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.”“So you think they were diving in the lake, and someone placed a door over the hole in the ice?” Rantakyrö said.“I don’t know, but I want to investigate further.There’s too much that doesn’t add up.”“But don’t you wear gloves when you go diving in winter?” Rantakyrö said.Mella shrugged.“I’ve sent the paint samples from Wilma’s nails and from the door to the National Forensic Laboratory in Stockholm,” she said.“Today we’ll take some water samples from the lake and send them to Rudbeck Laboratory to see if they match the water in her lungs.I think they were diving in the lake.”“Maybe it was the boyfriend who put the door over the hole?” Rantakyrö said.“But why was her body moved?” Olsson said.Mella said nothing.If Wilma had been murdered, one reason for moving the body could have been that the murderer lived nearby, or that it was widely known that he often visited the lake.Hjörleifur Arnarson lived not far from there.And he often visited it.But there was no point in mentioning him to her colleagues.It’s not him, she thought.Those bloody Krekula brothers have something to do with this, I’m sure of it.But she also needed to talk to Hjörleifur Arnarson.Preferably not on her own.“How’s your daughter?” Olsson said.“She’s O.K.,” Mella said.“It was mostly me who was scared.”“What a pair of swine!” Rantakyrö said with feeling.“Have you had her number changed?”“Of course.”“They must be involved in some way or other,” Rantakyrö said vehemently.“We need to get them back for what they did to you, Mella.”“I don’t know about that,” Stålnacke said.“I don’t think what they did necessarily has anything to do with the two kids.You went to see them.They took the opportunity to cause trouble.If you’d been from the Inland Revenue or the local council, or if you’d been a traffic warden or anybody else they have it in for, they’d have treated you just the same.”“But it’s also possible that they tried to scare me off because they know something, or are mixed up in this business.”Stålnacke’s tone of voice went up a notch.“Or else your emotions are running ahead of your brain – and it wouldn’t be the first time.”Mella stood up.“You can go to hell,” she said calmly to Stålnacke.“Go home to Airi or do whatever the hell you please.I’m going to investigate the death of Wilma Persson and the disappearance of Simon Kyrö.I think he’s somewhere under the ice.If they were murdered, I’m going to find out who did it.”She strode out of the room.“What are you gawping at?” Stålnacke said after she had left.His colleagues did not respond.They did not want a row.Olsson shook his head almost imperceptibly and pretended to concentrate on his Blackberry.Rantakyrö picked his nose conscientiously.Both were signalling: For God’s sake, that was wholly unnecessary.Rebecka Martinsson was getting out of her car outside the police station as Mella came storming out of the door.Then Mella had a brainwave.She could ask Martinsson to go with her to talk to Hjörleifur.Even if it was not a good idea to go out there on her own, she could keep her colleagues out of it for the time being.“Hello,” she said.“Do you fancy coming into the forest and having a chat with the most eccentric character in Kiruna? I have.”“Hang on a minute,” Martinsson said, fumbling for her mobile, which was ringing away inside her briefcase.Måns.Rejecting the call, she switched off her phone.I’ll ring him later, she thought.“Sorry,” she said to Mella.“What were you saying?”“I’m going to talk to Hjörleifur Arnarson,” Mella said.“Do you know who he is? You don’t? It’s obvious you’ve been living in Stockholm for a while.He lives near Vittangijärvi, and I think that’s where Wilma and Simon were diving when they disappeared.I’d prefer not to go out there on my own.My colleagues are.er.busy with other things this morning.Would you like to come with me? Or do you have something important that needs doing?”“No, I’ve nothing special on,” Martinsson said, thinking of the work piled up on her desk.All being well, she should be able to deal with most of it that evening.“So you’ve never heard of Hjörleifur Arnarson,” Mella said as they drove out to Kurravaara.They had the police snow scooter in the trailer so they would be able to get to Vittangijärvi.“Tell me about him.”“I hardly know where to begin.When he first moved to Kiruna, he lived out at Fjällnäs.His mission was to raise a new breed of pig.The idea was that these pigs would be able to survive in the forest up here and tolerate the winter temperatures.So Hjörleifur crossed wild boar and Linderöd pigs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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