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.“What is it, Seth?”He glanced up at her, before returning his gaze to the glass, his fingers playing with the cut crystal.“Nothing really, love.‘Tis only that I fear people may assume the wrong thing of you, and not see you for who you truly are.”She back stiffened and her temper flared.“And why exactly would I give a damn as to what other people think or assume? As far as I’m concerned, they can think what they want.I’ve never worried about it before, and don’t plan on starting now.”He placed his hand over hers, and gave it a squeeze.“I know, my love.‘Tis only that I wish I could protect you, even from something as insignificant as their assumptions.Do ye forgive me?”His touch and words extinguished her anger, and she managed a bit of a smile.“I’ll forgive you if you stop worrying so we can enjoy our meal and the show.”“I think I can manage that for you.” He leaned in and nuzzled her cheek, before brushing his lips against hers in a whisper of kiss that held so much promise.The Viridis pulsed in her veins, making her want to melt in his arms and kiss him in a most thorough and inappropriate manner, when the food was wheeled to their table, keeping her from taking her advances any further.The beef bourguignon was hearty and satisfying, the cakes and puddings, light and sweet.Though Phoebe had seen the show a dozen times, it was different to watch it in Seth’s company.Looking around the theater, it was no wonder so many couples seemed to be flirting amorously with the forbidden.Quite unlike most of the other talent playing in the London theaters, Phoebe had opted for a more eclectic and erotic mix.Though some of the shows were similar to those found in the trendier parts of Paris, most had a more exotic feel to them, the music carrying one off with images of Arabian nights and seductive tropics— a true escape from the grey dreariness of London.Having had more than a few glasses of Viridis with their meal, she found herself unable to resist him.Her hand found its way to his thigh, so he leaned into her, his head bending to hers in response.No doubt the Viridis was having a similar effect on Seth.Her hand drifted upwards under cover of the table.Finding her voice, she murmured, “Perhaps we should head home.”He kissed her, his passion barely contained, before pulling away.His eyes held hers with a fierce intensity, kissing her once more before the table slid away and he gave her a hand out of her seat.“Home, then.”Phoebe let Gabriel know she’d be leaving, and he waved her along as she bid him goodnight.Seth had already gone ahead to retrieve the steam coach, and would be waiting for her outside the back entrance.Heading to her office, she slipped on her coat, but before she could make her escape there was an insistent knock.Phoebe hadn’t even the chance to respond, when the door opened and Victor stepped through, closing the door behind him.“Victor.I’m so sorry, but I was just leaving.” Phoebe instinctively took a step away from him, needing to put some distance between them.Never before had he let himself into her office and there was a tension in his body, a look in his eyes, that told her something was not quite right.“Yes, I see that.Out with Mr.Elliott are you?” Victor’s gaze pinned her to the spot, a flame of controlled fury flickering in his eyes.He took a step toward her.“I really don’t see the attraction.”“Victor—” She stopped when he held up his hand, her heart thudding against her chest.Her pulse, now erratic, threatened to leave her light headed.She had never seen him so angry, but with him standing between herself and the only door, blocking her escape, the last thing she wanted to do was anger him further.“Is he the reason you’ve denied me? Me! All this time, and you’ve denied me for the sake of what? A tinkerer? I am sure if your father were still here, he’d have something to say about your activities— activities I am willing to overlook if you’ll stop this instance.Do you not know what society will call you if you continue this deplorable behavior? I suggest you accept my proposal, for I am not a man to be denied.Do you understand?”He took another few steps towards her, forcing her up against the sofa.As scared as she was, she refused to be bullied.“Victor, I am sorry if you’re upset, however, my father is long gone, and I answer to no one but myself for my behavior.I am not looking to marry, and there must surely be a lady better suited to you than I am.Quite frankly, I do not know why you have any interest in pursuing this relationship when, as you yourself just pointed out, my behavior is not one of which you approve.Now if you’ll excuse me, I have company waiting.This conversation is over.”Mustering every ounce of courage she had, she pulled herself up to her full five feet two inches and walked towards the door, only to have him grab her arm and wrench her back, her escape just feet away.He pressed his mouth to hers, his fury no longer contained.The metallic taste of blood flooded her mouth as the force of his kiss cut her lips.She pushed against his chest in a futile attempt to get away from him, her heart racing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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