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.I wondered if she was also familiar with our local herb.Maybe she had smoked some back in the galley.It would explain the permagrin.“Interesting that you pronounce the H in herb.Were you raised in England?”“No,” I smirked, pleased to get to use my favorite Eddie Izzard line.“I say herb because there's a fucking H in it.”“Oh, well, um,” she obviously wasn't an Izzard fan.“I’ve heard so much about you.You’re awfully brave for a human girl.”My eyes narrowed as I looked at her and I heard Thor’s strangled laugh.Was this innocent child thing all an act? Boy, she was good if it was.No problem, I can throw down with the best of them.“And you’re awfully naive for someone who sleeps with the devil,” I smiled, waiting for the barb to slide home but she only giggled and lightly pushed my shoulder.“You’re funny too,” she flicked her thick hair back.Hair flickers really annoy me.She was probably one of those people with motivational quotes written on post its all over her bedroom.“So I’ve heard,” I looked pointedly at Thor.“What the hell is this Thor, a meet and greet?”“Pretty much,” he slid into the chair on my right and I couldn’t help the little jolt of pleasure I felt because he’d chosen to sit beside me instead of little Miss Sunshine.“Is this it?” I looked from him to her and back again.“Just you, me, and your girlfriend here?”Persephone hooted with laughter but Thor just raised an eyebrow, turned his head to the side and casually slung an arm over the back of my chair.“He’s not my boyfriend,” Persephone giggled again.“I thought you said you’ve read the myths? I’m with Hades.”“You only see him three months out of the year if the stories are true,” I leaned towards Thor so I could get a better look at her, and yes, it was the only reason I leaned closer to him.“Uh-huh, Mom’s a little controlling,” she was really starting to get on my nerves with the baby voice.“So one thing I’ve learned is that the stories of gods are partially based on fact but are mostly fiction.By accepting the power humanity’s worship gives you, you accept their beliefs and allow their power to change you into all they hold true.You are in effect transformed by the thoughts of humans.” I waited for her to nod politely.“However, you are still your own person and can basically do as you please.You are transformed by us but not restricted by us.”“Yes, that’s true,” she murmured and looked away.“What am I missing?” I looked to Thor for an answer.“Hades is pretty powerful,” Thor’s lips pressed together.“He’s also pretty jealous.I doubt he'd put up with competition.”“So you let this guy rule your life even when you’re away from him?” I couldn’t believe she was that submissive, well then again.“Not completely,” her bottom lip pushed out.“I just don’t want to consort with anyone else.Besides, no one wants to get Hades mad either.I’m not worth it.”Holy crap, it was a goddess with an inferiority complex.The surprises just kept on coming.I looked over at Thor and he shrugged again before running his thumb down the back of my neck.I sat up straight and realized I was effectively trapped between the two of them.“Back off, Boy Thunder,” I growled between clenched teeth.Maybe Persephone wasn't his girl but she'd given me a much needed wake-up call.I was out of my league there, playing with the big gods and that was probably all Thor was doing with me.playing.Thor laughed and leaned in to say something else but before he could speak, the air in front of us shimmered and a figure coalesced.When it was fully formed, there was a striking Indian man standing before us (Indian with a dot not feather).He was under six feet tall but he was well muscled and his dark skin shone against the vivid red silk of his dress shirt.He had on black pants, a thin leather Gucci belt, and matching shoes.His ebony hair curled around his collar and eased some of the harshness from his features but the close cropped beard added a hint of menace.Great, now what?“Brahma,” Thor nodded slightly, “thanks for coming.”Hmph.I knew a little about Brahma.Hindu god of knowledge, four heads, four arms, red skin, thought himself into existence.He gave new meaning to the term I think therefore I am.I counted his head again… still only one and a measly two arms.I was a little disappointed.“Of course,” he nodded back but then dismissed the Viking completely when he spotted me.“You have a human with you?” He pulled out a chair across from us and slid in as he inspected me.“She has power too,” he closed his eyes and breathed deeply then shivered, “delicious power.”Okay, creepy.I stiffened and looked around me, trying to judge the quickest escape route.I had no intention of being this guy's next combo meal.I was keeping my energy, thank you.Before I could bolt, Thor’s hand came off the chair to rest on my shoulder.He rubbed gently, then clamped down on it firmly.I was really starting to worry about his so called protection.“Remember, I gave you a blood oath,” he whispered, “you’ve nothing to fear when I’m with you.”“You gave her blood?” Brahma sat back as his dark eyes rounded [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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