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.”“It’s a post office,” Rosie said.“We have a post office here.And that makes it a town.Sort of.”“And where do you live in town?”Rosie’s envy couldn’t quite suppress the warm feeling that filled her at Caitrin’s valiant attempt to accept the absurd situation.“I live in there.In the barn.”“That’s not a barn,” Sheena said.“It’s the town mercantile.”“Sheena?” Caitrin reached out and took her sister’s hand.“Are you feeling well?”At this comment Sheena burst out laughing and gave her sister another bear hug.“I’m well enough to be sure, Caitie.Has Jimmy clapped eyes on you yet?”“Not yet.The children told me he was away in the fields.”“I’m not surprised.He’s been working day and night.I never have a spare moment with the man.Sure, he’s taken on the farming for two other fellows while they’ve gone off to fetch supplies— Rolf Rustemeyer and Rosie’s Seth.”“You’re married?” Caitrin asked, turning back to Rosie.Her green eyes were wide with interest.“Have you any children?”“No, I’m—”A shriek from Sheena cut off her explanation.“Glory be to God—it’s them! It’s my Jimmy, so it is! And look who he’s leading.Seth and Rolf!” She picked up her skirts and started running in the direction of the approaching wagon, Stubby running behind her as fast as his lanky legs would take him.“They’ve come home! Jimmy! Jimmy, look who’s here! It’s our Caitrin.Our beautiful Caitie! She’s come all the way from Ireland.Everyone’s here together at last.What a day, what a glorious, wonderful day!”Rosie grabbed her apron and quickly dabbed the perspiration from her neck and cheeks.Seth was home! She could see him sitting tall and straight on the wagon, his black hair gleaming in the sunshine.The very sight of him told her that her heart had not lied.He was everything she had been dreaming of.Beside Seth sat Rolf Rustemeyer.And little Chipper between them.“The men have been to Topeka,” she explained to Caitrin.“They’ve come back with seed and plant stock.We had a grasshopper invasion, you see, and we thought we were all ruined, but then—”“You must run to your husband and son, Mrs.Mills.They’ll be anxious to see you.Don’t mind me in the least.”“Oh, Seth is not … he’s not my husband.”“No? But I thought Sheena said—”“I’m only Mr.Hunter’s employee.” Rosie bit her lower lip as she studied the fair creature who was even now assessing Seth as the wagon pulled up to the barn.Every fiber of Rosie’s heart warned her to build a barrier of protection around Seth and Chipper.They were hers.They belonged to her by right.“Seth and I … ,” she began.But she knew what she wanted to say wouldn’t be true.Seth had never given her the hint of a promised future with him.Though her heart claimed him, he was free.And for all Rosie knew, God might have brought Caitrin Murphy to the prairie to become Seth’s wife.It would be wrong to step out against that plan.She must submit to his will, not her own.“Seth and I don’t … he hasn’t courted me.I work for him, that’s all.”“But he’s looking at you as though you were a honey rose and him starving for sweetness.” Caitrin elbowed Rosie.“Go to him, now.Sure, I know a moonstruck man when I see one.”“Miss Murphy, you don’t understand—”“I’m Caitie to you.Here, let me pin up your hair.” The young Irishwoman reached up and poked on Rosie’s bun for a few moments.Then she whipped a small silver comb from her own cinnamon curls and slipped it into Rosie’s brown hair.“There now.It won’t matter a whit that you haven’t a bonnet.You look as fine as any lady in Dublin.”She gave Rosie a prod.Stunned at the young woman’s act of kindness and equally dazed at the sight of Seth Hunter, Rosie found it was all she could do to move her feet in the direction of the wagon.Seth walked slowly toward her, a slight hitch in his gait.“Afternoon, Miss Mills,” he said.A grin tilted one corner of his mouth.“I hope Rustemeyer and I don’t owe you a toll for crossing the bridge back there.”“No, of course not … no.” She felt so silly inside.Like a jar of jelly left out in the sun.“Are you limping?”“We had a little run-in with Jack Cornwall a couple of days ago.Low-down snake peppered us.”“Jack Cornwall!” Rosie glanced at Chipper.“Was anyone badly hurt?”“Well, I winged Cornwall with Rustemeyer’s pistol.I don’t think it killed him.But maybe he’ll think twice before coming after us again.And Rolf took a couple of pellets in his shoulder.”Rosie let out a breath.There was more to this story, and she intended to hear it—later.“I see you found seed,” she said.“Everything we went after.And then some.”“Hallo, Fräulein Mills,” Rolf said, stepping up beside Seth.“How you are?”“I’m fine, Mr.Rustemeyer.” A sudden thought occurred to Rosie.A bright hope.A brilliant plan.“Sheena’s sister has come from Ireland.Caitrin Murphy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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