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.Jared scowled.“The waitress is wrong.”Mandy watched him closely for a moment.“I’ve got a room at the Hideaway, heaven help me.” She rolled her eyes.“I’ll be staying there until I leave for LA tomorrow.”Jared had just been enjoying her very low opinion of their local motel, not that he blamed her, when she dropped the bomb about LA.He frowned.“You’re leaving tomorrow?”“Yes, I don’t have a reason to stay.Unless you give me one.” She waited expectantly.He drew in a deep breath.“I can’t agree to that show.”“Understood.” She turned to go.He put a hand on her elbow to stop her.“Wait.That’s it?”She turned back.“That’s all I’ve got to say.Do you have anything more to say?”This girl wasn’t going to make it easy on him, was she? First she tells him where she’s staying, and then she leaves? Talk about mixed signals.Things were just too damn confusing when women were in charge of them.He’d have to take control and get them back on track.“I’m gonna be at the bar right next to the Hideaway tonight.I’m meeting a friend there.”“A friend?” She raised a brow.He laughed.As if he would invite her to come if he was meeting a girl there.“A guy friend.Why don’t you walk over and join us there?”“Why? Are you willing to talk more about the show?”“Nope.But what else have you got to do? Oh, wait, I think the Hideaway might have free cable.Yeah, you probably will want to stay in tonight.” He watched the emotions dance across her face.She was definitely tempted.She was also stubborn as all hell.Finally, she let out a huff.“What time?”“Around eight.” Jared couldn’t suppress his smile.She turned to go without a word, but he wasn’t done yet.“See you there.”“Maybe, if I’m not too busy.” She didn’t even turn around to answer him, but just kept walking.That was fine.He enjoyed watching her ass move beneath her dress.Jared shook his head at himself.He was obviously insane.She was definitely one high-maintenance chick.She was going to make him work hard for it, if it ever ended up happening.Why did that realization make her seem even more appealing?He climbed back up onto the hay truck with a whole lot more to think about now.Chapter FourA squirrel ran in front of Mandy’s car and she slammed on the brakes.The car screeched to a stop, but her heart didn’t slow quite as readily.It kept pumping away as she tried to calm herself.“Stupid squirrel.” It was easier to blame the animal than herself.The fact was she’d been driving back into town without paying any attention to the road ahead of her.She couldn’t get the vision of a certain cowboy out of her head.The vision of Jared, half-naked and throwing hay bales two at a time like they weighed nothing, was enough to get a woman’s juices flowing.So was his invitation.Oh yeah, he’d left no doubt.Tonight was not to talk about the show.Tonight was about him and her.She’d see about that.He didn’t have a girlfriend.Or at least that’s what he’d said.She tended to believe him more than Misty, the local gossip at the diner.Though she had a feeling there was definitely a story there.She’d get to the bottom of it somehow.Jealous exes and pissed-off women made for great television.In any event, if she had to woo the man to get the show, so be it.Envisioning the slick sheen of sweat accentuating all of the many ripples of his muscles, she had to admit seducing the man would be a pleasure on her part, show or no show.Getting him for the show would be a really nice fringe benefit.Of course she was going to be at that bar tonight, regardless of what she’d said to him before she left.She’d only been pretending she was merely considering it.Hell or high water wouldn’t keep her away.If she couldn’t convince a small-town guy who was already attracted to her to sign the consent form for the show while under the influence of alcohol, then she had better hang up her producer hat.Really, if she couldn’t handle the folks here in Pigeon Hollow, forget about the sharks in LA.Mandy spotted a small store on the corner of Main Street.She could do some errands while she was in town.It wouldn’t hurt to soak up some more of the local culture and make more notes.Maybe she’d even stop by and get her nails done for her date with Jared.Date.Even just the word brought a smile to her face [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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