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.We’re so strange.When I calmed down, I unbuttoned his jeans slowly.I really hope this works.I have to see if I can do this.If I can’t then there’s no point in going farther with him.I’ll just be stringing him along and it’s not fair.I left him in his boxers as I stripped my clothes off.I need to go slow.If I go too fast, my mind might play tricks on me again and it won’t end well.Six o’clock came around and we didn’t get out of bed.Seven…same.I didn’t want to move.And Logan didn’t want to leave.We didn’t have non-stop sex if that’s what you’re wondering.We had sex though.Fucking slow, rough mind-blowing sex and when it was over, we just laid in bed smiling like fools.“Okay…my girlfriend is coming over in twenty so you need to leave,” Logan said sitting up after reading something on his phone.My smiled vanished and everything I just thought about went crashing and burning.I was about to flip when Logan cracked a smile and pulled me back under the blankets.“I’m sorry.I just had to,” he said nuzzling his way to my neck and nipping skin.“That was Aimee and she wants to know why you’re not in class.”“Why did she ask you?” I asked.They share everything but I made him promise not to tell her the shit we do or will do.That’s just fucking weird.And besides…girls tell girls things.Well, I don’t think I can tell Aimee about having sex with her brother but if it comes out, it’ll be from me.Logan can talk to someone else.Preferably a guy.“Because I told her you didn’t leave,” Darren’s voice rang out.I screamed like a bitch as I stuck my head out from under the covers and glanced toward the bathroom.“Darren, get the fuck out!” Logan said throwing a pillow at him.“And fucking knock!”“You stole my nurse.Expect me to make you pay,” Darren said walking back into the bathroom, whistling.“Oh, and I saw nipple, Rebeckah.”I looked down and covered myself up even more.God, I thought people in college had privacy.Apparently the people who don’t have Darren as a roommate do.“I have to go to class.I skipped yesterday,” I said sitting up.“Why did you?”“My sister was starting her first day of high school.I didn’t want to miss it.”“It’s October,” Logan said furrowing his brows.I almost started to panic.I don’t like to tell people my life story or my family’s life story.I’m a private person.I like it that way.But Jacky did tell me to talk to someone.She was talking about the most important thing but I have to start out small, right?“Um…Kelsey has leukemia so she had to miss the first month,” I said, looking at anything other than Logan.“Treatment.” Dammit, am I going to cry? What the hell is wrong with me? I usually don’t cry this much anymore.“Oh…I’m sorry,” Logan said sitting up.“Is she…”“It’s curable,” I said grabbing my clothes off the floor.“We’re just hoping it doesn’t come back after.” First it needs to get the fuck out of her.I want my sister healthy and strong.I want my sister to live.“Damn.How old is she?”“Fourteen.”Logan turned me around so we were facing each other.I felt his fingers touch my face and as much as I wanted to pull away and stop feeling, I couldn’t.I have to stop doing that.I leaned into him and closed my eyes.I have to be strong.I have to want to live.Look at Kelsey.She is fighting for her life and I’m not giving a shit about mine.I’m the worst sister ever.Stop trying to kill yourself.I thought.I really wish it were that simple.But I’ll try.I pulled away from Logan and got dressed.I texted Jacky and asked if she could bring me some clothes.She didn’t head out to work yet so she said it was fine.Logan is still hovering over me to make sure I don’t make a break for it while he takes a shower so he keeps talking to me.If I take more than five seconds to answer, he pops his head out of the shower curtain and I always laugh.I know he’s just looking out for me but at the same time, I feel like I’m dragging him into my shit storm of a life.No one deserves that.“For a man, you take a long fucking shower.”“That’s because I like to smell good.”He tastes good too.I can stare and lick him all day and I’ll be happy.I won’t have any thoughts…well except for what we can do when clothes come off.“I have to go downstairs,” I sighed.“You’re taking too long.” He popped his head out from behind the curtain again but I pushed him back in and told him to hurry up.I grabbed my things and headed out.Jacky will be here any minute and I don’t want to keep her waiting.I headed outside, waiting on a concrete block surrounding the building.I like how I can hide behind my sweater.It’s cold out so I don’t look like an idiot.Not like I care though.People just walk by.They don’t stare.They don’t know.A warm body slid onto the concrete block I’m on and got my attention.He smells fucking yummy.I looked to my right and bit my lip to stop myself from smiling.He got down here pretty quickly.I guess not knowing if I threw myself down the stairs was bothering him.“Surprised to see I’m still alive?” I asked softly.Logan didn’t comment on that.Instead, he slipped his fingers through mine and kept my hand warm.“You’re going to miss class,” I said staring at our hands.It’s weird.I wanted to punch this guy and basically kill him but now I’m holding his hand and having sex with him.I’m still confused on how that happened.“I don’t think you understand that I’m a stalker,” Logan said.“My job is to keep an eye on you at all times.Even if that means being late for class.” I would have believed that was true if he didn’t break into a smile.A car pulled up and I saw Jacky getting out of the car with a purse stuffed with clothes.Jesus, am I going away for a month? This chick always goes overboard.“You have to come home tonight,” she said walking over to me.“Kelsey has news.” Her eyes flicked to Logan and she stopped.“Logan,” she said, her eyes dropping to our hands.My brows furrowed as I glanced at Logan then Jacky.“You know him?” I asked.There was a long pause as Jacky glanced between us.“Jacky?”“Hm, right.Matty told me about him.Blue eyes.Tall.Looks like that,” she said waving her hand around Logan’s body.I nodded.That makes sense.Seeing as how Jacky never met Logan, I wouldn’t have understood how she knew him.Damn.Then it dawned on me.Logan is right here.Holding my hand.In front of Jacky.“Uh…this is my sister Jacqueline,” I said, awkwardly.“Jacky, Logan.” They said hi and Jacky stood there, staring at him like she wanted to attack him.Not sexually but physically.“So…” I said.“Thanks for the clothes.”Jacky took her eyes off Logan and glanced at me.“Yeah.No problem,” she said pulling me into a hug.“Come home before work.”“Is everything okay?” I asked.“Yeah.You know how Kels gets [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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