose, but he could see enough in the dim light to spot a figure tied to a chair in the back corner, its curly head hanging forward.He strained every sense to hear the faintest breath.Was he even alive?“That’s close enough.”Adam turned toward the voice and found himself looking down the barrel of a gun held by Daric.“Let him go.He has nothing to do with this.”Daric laughed, a cold sinister sound.“What, no hello? No, long time, no see? No, how are you, Daric? And after all we’ve meant to each other.I’m truly hurt.”“What have you done to him?”“Gerard.”The other man came in through the open door, walked over, and twisted his fingers in Chance’s hair to yank his head up.“Say something, Chance, so your boyfriend knows you’re okay.”Chance’s eyes were wide with fear, his face swollen and battered.“Run.” It was all he could get out.Gerard let him go and his head wobbled.“You bastards,” Adam spat at Gerard.He took a step toward Chance and the gun went off.Chance’s head jerked and for a minute Adam thought he’d been hit, but that hadn’t been Daric’s intention.“Do as you’re told.Next time I won’t miss.”Adam’s heart twisted; this was his fault.“What do you want?”“You, of course.Your father wants to see you and he’ll pay handsomely to get you back.I spent the best years of my life in that hellhole, training you.I deserve compensation for those years.A live specimen will bring a higher price from your father, but I won’t hesitate to shoot if you give me any trouble.”“I won’t give you any trouble.Let him go and I’ll come quietly.You’ll get all your money.”“I’m afraid it’s not that easy.He knows too much.”“You motherfucker.” Adam made a move toward Daric, but stopped cold when Daric pointed his gun at Chance and pumped a bullet into the chamber.“Don’t make me kill him, Adam.” Daric stood next to Chance, his free hand playing in the man’s curls.“He is a sweet boy, Adam.Even now he’s worrying about you instead of himself.I’ve grown rather attached to him.In fact, I’ve decided to keep him.I’ve been wanting a pet to warm my bed.He’ll do nicely.”Adam’s lip curled back and he growled, a low inhuman sound.His nails bit into his palms.“Ah, yes, pet, see, I didn’t lie to you.The beast is fighting to get out.Look up and watch it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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