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.As soon as we pulled onto the highway, Dr.Green sat back, breathing out slowly.“Okay, so we can set up surveillance and then go to Nathan’s for the night.”“Maybe not,” Gabriel said, looking at his phone.“Some of us have to babysit Theo at the apartment.That’s just in case he decides he wants to run off or do something.It’ll be easier to keep an eye on him if someone’s there, and Silas isn’t going to be around tonight.So who gets to camp out at Silas’s?”Dr.Green and Luke talked at the same time:“Not me!”“Not me!”Then they both glanced at me, expectant.I was wide-eyed for a moment, trying to figure out what they wanted me to say.“Gabriel can’t go alone,” I said.“We’re not supposed to separate.”“Sang and I can go by ourselves,” Gabriel said with a grin.“We’ve got this covered.”“Not while I’ve got an evening off and nowhere to be,” Dr.Green said.“I’m not going to sit at home alone.”“I don’t have to get to the diner,” Luke said.“I want to hang out with Sang.”Gabriel grunted.“It’s going to look all fucked up if we’re all babysitting Theo.”“Is Charlie home?” Luke asked.He sped up to get around another car on the highway.I checked his speed, and he was ten miles over the limit.The others didn’t seem to mind or didn’t care.Gabriel took out his phone and started pushing buttons.“Charlie’s at the office.He might be manning the phones tonight.”I hadn’t realized that they might have GPS trackers on family members and not just their own phones.“Where’s Theo?” I asked.“In his room,” Gabriel said.He tapped again at his phone and then lifted it to show me the image.It was a top down view, so I could see almost the whole thing from one corner, probably a vent like where they installed cameras at my house.I hadn’t seen the room before, and it was hard to recognize Theo, but he was lying on his bed, sprawled out and staring at the ceiling.The bed just had a blanket over it, no pillows.The room itself had a television and a stereo.I couldn’t hear anything, but it didn’t look like the television was on.Some walls had posters, some clothes were scattered across the floor.“Do we need to go inside?” I asked.“I mean was Kota just going to sit in a car all night watching from his cell phone?”“I don’t want to sit in the car,” Gabriel said.“I’d rather stay in Silas’s room.”“I wish Theo would carry a cell phone,” Luke said.“This would make things so much easier.We could just GPS track him that way.See where he goes.”“We can’t give him one?” I asked.“He’s not allowed,” Gabriel said.He put his head back on the headrest and closed his eyes.“He ends up calling his old friends in Greece and that always works him up to doing something stupid.Can’t win for losing with him.”This was sounding horrible every time they talked about him.My heart started to ache at the idea of Theo being so alone.Maybe I didn’t know him, but he was Silas’s brother.Wasn’t there some of Silas there? It was too close to what I’d been, locked away for my own safety, and yet seeing him in his room, possibly for hours on end, I wouldn’t wish being so confined on anyone.It sounded like they were doing their best to protect him from himself, but wasn’t there a better way? “Maybe we should do something with him,” I said.“What?” Gabriel asked, picking his head up and looking at me, his crystal eyes super-focused.“What do you mean?”“I mean why can’t we just.have him sit with us through a movie? Or invite him out?” I asked.“I mean why does he have to stay in his room?”“He won’t hang out with us,” Gabriel said.“We used to try.He wouldn’t come.”“Can’t we at least ask?”“Pumpkin,” Dr.Green squeezed me a little tighter with his arm wrapped around me.“We can try, but every time we’ve asked him, he says he’s tired and retreats to his room again.We can’t force him to come out.”“He went for a walk the other day,” I said.“He calls friends from Greece when he has a phone.Does he really want to be isolated?”Everyone went quiet for a long moment.The sun was already starting to set now.I hadn’t realized how long we had been at the shops for.Eventually, Luke turned the car into the parking lot of the apartment complex.“Theo doesn’t really trust us, I guess.Or he doesn’t like that we’re Silas’s friends.To him, we’re all just a bunch of kids.He thinks he shouldn’t have to listen to us.”“Let’s at least get inside Silas’s room,” Dr.Green said.“We’ll camp out here tonight.Maybe a couple of us will head home, and two will wait here, but for now, let’s stay together.There should be some leftovers in the fridge if we get hungry.”“Yay,” Luke said, sounding more enthusiastic now.“I love Greek food.”“What don’t you like?” Gabriel asked with a chuckle.“Brussels sprouts,” Luke said.“And collard greens.And carrots.I hate carrots.”Gabriel and I started giggling at the same time.Dr [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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