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.An enthusiastic female reporter tailored her questions into two areas.What was Danny’s personal background and to what extent do neurosurgeons deal with intracranial infections? She also wanted to delve into another spin on the story - the source of contamination; and prodded him about preventive measures.What do swimmers need to be aware of? Where would an organism like this likely be found?” Danny welcomed the questions and ended the call when Casey approached the half-way point between Nashville and Knoxville where Danny had arranged to meet Rachel.“I’m escorting a celebrity,” Casey said as he parked in the rest area close to the information building.He popped out of the car as if he’d been tied down for a week, threw their trash in a can, and leashed Dakota.He walked the dog along the pet walk as a weary traveler walked by with two miniature poodles, who barked with spirit, but Dakota ignored.Leaning on the front of the vehicle, Danny scoured the area for Rachel.The descending sun and accumulation of billowy clouds made it harder to see people from a distance.However, the majority of folks coming and going seemed to be elderly vacationers or male truck drivers.Rachel would shine like a diamond in a pile of rocks.“Let’s go in,” Casey said, letting Dakota jump back into the car and making sure all the windows were adequately cracked.The two men entered the building where the picture of motherhood sat on a bench.----------Rachel’s stunning eyes locked on Danny and made him catch his breath.When she opened her mouth and her seductive voice filled his ears, he was doubly sure why he’d been enamored with her.On the end of her crossed legs, she wore summer sandals and Julia sat on her lap facing them.He would not have recognized his own child who’d grown out of the small infant stage.How could a baby be so pretty already? She looked like the mother, but Danny felt bad because she didn’t smile.Didn’t babies smile at almost anyone? It had been a long time since he knew what babies did and when.“Danny, I said hello,” Rachel said.She nodded at Casey.“Hello as well,” Danny said.“I’m sorry last weekend didn’t materialize, but I’m looking forward to having Julia the next two days.”“If it doesn’t interfere with your stardom appearances.Just make sure my daughter doesn’t get anywhere near that disease.” She rubbed her hand on Julia’s forehead and hair.“Rachel, she won’t be going to the hospital.”“Okay, I have her things in my car.I couldn’t carry them.I also wrote down her feeding schedule and have some jars in a bag to get you started.She already ate dinner and probably only needs a bottle before going to bed.” She turned Julia around and stood.“I’ll take her if you want,” Danny said.“Okay,” she said, and put Julia into Danny’s arms.Julia’s right arm shot out for her mother and stayed that way during the walk to Rachel’s car.Rachel’s thin, airy blouse caught a breeze and fluttered against her chest while she grasped her keys from her pocket.“Casey, her car seat is on this side,” she said, opening the door.“And those two bags go with her.”Casey unstrapped the car seat and transported the three items to Danny’s car where Rachel made sure he buckled the infant seat in properly.Dakota made circles of excitement behind them.“Well, well, Dakota, look at you,” Rachel said at the same time.She put her hand over the back seat and rubbed his head.“Are you working yet?” Casey asked.“I’m not doing that Monday through Friday thing right now,” Rachel said.“I have Julia to take care of.”Danny placed Julia in the car seat and fastened the strap.“So, same place on Sunday at 6 p.m.?” Rachel asked.“I’ll be here,” Danny said.“Bye, Dakota,” Rachel said into the car.“Bye, Julia.” She threw her baby a kiss as Julia’s arm again begged for her mother.Chapter 16Danny settled comfortably again in the driver’s seat for the easy trip west without fighting traffic heading out of Nashville.They drove in silence for the first few miles.“She seems to be a good mother,” Danny finally said.“I’ll at least say that about her.”Although Casey realized there were many years yet to come, he nodded.He turned around and noticed Julia’s eyes immediately dart to him.What was it about her? She seemed like a frightened animal watching his every move.She put part of her fist into her mouth.Her hand was wet and juicy when she took it away.Dakota edged his head over the seat trying to give her a lick.Casey narrowed his eyes and turned towards Danny.“I just thought of something that happened after you sliced yourself with the saw.When Mary and I first saw you, Dakota was licking the dickens out of your hand.”Danny raised his eyebrows.His pulse quickened in his wrist while he tightened his grip on the steering wheel.He shot a glance at Casey.“And who knows how long you let that happen before Mary admonished you,” Casey added, having clearly gotten his friend’s attention.“Jeez, do you really think?” Danny asked.He didn’t wait for Casey’s reply, but forged ahead.“I’ve heard the possibility of dog’s saliva having antimicrobial effects, but we never heard anything about that in medical school or residency.What about paramedic training?”“No, me neither.Maybe it’s a myth that circulates around without substantive documentation.”“However, we make drugs from all sorts of mammals and organisms.Come to think of it, a new anticoagulant just came on the market that’s made from leech saliva.”“And we’re looking for possibilities.You are an exception to the patient population getting PAM.”Danny spied the image of his dog and baby in the rearview mirror and then looked wide-eyed at Casey.“I may have something to tell Joelle after all.”----------At home, Danny cuddled Julia closely as he entered the kitchen with Dakota and Casey close behind.The girls were at his side in a moment looking wide-eyed at their half-sister.“Who would like to hold her?” Danny asked.Annabel and Nancy exchanged glances and both nodded.“Wow, you both agree on something.”“She’s really cute,” Nancy said.“Which doesn’t make sense that she’s related to you,” Annabel said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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