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.”“Thank you for everything.”“It’s what I was trained for.”Cleve swung his leg over Nulya’s back.Bencer and the others helped Rek gingerly onto the saddle as Cleve gripped his hand to pull him up.“We’ll see you on the battlefield,” Bencer said.“Stay safe out here.” Cleve turned Nulya north, looking over his shoulder one last time at Bencer and his men.They already were going back to their business.Although Cleve was weary, at least Nulya was well-rested.She seemed eager to climb the hills ahead of them.Cleve wondered if she knew that she would never see Hope again.Could she feel anything close to the remorse that Cleve knew Rek was going through?Rek was silent, his left arm wrapped around Cleve’s stomach in a firm grasp.Cleve felt it was better if Rek didn’t speak.It was important for him to keep his strength and rest if he could.Night seemed to come quickly, and Cleve was thankful the rain was holding off.He had little idea how to prevent Rek from getting wet.While there was still light, Cleve steered Nulya into a huddle of trees and helped Rek off the saddle.The process was more troublesome than Cleve thought it would be.Rek still couldn’t put any weight on his right foot, and he couldn’t use his right arm.It turned out the easiest method was scooping Rek off the saddle by sliding one arm under his knees and the other around his back.Then Cleve set him gently on the grass.Rek laughed.“I can’t say I’ve ever been carried like that.”“Better get used to it unless you come up with something else.”“I don’t believe I can do either of those things.”“Let me check your wound.” The only garment covering Rek’s upper body was Cleve’s coat.The Elf’s shirt and coat had been cut off his body.Cleve carefully removed the coat to check the bandage.“So far, just a little bleeding.Evon did well.I’ll clean it and change the dressing in the morning.Will you be able to sleep?”“I believe so.I’m still tired somehow.”Cold air coming through the trees woke Cleve during the night.He turned to his side to find Rek shivering slightly.Alarm tightened his chest and set him upright in a hurry.He felt Rek’s forehead and asked himself in a whisper, “Is it a fever?”Rek pushed away Cleve’s hand.“I’m just cold.”Luckily, Rek’s forehead wasn’t hot.“If you think me lifting you off the horse was uncomfortable, you’re not going to like this at all,” Cleve warned him.“What are you doing?”Cleve grabbed his blanket and lay down beside Rek, pushing himself close.He wrapped his arm around Rek’s stomach and covered them both with the blanket so that Rek now had two on him.He was careful not to push against Rek’s shoulder.But the Elf’s long hair was still tickling his face.Cleve tried to brush it out of the way until Rek flipped it over his shoulder.“This feels very awkward.” Rek laughed.“Just go to sleep, and let’s not speak of it.”In the morning, Cleve checked Rek’s wound again, this time removing the bandage so he could flush the hole in Rek’s shoulder with water and soap before putting on a new covering.Rek groaned and shivered the entire time.“How I wish you were a mage right now,” Rek said.“You could warm the water first.”“We’re near River’s End.We should drink the rest of the water we have and refill our pouches.Then I’ll have to find a way to clean your wound without so much water the next morning, otherwise we won’t have enough.”“Did Evon tell you to clean it every morning?”“Yes, if we have enough water.”“I see.”Cleve lifted Rek onto the saddle with the same method he used to take him off.But then, with Rek already on Nulya’s back, Cleve didn’t have the leverage to swing his leg over to get on in front of the Elf.“Move forward,” Cleve instructed.“I’m getting on behind you.”Rek grumbled but obeyed.When Cleve was up, he started reaching for the reins through Rek’s arms.“Just let me use psyche to steer the horse,” Rek said.“Save your energy.” Cleve pulled the reins through and squeezed his legs to start the horse forward.“Lean back against me and relax.”“You don’t need to coddle me like this.” But Rek leaned back anyway, twisting so his right shoulder didn’t touch.“I hope you don’t think you need to treat Reela this way either.She would hate it.”“I’ve never coddled anyone, and I’m not coddling you now.If we both don’t make it back alive, I’ll never forgive myself.”“Relax, Cleve.I’m feeling better than I was yesterday.”“I’ll relax when we reach Kyrro City.”“When we do, make sure you don’t say anything to Welson.If questioned, apologize profusely for disobeying his order and explain the dire circumstances.He’s ready to throw you back in prison the moment you show any sign of disobedience.I could feel it when I spoke with him before you arrived.He needed you for this task, but your skill with the bow can only get you so far.”Cleve knew he couldn’t let Welson get away with murdering his parents, but he had no idea what course of revenge he would take and when.“Cleve, do you understand me?”“Yes,” he answered, annoyed.“Heed my words,” Rek warned.“No matter what happens, hold your tongue.”They slept beneath the trees again that night.Rain hadn’t come, but the sun barely could be seen through the clouds.The air was so wet, Cleve figured it was only a matter of time.He slept beside Rek again so they could share their warmth and blankets.“The attack on Tenred must be over by now,” Rek muttered.“I wish we could’ve fought.”“What are the chances that Reela was there?”Rek was silent, making Cleve believe perhaps he didn’t hear the question.“Rek?”“I…I don’t know.Your guess would be as good as mine.”“I thought you said only the third-year students would go?”“Only they would be required to go.I’ve never spoken to Reela about fighting before.I can’t say what she would choose.”“Well, I’m still thankful she didn’t come with us.I don’t believe the three of us would’ve even made it this far.”“That’s for certain.”They tried to sleep, but Cleve couldn’t get his mind off of Reela being in danger.“I just hope she’s safe.”He wanted Rek to say she was.He wanted the Elf to tell him that he could use psyche to sense that she was alive and well.Instead, Rek muttered, “Me as well.”After changing Rek’s bandage, which was far bloodier than the day before, they rode south.They were to enter Kyrro from the east, the same way they’d left the territory.It was faster than riding through Corin Forest and then the Fjallejon Pathway.Although Rek did admit he was curious to see whether his cabin was still there.The last time he was in it was months ago.Cleve was with him—sent there by the King to kill him.Cleve didn’t need to ask if Rek would’ve made the same decision to storm Welson’s castle after everything that had happened.Of course he would’ve.They rode for hours.It was difficult to tell the time, for the sun was shrouded by thick clouds of gray.Rain eventually started to fall.“Are you cold?” Cleve asked.Rek had on only Cleve’s coat, while Cleve wore a shirt with long sleeves.He was a bit chilled himself.“I’m fine,” Rek lied.“How are you feeling?”“Good so far.”“Make sure you eat plenty,” Cleve said.“And drink lots of water.”“We don’t have enough food for ‘plenty’ to be an option.”“Then take as much as you’d like.I’ll be fine [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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